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May 18, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…ijc t . of LU . W1ai p. Vol'. I.--No. 1,59. THE FIFTH VICTORY. The U. of M, Bats out 15 Runs and Northwestern Scores 3. The batters of the'N orthwesterni Universit nine r eeutter1ly unable to find Robinson, in the game on Saturday. Three hits are credited to themt lit oiili one of these was it clean one, and it was a single. McGinnis, the lilred itclher of the N. Wv. xU.-saspoundsied nil liner the field. 'Twenty hits were made off hIs ileliver...…

May 18, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…Pi TI THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,~( ~ e~ilan all. C1EAT $TATIOflC1RY SALE. Ie lire slitterian(Coiincil nieets abisniItil (enlas sspsi ts~~ t terot hs ec, itl he0 thaWE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS ine Colle easrisbtos0(lfer lire tons of papier of all kinds to be sol by tthe pound at regular Linof MMi llain tall is to lie iiiaule 'till rates. Try our Crown Iperial Linen at 25 cents pier HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION y apr ftepoedns e.( a1at 1tt...…

May 18, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M4. DAILY OUTING 01? NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Yiou are no (doubt interested ini the above line, and as we have made themi a (veial study, wish yoa would val and see whiat we have.W VIm1o(w we van please voui and save veol monev oitheil. THE TWO SMM IL_ I3I ImZ. Of 01(1 U. of M. Ahould have a Universitcy of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowect, (duality highest. Gucaranteed every inchlofethtie read. Violin aind Guitar Stingc, 10 etc ikBanjeold Mand...…

May 18, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

…s-~~-F i ~l7'M ~F)TT-2, TIME TAS7LF. I'clw t i ll W a(t I N l X it . , 3 1 I1 1 ) F~. F. CLA(RK, Manager 1 I, 1 III.11' IIA'I"'ANiI 111 fll 1AN15, (3101:. 5. 1 0,1.55 . i:,, ~ 10,i.50, 10*2 11ich1111s1.s1 1W . lti 1t' sint1los it I ' 1119.5 and 1.22511rains 111 111111115 Neill 1stop The lAsisby Special'" Ashby," "Oxford," l"Harvard.' TOILET --SUPS \pf~ tuci fwilwwurotwfsheT >111121111i'. 1 I .I 111 1tLE. 11' { Thie .mollle >Soap1.Is it ( ...…

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