May 19, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 161) • Page Image 1
…Vol. XXL .;,: ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY ig, siuo.~ No, 16it TlILSTANI~l Y WILLI READ TIWO> PREP MEET TbA Sl PIRS BEFORE CONGRESS. TO BEHELDTODAY Prof. and Mrs. Stanley left foe at trip TO E ; EL aroa ystrdlay motrnintg andi will sail ________ fromnsQuebeIc thtis week. 'The iprimtary purpossse of isI r. Stantey's sojourn is .to Over 200 Entries Representing attendtlhe congress of the internsatisnal 23 Schools Have Been dosnsthse-last ...…