January 21, 1926

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January 21, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… TABLISHED 1890 - of it Av t MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS XXVUTr l . .J.9n X' . twi 11 Y 1. IN O. :1V EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PR T'{ FIVE CENTS 1~TC~14T vAm~ DDT1'1~ GI A 1 r% .I m - 9 V m Aft,@ -m I RER IL GIV E FRANCIS CARTER WOOD OF COLUMBIA RECOGNIZED AS AUTHORITY S VARIED CAREER Cates Moe Research Laborato- s And Greater Financial upport In Fight of Dise-se :blic health aspects of...…

January 21, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY E~&INEEING TOLD I resdent Of Worcester Plytechnic Institute Tells Imprtance, Of rofession FCITES EG1*PtfAN REA'S l Ira N. Hlollis, preidet of Wres-" jter Polytechnic Institute, told fresh- mznah engineers yesterday mrning in ;" their' regtaar class meeting that the en01nering profession is of vast im- port nce to ,the country. In comenting _on the value of th- engineer's work to the: nation, here- ferred to the engine...…

January 21, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGEl _ . ,_ _... __ ... LEY SEES NEED Passenger Air Service From England To CrffrTTf Continent Described By Former Students Il iii ...rr...... :r IILI I'L J I I I ie c;on theyn.-a'ell er. The first !stage of the flight, in! be reached if desired. Fares between any, case, is the sane as with the ; many of the German towns are but trip to Paris. But at Calais the plane'fltl over $10 per person. swings to, the nort...…

January 21, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…{ FOUR Th CHIGAN VALY '1 I1VII l AY . JANUA :. - _____,.__ .... _.W...__ ._ . . . .. _.. . - Published every morning except Monday duringthe Universit ear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of .Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- sitled to the usetfor republication of all news disvatches credited to it or njot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub. tish...…

January 21, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 90) • Page Image 5

…Y* F "1 7, JANUARY 21, 1926 ,I '. MICHANEst 'ATLY rPAGE FIVE - ~ ~ ~ _______________________________ k f (I S 3 f -.,,, b .r c A .. ......... . .. JOMINENT SOCIA e Addamns, Founder Of First Social Settlement Will Speak At University Service 'oi Officershf .kic Miariuii Qcod,'23 cray ;"k . ~ AGuthe To Talk - ~ ~ #At D.A.R. Meeting Carl E Guthe wvill be the speak- ~-K~x ~c ~\:~J{~'"t~f~~ i >Th ,t the January meeting of Sarah ...…

January 21, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

…pwp"w, a PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIIIJ>DAY JANIY J t oo ".... , . w , ' . , _ MIN MARQUETTE HOCKEY 9CAME CALLE of Ojpening Game Tonight Called Off In- definitely Because of Poor Ice Conditions . MEET M.S.C. SATURDAY Tonight's hockey game with Mar- quette, which was slbted to open the season for the Wolverine ice team, has been definitely called off as a result of the poor condition of the ice at the Coliseum. The opening g...…

January 21, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 90) • Page Image 7

…_ .. ,.~ .v .. { 1 M IGAN\4 -DAt LY -s His Blood PAGE; L'VN I :XK eL .Y ! L -'Si-e -._ '- r ... 1. - .. 3. I 'Y viK-' f' AT P - NoteboohP llJ C0iC'\A. 3~ '~~v '2.i ,'_03 .' Textbook, Psycoi y V) i' ;ui~Cu oo~U Vdn *Call 'Burg ".< z .i~-~ 3 , 3 ~ \ ,3 nestions askc4. _ ~ 4c~r o) cr -Sterling sihr cgyc a e rro- ~iu -'w pict3ure on r.d Aoljc''n it basket bW an-.(iH ~ "N',D lx~i ;.~ Valuable asgitolj .Id3I)it0Lt'0r2 A 1. -On Packa r. r33 ~...…

January 21, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 90) • Page Image 8

…1- -' _._ s:- * -. ..,THE MICHIGAN DAILY TH-URSDj Demands Inquiry LOCAL EVENTS For notices not otherwise mentioned j The Daily. Items will be published 4o two successive days only. Copy ntist be submitted to the Local Events Editor by 4 P. M. PHRE LCLIPSE% EFFECTS ENVELOP ENTIRE EARTHI r5 nw i wrr w wwr.. s .iw ... irw rr ri w rr u.r . wiw.n.w 1 THIURSDAY G~enerail Comedy club picture 12:20 o'clock at Dey's. Religious Christian Scie...…

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