March 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 120) • Page Image 1
…I k of 00 2J, iAau F. ) 00 - . _ _. t . . .. ..." ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURRBDAY MARCH 1 .1922 4 t . -" , . . . +.w . . +. w~fsa a~iiws i~y ip(fi - . . . i Character Portrayal Contributes To Success Of Players Club Production "Ui FIRE .,. . PRO2P- [IAN l PERSONS ARE ADE IDLE BY BLAZE rney, Declares to Incend- I~f (By Delbert Clarrk Unusually accurate character por- trayal, good scenic effects, 'and care- ful coaching co...…