October 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 20) • Page Image 1
… ' t - r, - VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICHI., TUESDAY, OCTOBEU 17-, 1900. No. }0. RIP UP 'VARSITY. GOOD GOVERNMENT.CLUB LECTURE .Announcement - COURSE. _______________ Coach Lea is Disgusted With Some of teMnAfwo h tIc h od(oenetcu l- Our special line th1Me-AfewoftheSl e s o rotis'its lec-ture csurse tot' the1 I offrin ad May, Have a Chance ts Sit 015 -aiig;yer. The club bhse securedl offrin adthe Side Lines. somtte at the best meue whossre ...…