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March 19, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

… z 1wp4b a~t SWARER TODAY PRESS DAY ANl) NIGHT I ' SERVICE VOL. XXX. No. 12l. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920. PRICE SENATE SUPPORTS SELFGOVERNENT CL9TMS OF IRISH BREAKS LOOSE FROM CONTROL OF REPUBLICAN LEAD- ERS DEMOCRATIC SENATORS SUPPORT RESERVATION Final Form of Resolution of Ratifica- tion Prepared; vote Planned Today (By Associated Press) Washington, March 18.-Proceeding under forced draft to reaTh a final ratifi...…

March 19, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…1V11L[-11VHiV L u Lail 14 4j1 ICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hed every morning except Monday during the Univer- iy the Board in Control of Student Publications. . MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for on of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise this paper and the local news published therein. d at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second iption by carr...…

March 19, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…_______THE MICHIGAN DAILY "M '. r ai. .. ,. - ,. " -' " "'s -. . . ".. ._ ..: . <. " V . . .. .. ., . ..., s ., .. r .. ,. ,, .,, " ..." e ,,. .., ,. ,. , ., y". ti i _ _ 00T HS1 1 ISants In 440 and Half Mile Wll 'ight for Places in Finals Saturday six -MIUHIC1AN RBNI Fl1 [U ENTE~R PUJLINAtI Johnson and Beardsleyt 440 yard dash-~--Butler, Meese, Wetzel, .and Hardell. Half mile Vun-IBurkholder and Lukins. Mils run-Earle and Maynard. Two...…

March 19, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ._____________r____ r JEW VELERS of - and Service Liberty St. bor, Mich, ANN ARBOR CHOP SUEY Excellent CHOP SUEY frofth 11:30 a. M .to midnight Steaks and Chops, 314 S. gate Ann .A ICIOUSAND [EZFRESHING Quenchca Thzt- Touches thc Spot :=A-COLA Co LAN TA, GA. /; r I,--. CLOCKS ORDERED I FOR 9 BUILDINGS Clocks are soon to be placed in a few of the buildings which are too far removed from the University clock for th...…

March 19, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 121) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY director of the mu- ~id F. M. &aige, cur- n the museum comn- University expedi-E They will leave for Santa Marta moun- l to continue a study the region as begun lition in 1913, and to eographical relation and the region, and hilcal relation of. the nge to the eastern 's. ndian Guides will sail from. New Jamaica to Panama, ithven says the only LL LIFE IN COLOMBIA ally unexplored by white men, and is inhabited by a mixed bre...…

March 19, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 121) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Daily, the only morn- the latest Campus, City and World n Arbor, contains all News.-Adv. ' W EE AN 1for Sp HATSr - II~ CAP (2r ing ae Her r mrID Co INDOOR WORK NEARS DATE OF SOT THERN APPROACHES END ' RIP AS adha 901I~LSDSLU NOSREN'S MEN TO, 6O OUTDOORS NETWEEK OUR IDEA OF Ab KODAK PICTURE have always had the idea that every Kodak User wants the ,sible results.. So instead of rushing films and prints througlf dop...…

March 19, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 121) • Page Image 7

…Pie Screen . 7:00, 8:. uu SATURDAY Lila Lee in se of the River" Thurs-Fri-18-19-Monroe Salisbury in "His Divorced Wife" with a news and comedy. COMING Norma Talmadge in "She Loves and Lies." Olive Thomas in "Footlights and Shadows." III THEATRE i-Sat-19-20-Zazu Pitts in "Seeing It Through" also news weekly and comedy. H UBERT AL JOLSON in BETROI "SINA -- G a rrickDetroit I NothingBut "LOVE" Homi nimu imniumIr COMING Locklear in "The...…

March 19, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 121) • Page Image 8

…it "WU1iu V1 FRIDAY :00--Board of directors of Zionist so- ciety meets in tane hall. :30-Rifle club meets in room 445, Engineering building. :30-Polonia Literary circle meets in Lane hall. :30 - Committee of "48" meets in board room, Lane hall, to organize campus club. :30-Soeial evening for all Disciple students at the church on South Un- iversity avenue. :30-Phi Sigma society meets in room P 173, Natural Science building. :30 -. Alpha Nu D...…

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