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January 21, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-21

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Cates Moe Research Laborato-
s And Greater Financial
upport In Fight of Dise-se
:blic health aspects of cancer in
on to diagnosis, prevention, and
vent" will be the subject of the
e to be given by Dr. Francis
r Wood, director of the institu-
or cancer research at Columbia
rsity, at 8 o'clock tonight ini
al Science auditorium. The ad-
is being held under the auspices
ens, honorary junior medical so-


Dawes, Ire Roused ByDebates
StIn Senate, Wrecks Speakers'
Stand in Cloture Rule Appeal



(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. - Vic(
President Charles G. Dawes, no long
er amused at continuous debate I
the Senate to delay a decision on th
World Court question, has resume,
his fight for revision of the rules t
curb extraneous discussion.
After sitting for hours in the Sen
ate yesterday listening to opponent
3of American adherence to the cour
deliver speeches and read a magazin
article written in 1893, Mr. Dawes' ex
asperation led him to a radio micro
phone to broadcast anew his protes
against such tactics.
He spoke with so much vigor at time
that the microphone, not attuned t(
such vehemence, sent forth onli
squawky vibrations. . Although un
seen by his audience, Mr. Dawes fel
impelled to emphasize his remark:
with powerful gestures. As a resul
the speaking stand he used was al
most shattered by raps from his fists
The stand had been constructed es.
pecially for President Coolidge.
The Vice-President's impatience
was not lessened by the fact that
leaders of both sides in the court fight
are conducting negotiations to set a
date for a vote on the adherence reso-
lution. The main point of difference
is whether the vote shall precede or
follow consideration of the tax reduc-
tion bill.
An article written 33 years ago by
Andrew Carnegie and which Senator
James A. Reed (Dem.) Missouri,
caused to read into the record was re-


ferred to by Mr. Dawes in his radio
speech, whiclr was heard by alumni
of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology at dinners in 67 cities.
The reading consumed an hour and a
half, "and this prompted me," the Vice-
President said, "to bring the question
of the failure of the Senate rules to
your attention." He had prepared the
usual alumni address, but changed to
his pet subject at the last moment.



Is Neair Death





Rapids Woman Gives Large
Of Estate To University For
Historical Research

"Scientific Skeptic"
ecognized as one of the leaders it
field of cancer research today; Dr
d is kgnown to have an attitude -o
Athy scientific scepticism" and if
rded as a conservative in the mat
of accepting new conclusions it
er work. He has only recently
rned from Europe where he made
.nvestigation of the data of Gye
Barnard, Blair Bell and his lead
and Regaud's radium work.
s attitude on cancer control has
expressed by him as follows:
things are needed in this coun-
more research laboratories to
nce the knowledge of cancer and
financial support from the peo-
of the United States, for the edu-
nal work carried on by the Amer-
Society for Control of Cancer;
der to enable the society to ac-
lish its aim of giving 'everyone
his country information that is
,dy available concerning the cor-
treatment of cancer. The public
subscribe millions to take. care
few people shaken from their
a by an earthquake or flooded out
Le rise of a river, and yet sit idly
hile 110,000 people annually die
disease not infrequently prevent-
and often curable."
Wood has been pathologist at
uke's hospital in New York city
8 years. In 1912, after Columbia
rsity was the recipient of $1,500,-
for cancer research, Dr. Wood
selected as director of the insti-
a.. As St. Luke's hospital and the
r institute are close together, he
able to continue his interest in
al medicine, having for years
attending physician to the hos-


Heads Big Clinic
7r. Wood directs an elaborate -ra-
-therapeutic department in St.
re's hospital. More than 1,000 new
es of cancer are treated each year
the department. Thus he com-+
es the experience of a life long
uaintance with human cancer from
viewpoint of clinician, pahtol-,
st, and radio-therapeutist with the
ical and analytic viewpoint of the
arch worker. A great share of his
e at present is being spent in .x-
.ning, on an extensive scale, con-
sions which other research work-
have advanced.(
[e is the present editor of theI
rnal of Cancer Research and vice-
sident of the American Society for
trol of Cancer. He has written.
well known books, "Clinical Diag-
is" and "Chemical and Microscopi-
Diagnosis" and has been the edi-
of the noted text book on pathol-
written by the late Drs. Delafield
liars, Barker
Present Papers
rof. Roy W. Sellars of the philos-
y department and Prof. Earnest
Barker of the physics departmentt
e papers at the January meeting
he Research club held last night
he new Medical building.
rofessor Sellars discussed "Con-
ping Values" and Professor Bark-
spoke on "The Michigan Diffrac-
AGDAD, Iraq.-The house of rep-
mtatives ratified the treaty be-
en Great Britain and Iraq by which
British mandate is extended to a
:imum of 25 years.

President Of Detroit-Edison Appears
On School Of Religion Lecture
Series Program
"Business Ethics" is the subject up-
. on which Alexander Dow, president
of the Detroit Edison company, will
discuss in h'is lecture at 4:15 o'clock
today in Natural Science auditorium.
Mr." Dow will speak under the aus-
pices of the School of Religion, his
lecture comprising the seventh 'num-
ber of a series offered during the pres-
ent semester.
The speaker has spent many years
in the business, and is now general
manager as well as president of the
Detroit Edison company. For three
years following 1893 Mr. Dow acted
as chief electrical engineer to the city
of Detroit, and a few years later be-
came water commissioner to that mu-
nicipality. The degree of honorary
Master of Engineering was conferred
upnhim by the University in 1911.
M Dr.Dow is a member of the British
Institute of Electrical engineers, the
American Society of Civil Engineers,
and the American Institute of Elec-
[trical Engineers. Mr. Dow will treat
the moral problems facing the busi-
ness man of today in the his various
professional associations.
These lectures have been arranged
[in connection with Prof. Kirsopp
Lake's seminar in the moral issues of
modern life, with the aim of bring-
ing prominent men in the various bus-
mess and professional fields to Ann
Arbor that they may discuss the moral
problems peculiar to their fields. Fol-
lowing the lecture, the audience will
be given an opportunity to discuss
with the speaker the problems sug-
gested by the lecture. The questions
suggested by the speaker will later
be discussed in detail by members of
Professor Lake's seminar.
Announce Change
In Physics Course
p Announcement hsmade by the
physics department that physics 120,
with X-ray equipment and apparatus,
will be given during the coming se-
mester i1 cooperation with the depart-
ment of roentgenology of the Medi-
cal school.
Dr. E. A. Pohle of the department
of roentgenology and Prof. G. A. Lind-.
say of the physics department will
conduct the course jointly. Labora-
tory work in the course will be car-
ried on partly in the new physics
building and partly in University hos-
This will provide opportunity fort
physics students to familiarize them-
selves with X-ray apparatus and ac-1
cessories both as used in physical re-
search and therapy. The course is

Provision was made for funds to
t establish two new scholarships at the
t University in the will of Mrs. Caroline
z P. Campbell, of Grand Rapids, who
died Jan. 6. Word has been received
by University authorities from the
r Michigan Trust company, stating that
a large portion of the estate, the value
of which is estimated to be between
$50,000 and $60,000, will be used as
, a foundation for this purpose.
The two scholarships for which pro-
visions were made, will be for original
. research in the history of the North-
west territory. One of the scholar-
ships is to be known as the "Isaac
E. Craig, Founder of the Michigan
Public School System, Scholarship
Fund"; the other will be called the
"John D. Pierce, Organizer and First
Superintendent of the Michigan Pub-
lic School System, Scholarship Fund".
Except for a few small legacies
amounting to approximately $4,600,
the entire estate will be turned over
to the University and the net income
will be used for the scholarships.
The will also provided for the gift
of the laws books of the late James
H. Campbell to the law department
of the University. The set is said to
be large, and valuable.
Mrs. Campbell, who was particular-
ly interested in the history of the
Northwest territory and of Michigan,
had in her estate many manuscripts
pertaining to this subject. These will
become the property of the Univer-
sity library. The most important of
these manuscripts are contained in
the Lucius Lyon collection.
Will Discuss
Philosophy Of
Tolstoy Today
Tolstoy's philosophies will be the
subject of Dr. F. S. Onderdonk's pic-
ture dialogue to be given under the
auspices of the newly organized Tol-
stoy league at 4:15 o'clock this after-
noon in Alumni Memorial hall. This
is the first public gathering held by
this society, which is founded to make
a thorough study of the works of the
Russian writer.
Dr. Onderdonk is on the architec-
tural college faculty. He has been
instrumental in founding the Tolstoy
league at the University, and recently
attracted attention by anti-militaristic
speeches. Since his return from
Vienna, where he was a student
throughout the war he has been lec-
turing on a number of subjects in
many cities in thiscountry. He is a.
student and admirer of the life and
work of Tolstoy, and has entitled his
lecture of this afternoon "Is Life
Worth While", because .he believes
that there may be found in that writ-
er's work an answer to every prob-
lem confronting modern civilization.
"Tolstoy," he has said, "is the prophet
God has sent to the present age. He
is not merely an author of interesting
fiction, but his books are valuable
treatises on such subjects as war and
peace, religion, ethics and sex. Tol-
stoy was not a Bolshevist, but he was
a progressive thinker who worked to
bring enlightened thought to Russia
and southern Europe."
The dialogue will consist of a ser-
ies of pictures chosen from a collec-
tion of more than 1000, gathered by
Dr. Onderdonk during his stay in

Coolidge Expresses Hope For Earl
Adjustment As He Accepts
Letters Of Credence
(By Associated Press)
WASHING'TON, Jan. 20.-Henry B
renger, the new Fench ambassado
told President Codlidge today tha
"France is rea 1ved to settle the debt
contracted forfense as promtly an
as fully as present and futur
possibilities allow."
Presenting letters of credenc
to the presiden the ambassador said
"with especial regard to the financia
settlement of the obligations contract.
ed in connection with the'late war
France again declares herself true
I to the principals of the sancity of in
ternational contracts.
"Even in the midst of the diflicul
ties of restoration which the ravage
of the late invasion still cause her
France is resolved to settle the debts
contracted for her defense and fo
that of civilization, as promptly an
as fully as her present and future
possibilities will allow.
"France knows that the economic
world cannot be brought back intc
equilibrium unless every one in the
world meets internal and external ob-
ligations by a strict restoration of
credit and of confidence.
"We are convinced that the tra
ditional friendship of the United
States will make easier for France a
progressive and orderly liquidation of
the obligations bequeathed to her by
the last war."
In accepting the letters of credence,
President Coolidge took occasion in
his reply to thg ambassador's re-
marks to say it wtshis "honest hope
that a fair and honorable adjustment"
of the Franco-American war debt "will
be reached in the near future.
"There should be no insurmountable
difficulty in arriving at such an ad-
justment", the president said, "since
you have only reiterated the fidelity
of your government to the sancitytof
contract and since you know the
spirit of loyal friendship in which
the American debt funding commis-
sion is prepared to discuss the mat-
J-Hop To Have
Orchestras Of
With thrree nationally known or-
chestras playing the entire evening,
the music for thes1927 J-Hop to be
held Feb. 5 promises to exceed that
of any previous Hop, members of the
committee state. Ray Miller with his
musicians and Zez Confrey with his
12-piece organization will both play
In Waterman gym, while the Royal
Canadians will furnish thetmusic in
Barbour gym.
Miller and his orchestra are exclu-
sive Brunswick recording artists. Mil-
ler has directed the orchestras for
the Princeton prom and for both the
Law club party and the junior prom
at Yale. His organizations have
played also at Amherst, Columbia,
Harvard and Williams colleges.
The Royal Canadians broadcast
three times a week from the Music
Box in Cleveland, and are heard lo-
cally often, radio fans state.
Zez Confrey, one of America's prom-
inent novelty pianists, will lead his
Victor recording orchestra of 12
pieces at the opposite side of the gym
from Ray Miller's organization. The
leader himself is known for his fam-
ous "Kitten on the Keys"; among his.
other compositions are "Stumbling",
"Dizzy Fingers", and "Coaxing the
Piano". Although this orchestra is
now under contract with the Victor
Talking Machine company, Mr. 'Con-
frey himself also composes for the
Q. t. S. Player Roll company of Chi-
Organizations having booths at the
affair are advised that furniture may
be placed in the booths between 10
and 3 o'clock on the day of the Hop.
Both gyms will be closed after 3


Siumarizcs Essential Features
Pact With Great Britain
Signed In 1921

Expressing perfect assurance that3
Ireland "has finally come into her
own," Prof. Timothy A. Smiddy, min-
ister plenipotentiary to the United,
States from the Irish Free State, in an Desire Mercier
address yesterday afternoon in New- , BRUSSELS, Jan. 20.-Though his
berry Hall auditorium continued by recovery is deemed well nigh hope-
saying that he believes that "she has less, Cardinal Mercier continues to
the will to make good and by so doing display unusual resistance to the,
she hopes not only to better herself ravages of disease, surprising the at-
but also to make her contribution to tending physicians by the manner Pi
world peace and to humanity. which he has withstood pain, lack of
After a short sketch of Ireland in nourishment and recurring heart at-
the 19th ecentury and of the events tacks.
that immediately led to the 'signing The cardinal looks forward to a
of the treaty between Great Britain visit tomorrow from Lord Halifax,
I and Ireland in December, 1921, the president of the English church union,
mipister of the Irish Free State brief- with whom he- has been associated in
ly summarized the essential features I the attempt to bring about the union
of the treaty and the constitution of of the churches. Another visitor
the Irish Free State. He dwelt in whom he awaits with deepest interest
some length on the implications of is Crown Prince Leopold, who is re-
the status of co-equality and of the I turning to Brussels tomorrow after
fact that they were virtually full- ! an extended absence.
fledged nations, equal partners, and
that their ministers stood in a rela-
tionship of parity to one another.
"In all matters concerning her own
internal life," Professor Smiddy con-
tinued, "concerning also her econom- ,
ic development, her finance, he-r edu- D P O IS~ f'
cation, her cultural and the ordering
i of her social life she is as free as the Tax Measure Laid Before Legislature
United States. She is competent to' T In Midst Of Debate On
make treaties in civil and commercial Woirld Court
matters through her own accredited
agents with foreign powers.'FP
"She has her representative in the LONG FIGHT' PROMISED
League of Nations and has an inde-
pendent vote in the deliberations of (By Associated Press)
its assembly; she has a minister WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-With the
plenipotentiary, with all the powers opposition promising "a long fight"
that attach thereto, accredited to your
worthy President at Washington. The the compromise tax reduction bill
exact position of the nations forming ; drafted by the Senate finance com-
the British Commonwealth of Nations mittee was laid before the Senate to-
with regard to many aspects of the day in the midst of the World court
problems of peace and war is, like the debate.
British constitution itself, undefined
and awaits determination like it by Chairman Smoot, Republican, of the
the processes of growth and evolution. committee told the Senate he would
But one aspect thereof is defined in call up the bill at "an early date" but
the constitution of the Irish Free would not ask for its consideration
State. Article 49 states: 'Save in the before Monday and if an agreement
case of actual invasion, the Irish Free is reached meanwhile fixing a date
State shall not be committed in any not too far in the future for a vote
war without the assent of the parlia- on the World Court, he would be will-
ment.' The British Commonwealth ing to wait until that had been taken.
of Ntios i vitualy a lose on- Announcing opposition to the bill's
ofd Nations is virtually a loose con- provision for repeal of the inheritance
which binds them is simply a regis- tax "as well as many other of is
tering body, and the King, as has been provisions", Senator Norris, Republi-i
stated, is an 'hereditary president.' can, Nebraska, author of the income1
Professor Smiddy described te tax publicity provision in the present
finacia poitin o th Irsh reeI law whichm the bill would repeal, de-
State and the methods adopted by its lared there would be "a fight,-a long
government to promote its economic fight" on tlese sections of the bill.
development. "Its actuating princi-I Hoping to prevent delay in.final,
ple," he said, "is conservatism whichI passage of the bill, so that tax reduc-
is worthy of the best traditions of the L ion might be taken advantage of byrtsteauyIthshemletMrc15wenfstioetxI-
British treasury.st hadh smle arch 15, whien first income tax in-
national debt per capita in Europe;Ii stallments are due, proponents of the
is a creditor nation and hasriopfor- measure asserted today they would
eign debt other than a payment of a like to have the World Court voted
sum of 250,000 pounds sterling per on immediately so that opponents of
year to Great Britain for a period of this proposal could not use the taxI
65 years in accordance with' the re- bill for postponing a vote on adhesion
cent agreement with fa +n to th I to the court.



Shows Need Of Correlating Courses
And Finding Common Factors
To Aid Memory
"Research must be present in re-
lation to a general currioulum but it
cannot be the sole criterion of judg-
ment for educational work," said
President Clarence Cook Little in an,
address given yesterday before stu-
dents of the School of Education.
"Research is similar to electricity,"
Dr. Little said, "a small amount vita-
lizes but too great a dose paralyzes
and murders. For an example, too
much of Dickens cannot be assimi-
lated by the immature mind o the
high school student, but a little is
He emphasized the fact that caution
is needed to get just the proper
amount of research in teaching. It
is necessary to have enough to pro-
E vide a standard for the course but
"many schools are suffering from too
much research in scholastic wprk.
There is such a thing as too great
conservatism due to too great pres-
sure in research."
Discusses Friendship
Dr. Little's second point was in re-
gard to the +relation of friendship and
fear in the classroom. Many profes-
sors conduct courses by a "rule of
fear, by first, telling the students
what must be done; second, detecting
those who fail to do it; third, firing
them out of the course."
Dr. Little contends that "unless we
learn that the mind is fully as import-
ant as the method, we are going to be
in a bad fix. We only Tequire that
the student have a certain number of
tools in his knapsack and not that he
knows how to use them. We have to
determine the second factor. At.
present our system is resting on a
narrow point of scholastic attainment.
We will have to change It so that the
point will go up and down a little
and balance with the human side."
"The same is true in religion but
the religious reaction has come sooner
because education can' jam its ma-
chine-made force into the people for
five and a half days a week, whereas
religion has only one day. But exactly
the same situation is present in
"The philosophy of friendship will
do more than the laying down of
rules. If you live by rule and fear
alone, where comes the move toward
S"Teach not by the right of eminent
domain but by the right of superior
understanding of the problems of the
iindividual student. Friendship rather
than fear must be the basis of perma-
nent building'. A fairly safe guide in
facing situations and a habit that you
can develop is to first, look for and
find what elements they have in com-
muon; second, what tendencies they
have to correlate, and unify them.
Facts alone mneely cla sified do not
in any way meet the situation. Unless
you try to correlate your college
courses and find something in com-
non between your courses you'll not
remember them."
Reserve Important
The principle of organized reserve
was next discussed by Dr. Little.
"Keepma part of your personality, and
your mentality, unpledged, and a part
of your physical being in reserve," he
With regard to governments, Dr.
Little said that the absolute monarchy

has too much reserve, thereby killing
initiative; a democracy should be bal-
anced but there is a great canger of
emphasizing efficiency for material
profit; communism might be balanced
but it is apt to allow disintegration
of organized reserve; in an anarchy
there is no organized reserve,-the
government is entirely turned over to
the whims of the people.
"The more you use your organized
reserve intelligently and pptimisti-
cally," - Dr. Little concluded, "the
more it will develop."
BRUSSELS.--The council of minis-
ters approved the bill prepared by
Finance Minister Janssen, providing
for the consolidation of 2,000,000
francs of the floating debt.


ululreferenceLo te
boundary question of Northeast Ire-
land which she will likely capitalize by
a cash payment of $5,000,000 pounds
by an internal loan. Her resources{
enable her to accomplish this payment!
because her citizens have invested in
foreign securities, half of which are
in British government securites, of
1$1,000,000,000 from whch she receives
annually between 50 and 55 million
Sees National Unity
"The settlement of the boundary
question with the government of
Northeastern Ireland paves the way
for the ultimate unity of Ireland based
on community of national sentiment
and mutual self-interest.
"Ireland's relations with Great
Britain since the signing of the treaty
have been the best, and Great Britain
honoured her word in letter and in'
spirit. Mr. Cosgrave, the wise states-
man that he is, recently stated in the
Dail, 'The Irish have learned one les-
. son from the British and that is to
honor their bond.' The minister of
external affairs, Mr. Desmond Fitz-
gerald, on the same occasion asserted,
'I and the other members of the gov-
ernment accept the treaty literally
$adinl 4ntn' "

President Clarence Cook Little will
speak on the subject of "Cancer" in
connection with the radio program of
the Detroit Free Press radio station
WCX, at 6:30 o'clock tonight. He will
discuss cancer as a problem of bio-
logical rather than medical research.
Ingram And Naval
Authorities Mee
ANNAPOLIS, Jan. 20 Offcial corn-
ment was declined tonight concerning.
the visit here today of William, H.
"Navy Bill" Ingram, Indiana univer-.
sity football coach.
Since Jack Owsley relinquished the.
football reins at the Naval .academy
last fall various names have been
mentioned for the post, and "Navy
Bill" Ingram's has been among the
t number. Both he and Naval academy
athletic authorities previously have
! ( denid howpvpr that ur lpi fd~ivtP n i, tn




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