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January 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…e i:. of Al. Wlailp. o. '---No. 7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. 0. H. S. Alumni. The Annual exercises and reunion Sthe betr.. ofsesetroit High School Alumni SJaon, of Ietroit, take place sa 1 uary 30th, and will be un- ly good this year. They in- cude public literary exercises at 4 lhhat the D etroit Opera House at Clubs ith . of M. Glee and Banjo Cl will appear, and a reception P. uI. in the Light I...…

January 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…'Pu TH THE U. OF M. DAILY. - M of . ( at . T"gy,"are concerned, the lo~atioti( Q T Tnl l 'P is imaterial, and theY are declar- GREAT F1I JAf i~11CI\I $ALF ig that the offer shoulsd be accepted WE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS blshed tinily (Sundays excepted) duringM at once. The authorities caslflbe Offer five tons of paper of all kinds to lie sold by the pounid at regular the cotilee et-, byt (slepenhledttlponi, towever, to dlo what \1Lill rat...…

January 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…THE U_ OlF M.DAILY 1-"4 OFF SL 25 PER CENT SAVED, OVcpgOA$ AUD $UWU -&T ONE-FQ J0T.TR QIKEX.F ALL (GLOVES. ALLE U NI)ERWEAR Attend this Sate, for a few days only. Come at ontce, (loo't delay. AT THE TWO SAMS. Of Old U. of M. skould have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin iiiid Guitar Strings, 10 ets.; Banjo asnd Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. Everything in pIroportions. L. 11.Cl...…

January 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…TIA4F I T ' D IY DINING, AND) LUNCH ROO 0M, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, '2_.3'0 per week. Luniches at all lhours. Oysters in every style. Fine line of Conifections,(Cigars, tc. NEW BOOK STORES, NOBLE, The Clothier, - S O F .I:S p e c i a l V a l u e s U n d e v w e c lP BLACK UNDJERWEAII AT $1t.50, x2)00AND $3o.00 ?~j" ji',9 J j 1 BARGCAINS IN UND)ERIWEAII AT ,!)cyl3 A- 6 Soulh Maul Street. 44 South~ Stat Street, UNiIXLRSIIXT L'Y...…

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