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March 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…I -Ak It I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1922 ° --- _. I,, STUDENTS TO TOURSPAIN 1I DEM . N CALL Trip During Summer Months Led By Prof. Wagner Planned Prof. C. P. Wagner, of the Spanish faculty, is to be in charge of a party which is to make an extensive tour of Spain this summer. The trip is planned primarily for, those who wish to avail themselves of the eleventh annual summer school to be held in Madrid under the au...…

March 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…in f.dt el to l "" Michigan, the alums strength. adds lasting who should, >wer to that bond. It is ad frequently, do, add this Big Reductions! On All "M" Books at the use for niot otherwise therein. ins as second ynard Street. s, if signed, the sg- s an evidence of faith, he Daily at the discre- Daily office. Unsigned i.N!o manuscript will le sentiments expressed AFF ....BREWST4R P. CAMPBELL ...........Joseph A. Bernstein ............…

March 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…1Vext TZive Year s eat possibilities exist for future' ,usou in Ann Arbor, according to .Cole, contractor. More than 50 es are in the process of construc- already this year, while as many ihave been recently completed. e southeast section' of town has the greatest advance in this latest nption of building, but other sec- particularly those near the cam- will "be likely to undergo consid- le change in the near future. addition to the University...…

March 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

… r- '. . '' _4 Body Herrera to Speak Tonight ,troit, was G. D. Herrera, of the Spanish de- igan State partment, will lecture in English on recent an- "Colombia" before the La Sociedad ization in Hispanica at 7:15 o'clock tonight in is a. mem- Tappan hall. The lecture,- which is n of Mac- open to the public, will be followed by Detroit. a regular meeting of the society. illllll lll llil1111111l1I ll II 1l 1 l 11111111111lilii Cigarettes a...…

March 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 108) • Page Image 5

…higan >ud of such As a track itly among io. As a :t from all service to re not only Sing a peer Ling which more, -and )ect of the alumni and e, Steve Farrell can boast of a rful record as a track coach, fsn't of the boasting kind. Mod- s one of his marked character- and no matter how great a team us out, nor how marvelous an e he develops, Steve always ains that certain silent reserve, ty. Sterling qualities are those hais man, Steve, posses...…

March 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 108) • Page Image 6

…Ut Engineers Leaves r Sumn Davis, summer training r surveying students, will be y the first party of students on Saturday, June 3, accord- of. C. T. Johnston, director rp, and head of the geodesy ying department of the Col- igineering. ther "years, the students at- lie summer camp will be di- two groups. The first group Ann Arbor on Friday, June rrive in camp the next day, complete their work on Fri- 28. Since this group will a Arbor just be...…

March 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 108) • Page Image 7

…cnoruses will practice at 4 o'clock to- day and group 2 instead of group 1 will practice at 5 o'clock. or statistical tabies, and in the liter- lowships in s h are offered n's Educationa of Boston, toS orough prepan he fellowshipsc Clerical assist ,veling expense -estigation are rtment of rese a college of in economic isfactory refer Lth, character, or social-econ rements for all ary presentation of the results of the investigation. All fel...…

March 02, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 108) • Page Image 8

…Saturdays.) Number log 'J know Your Alumni (By Courtesy of Chiti es) I Sp. M. (11:30 a. m Y, MARCH 2, 1922 eeting of the Regents held Feb. 24, the following resolution was d, That beginning with June 30, 1922, the Secretary be author- cted to carry over to the credit of the departments in each suc- the' net unexpended balances in the current expense and equip- ts. of the several University Departments." S. W. SMITH, Secretary. { ory Comm...…

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