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February 02, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…1£.,W 41 ti Weather Today and Tomorrow: Clou chance of snow; high in 30 dy, s One hundred four years of editorial freedom Thursday February 2, 1995 lot' .' a a' s a > s>: Y M#' .' set to release code case recordings By Ronnie Giassberg Daily Staff Reporter The University will release copies of the official recording from Rackham student Melanie Welch's code hearing to the public, despite objections raised by Judicial Advisor Mary Lou An...…

March 02, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…it r an :4rn~ Weather Tonight: Partly cloudy, low 10°. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy, high around 30% Thursday March 2, 1995 One hundred four years of editorial freedom .'U' researcher: Fruit pectin may stop prostate cancer By visa Ponis For the Daily Two researchers, including one from the University, have discovered that citrus pectin has the potential to arrest the spread of pros- tate cancer, the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Americ...…

August 02, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…Wednesday One hundred four years of editorialfreedom August 2, 1995 ummer Neekly esidents lash out over teen's shooting James Elworth Stewart was killed in a shooting that shootout. Witnesses reported that as ily Staff Reporter took place shortly before I1 p.m. on Sat- many as 50 rounds were fired in the Ann Arbor residents and police met urday at the intersection of Hemlock and shooting. Another victim was shot in the a standing-room-only f...…

October 02, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…v I * , ,_f *t ~ might: Mostly cloudy, low low 50s. amorrow: Rain likely in fternoon, high 65% One hundredfve years of editoraidfreedom Monday October 2, 1995 louse coi*ttee approves cutting direct student loans Senate committee has already approved plan to save more than $10 billion through various cuts y Ronnie lassberg aily Staff Reporter The House Economic and Educa- onal Opportunities Committee ap- roved a plan Thursday that wou...…

November 02, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Periods of rain, low about 50% Tomorrow: Cloudy, chance or rain, high around 45-. 46F 41W it t Itm tti One hundredflve years of editorialfreedom Thursday November 2, 1995 11 v Vol. cvly Noo 75 u x IA I Midterm Madness My project is due... Bosnian peace negotiations start in Ohio NOPPORN KICHANANTHA/ Daily Cram session: Jennifer Maigret, a graduate student in biology, prepares for a systematic botany midterm. I have a...…

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