May 16, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 162) • Page Image 1
…. uf Ila. 30 " 1e VOL. III.-No. 162d. UNIV\ERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MlAY 16, 1893. PRIaCE, THREE CENTS. WHO WILL HEAD THE LIST? executive board, which shall consist of A BATTLE OF GIANTS. TheSlier up n Ehibtio t three seniors, two juniors, one solpho-I 'TheSilvr Cu onExhiitio tomore, and one8 frestinan. aind they The Game with D. A. C. Tomor- be Contested for at Annual row Promises to be an Inter- rz Field Day.salcitin iloliewiester e...…