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April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…'Y L 44 0k~i tii DPP See Editorial Page URIPPY High-67 Low-49 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI I, No. 156 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 15, 977 Ten Cents Twel I I I 1 1 1 1 111 ll11111 11 I ~ i i 11 11,1 ., ,,. , 1 1 1 1 111 11111 11 1111 111111 11111s 111 ii i 11 10 1 1m l 11M ~ m 1 I I IIIIIIIIIII IIIII III I M I ve Pages i'YUSEE NM RTM CAL' D Y Taxing tales... "Our constitution is in actual operatio...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…Page Two I HE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridoy,.Apri( 15, 1977 Page iwo l1ThMICHI(~AN DAILY Friday, April 1 5, 1977 Use Daily Classifieds + Seized Soviet ship --___.__.__. j I- Let our experienced book buyers offer you our top cash price. Don't wait until Septem- ber to sell. ULRC5 ES Bookstore VI~k 549 E. University. sails without catch BOSTON (A') - A large Soviet States' new 200-mile fishing transport ship sailed back out boundary. to sea T...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…Friday, April 15, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three ( Friday, Apr11 15, 197? THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY DIGEST APRIL 15, 1977 Where House Records and Eastern Michigan University From Wire Service Reports International Zaire gets German aid West Germany joined a grow- ing list of Western nations aid- ing the African nation of Zaire, and said it would ship $2 mil- lion worth of medicine and food. In Bonn, German government spokesman K...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

… All the By KEITH RICHBURG WHEN JOHN F. KENNEDY moved into the in 1961, be brought with him what was deem Mafia." The inner-circle of Lyndon Johnson wE Washington power spheres as "the Texans." Then ard Nixon from the West Coach with his entourage advertising executives. Gerald Ford's hasty ascen Presidency was characterized by an equally h mite House staff, composed. largely of Nixon h Q faces in the Republican party. Then came Ji Carter camp...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 5

…rs & Enter a et THE MICHIGAN DAILY reainFriday, April 15, 1977 Page Five E A P play 'Tambov I exemplary iU RUSH! To get t.ikt to WdlfiamWmndom inThurber II April18, 8pm, Rowe Cente Tickets available at PTP Ticket Office Mendelssohn Theatre Lobby, Mon.-Fri. 10-1 2-5 For Information Call: 764-0450 Tickets also available at all Hudsons rVAMBOURINES TO GLORY, ise Nelson, choreographer, alsot PTP's current offering, calls worked well with the c...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 6

…PageSi THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, April 15, 1977 LOOK AHEAD Order your Summer Daily Nowv Cal 1764-0558 es A eli viits ta gage B-1 views Cartes s Itx rebate ola Do aOer needed I i WtDi B x SECOND ANNWA TRAVEL SUPPLEM Apri 16, 197 DON'T1I ia m Pge a decision on whether to.produce the plane, avoiding such a deci- ;' partmenlt hsSion in an election year. (Contnued lrom Page economy a quick boost. For a administration can reach its ed th...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 7

…t-ridgy, April 15, 1977 Ii IC IVu'.-ri.D^IN Ut'' L..'Tr Poae Seven Recreation on the upsWing at 'U' Language courses: No way around 'em (Continued from Page 1) gyms, two running tracks lay- ered in high quality cork, a swimming pool and a host of specialized rooms designed to whet the appetite of the most exercise-conscious user. But despite the physical ex- pansion and implementation of systems designed to equalize access to playing cou...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 8

…Eight I Ht MICUHI(AN DAILY Friday, April 15, 1977 :.d_.... I _....\\ c I I <9 --r .. _ FOR RENT FALL '77-Modern 2 bedroom apt. on campus. 769-7516. 37C417 GOOD-SIZED ROOM in 5 bdrm. home. 5 min. from campus. $90. 662- 538. , 26C419 3-BEDROOM HOUSE on Walnut St. May-Aug. 1-652-2019. 430419 CHARMING 4 bdrm. House, fur- nished, laundry, attached garage, patio, flower gardens, near campus, grads preferred. $600/mo. 971-6946. 960416 FOR...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 9

…Friday, April 15, 1977 I HE MI(..HI(AN L)AIL'f Page Nine .}... N SAVIG (Continued from Page 8) HELP WANTED TENNIS INSTRUCTORS, head pro, assistant pro and camp positions; good playing and teaching back- grounds, good income and interest- ing work; locations in eight states; call (301) 654-3770, Robert Reade. 0411417 SUMMER - Personal attendants to assist disabled individuals. Hours flexible. Ann Arbor Center for In- dependent Living, 971-...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 10

…'Foxe THE MICHIGAN DAILY triacy, Apra E l f 1 y/ t EAGERNESS HAS RETURNED unnmnnmnwtimjineu,,nIIieimeiininninwueiiimiiiiiii~u - 4. JETT BLACK Friday & Saturday MUGSY M April 21, 22, 23 327 E. Mic VIVO DR INKS LESS T HAN V/2 PRICE Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8-10 p.m. TI 482-7130 .= . . .. . ..._ .... . ...... ..... ,.. . ...,... .° . ,.. . °! _.... . s w i s Selden jouneys west By LISA ALLMENDINGER Whilo the women's tennis tea...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 11

…Friday, April 15, 1977 PISTONS FALL, 138-108 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven i OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 Warriors stay By RICK MADDOCK and Pistons fizzled in the second half! DON MacLACHLAN as they failed to penetrate the pr Special To The Daily Golden State zone and fell be- Ba DETROIT - The Golden State hind 99-84 with 12 minutes to F Warriors rolled over the slug- play. gish Detroit Pistons 138-108, last "They were ...…

April 15, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 156) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve 1 I - LIVI 11..I tjI~/N yl.f1I L.. i y?: 4 a.S .': .; =riday, ^pri i 1:, t ir Rhodes presents 9 per cent tuition e roposal to Regents _. _X 1t .' # , ., , 41} 9 , J _ _ _ ' .,, , < /11 (Continued from Page 1) Health. ALTHOUGH Rhodes' reorgan-j ;zation could cost more to im- lement than it would to keep DPP as it is now, he contends the proposal will strengthen the program. If the Regents vote; to implement Rhodes' sugges- ti...…

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