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April 15, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-04-15

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'Y L



See Editorial Page

See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI I, No. 156 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 15, 977 Ten Cents Twel
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ve Pages

Taxing tales...
"Our constitution is in actual operation. Ev-
erything appears to promise that it will last.
But in this world, nothing is certain but death
and taxes."-Benjamin Franklin, 1789.
"Sit on it. I'm gonna work but I'm not gonna
file. I don't know nothing about that".-Univer-
sity student 'Sonny', 1977.
Yes, Virginia, there is nothing more certain than
the proverbial death and taxes, except, of course,
for the University's annual hike in tuition rates.
Nevertheless we take time out on this 15th day of
April, 1977, to hail those hardy souls who sent their
returns in for scrutiny well before the dreaded
deadline, and solace those who botched up. May
God-and the IRS-have pity on all of you.
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. - Pity poor Walter Skel-
ton. When filling out his tax statement, he check-
ed the box for a joint return, although he and his
wife filed separately. "Silly mistake," Walter ad-
mitted. He also used the wrong tax table in his
computations, and found that he was entitled to a
refund. "That one hurt," Walter said. "When we
got the error straightened out, it cut my refund
down $100." So what's so unusual about Walter's
mistakes? Well, when you're the head of the Ar-
kansqs Revenue Division and the state's top tax
collector, you're not supposed to make boo-boos
like that. "I betcha people who hear about this are
going to be calling me and saying 'Now you know
what it's like," said an embarrassed Walter, Yes,
Walter, we know what it's like. Why don't you try
H & R Block next time?
SACRAME*NTO, CALIF.-As usual, most of Cali-
fornia's 8.6 million income tax returns are res-
plendent in cold, hard figures, efficiently calculat-
ed to the most minute of decimal points. But not
-every Californian this year was content to file
without a dash of humor designed to ameliorate
the exasperation and bitterness of springtime's
most painful ritual. Here's a brief sampling of
what some Californians had to say about their
-"If the government had hired 1,000 devils for
the specific task of inventing a means of torment-
ing humanity, it couldn't have done better than
the monster known as the income tax. Absolute
bandits-especially the California income tax."
-"To whom it may concern. If this was done
correctly, please place a gold star on my return."
-"Hello. Just sending a note along to say that
if -someone wants to check this, go ahead. I am
getting married this coming weekend, and between
a bad case of nerves and one glass of wine, there
could be something wrong with my statement. I
don't think so but . . . cheers!"
-"This is my copy. I must have sent original
to IRS. Sorry, but I am a dumm (sic) blonde at
Need we say more?
Happenings .. .
for the last Friday of the semester will bog-
gle you . . . Go to a rummage sale on the lawn
of Trotter House, 1443 Washtenaw, from 9 a.m. to
6 p.m. . . Guild House, 802 Monroe, offers a noon-
time luncheon presentation, "Masculinity: Fact or
Act?" . . . See one of two showings of the 1976
award-winning "Clio" Commercials, at noon or 7
p.m., Rm. 130 of the Business School . . . Hear
Barry Kroll espouse on "Cognitive Ego-Centrism
in Written Discourse" at 1:30 p.m., School of Edu-
cation. Dean"s Conference Rm. . . . Prof. Ruther-
ford Aris of the University of Minnesota discusses
the difficulties involved in mathematic models at
2 p.m., and recounts his experiences as an engin-
eering educator at 3:30 p.m. Both talks will be in
the Rackham Amphitheater . . . Sherwin Carlquist
speaks on "New Concepts in Ecological Wood Evo-

lution", MLB Lecture Rm. 1, at 4 p.m. . . . The
Dept. of Classical Studies presents a performance:
of Plautus' "'Pseudolus" or "The Birthday Party"',
foyer of Angell Hall, at 8 p.m. . . . See the Gra-
duate Dance Concert in the Dance Building's Stu-
dio Theater A, behind the Central Campus Recrea-
tion Bldg., at 8 p.m. . . . the African Liberation
Support Committee meets at 8:30 p.m. in Room
126 of East Quad . . . and a reminder: this is the
last day the Dept. of Recreational Sports will take
entries for the All-Campus Mile Run. Run over to
the old l.M. Bldg. . . . Have a nice day!
On the inside...
Henry Ford II announces that he will share
the leadership of Ford Motor Co. with two other
executives. Story in the Page 3 Digest . . . Keith
Richburg writes about Jimmy Carter's White
House staff for the Editorial Page . . . Arts page
lists the Hopwood Award winners . . . and our

It's embraced by some, tolerated by others,
and a number of LSA students take it squarely
on the chin. But nothing short of a BGS or trans-
fer will get you a diploma if you haven't learned ,
four semesters' worth of a foreign language.
This is the first installment of a three part
series on foreign lahzguage study at the Univer-
There are three reasons for the long-standing
language requirement, according to the Literary
College Dean Billy Frye. The first is pragmatic
use of "language as a tool" to be used in travels
and studies. Second, language is a discipline and





a unique skill that should be mastered by anyone
seeking a literary degree. Finally, the Dean
explains, it's there to "create a little bit of
humility" among egotistic Americans who tend
to believe that our culture and language are the
only influence in the world.
"YOU WOULDN'T want me to build the cur-
riculum around the get-by students, would you?"
asked Frye.
There may be more "get-by students" on cam-
pus than Dean Frye imagines.
"It takes away from what I really want to
learn," complains sophomore Cheryl Perkins.
She says everything she needs is translated into
English and that "even if I t'ravel, I may not
pick Germany", the home of the language she
HAVING TO take a foreign language is "to-

tally ridiculous," charges Glenda Barker, an
LSA junior. "I resent it," she says, referring to
the amount of time she spends on language
"It's a problem," reports SCO (Student Coun-
seling Office) counselor Andy McGuinness. "If
students come in with language problems, we
ask them, 'Do you really want a BA?"' he says.
If the answer is yes, the student walks down
the hall to talk with a counselor like Norman
Owen who is equally certain that "there is no
way of getting around the requirement."
OWEN SAYS that since "we are not simply
giving people a vocational education" the re-
quirement should be part of "a total liberal arts
But Owen stresses the motivation needed to
study a language. If a student comes to him,
By MICHAEL YELLIN tinuation of Ac
Tentative figures for a tuition
increase of somewhere between DURING ye
8 and 9 per cent were presented discussion sess.
to the Regents yesterday by dent Assembly
Vice President for Academic Coordinator M
Affairs Frank Rhodes. voiced MSA's
"This does npt mean each the Regents pos
student's tuition will increase by dom of Inform
that amount," Rhodes stressed, asked the Boa
"but that the total dollars gen- ruling on the
erated will increase by 8 to 9 Act.
per cent." Taylor saidt
"I EMPHASIZE that these
f i g u r e s are still tentative."
Rhodes continued, "but they un-
doubtedly are quite close to
what the final figures will be
" Rhodes released the fig p O t
turning students time to prepare
for the increase in the fall. MIAMI P)
The Regents will not get an campus politica
exact figure on the increase un- may be over,
til their June meeting, Board the University
members have indicated. threatening act
The Regents meet at 10 this that strikes ch
morning to cast their final votes increased tuiti(
on the future of the Department "You have
for Population Planning (DPP), pushed us aga
and the Procedures for Discon- -Jose Cantiello,

Owen tries to uncover any interest in a particu-
lar language or culture.
The chances are that the student would sign
up for Spanish, the biggest language on campus,
or. French, which runs a close second.
IF THE UNMOTIVATED student elects to
spend four days a week with Spanish TA Enid
Valle, she has to deal with, one more charge who
doesn't want to learn Spanish. "Sometimes it
frustrates the teacher" to have to deal with
captive students, she says.
"We try to introduce new things," Valle says
of her efforts to reach those in the class who
aren't genuinely interested in the language.
"Every student in 101 goes through a period
when he thinks that this strange collection of
sounds was created to frustrate him," observes
See LANGUAGE, Page 7




c a d e m i c Pro-
esterday's - public
ion Michigan Stu-
i c h a e 1 Taylor
discontent with
sition on the Free-
ation Act. Taylor
rd to change its
meaning of the
the Regents' in-

interpretation, which does not
allow students to sit in on all
decisionmaking a n d advisory
boards of the University, was
not in line with the intent of the
law. He urged the Regents to
open membership by students to
all committees in the University.
Concerning the future of DPP,
Rhodes presented the Regents
with his recommendation for the
reorganization of the depart-
ment in the School of Public
See RHODES, Page 12

Miami students
est tuition hike

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Peter Serling inspects one of the rounded glass windows taken from Waterman-Barbour gym. It
and other Waterman-Barbour artifacts went up for sale by the University yesterday as part of the
plan to demolish the gym. The window was selling for $20.
Piece bpiece:eselin
of Waterman-I~arbour

- The age of
al demonstrations
but students at
of Miami are
tion on an issue
ose to home -
more or less
ainst the wall,"
speaker of the

Barbour-Waterman gymnasium
was the site of a somewhat
melancholy rummage sale yes-
The gym, one of the oldest
buildings on campus, is sched-
uled to be torn down in the near
future to make way for a new
addition to the Chemistry De-
partment, and it was decided
by the University Regents to
sell whatever items might be
of value.
ACCORDING to Lynn Dancer,
who was coordinating the clear-
ance, the sale was "meant to
be the type of thing to let peo-
ple buy a piece of the building."
About five to six hundred peo-
ple rummaged through various
memorabilia - which ranged
from light switches, venetian
blinds and mirrors to doors, bas-
betball hoops and a trampoline.
Students, housewives and a few
faculty members milled around
the tables set up in Barbour
gym, some hunting for bargains,
while others like economics pro-
fessor William Sheperd were
looking for some kind of re-
membrance of the historical
SHEPERD, who had worked

with a group which tried to save
the gym, was somewhat bitter
towards the recent confirmation
of the building's demise.
"The whole action by the Uni-
versity ,is a gross error based
.on a shallow and insensitive
study," he said. "We're sure
that sensitive people will come
to regret it."
SHEPARD'S sentiments were
echoed by architect Richard

Neumann. "They just don't build
spaces like this anymore," Neu-
mann said. It would be financi-
ally impossible to construct a
building like Barbour-Waterman
gym today, he added.
"The Regents can't see the
forest for the trees," he said.
"It's kind of like Catch-22."
The money raised from the
sale will go to the University
student aid fund.

student senate, told university
President Henry King Stanford
after a group of 25 students
barged.Jnto Stanford's office.
"WE CAME HERE to give
you the courtesy of telling you
what we are going to do."
The threats included more
See U, Page 12
listens to.
views on
B- I issue
Meeting y e s t e rid a y with a
group of interested Ann Arbor-
ites to discuss the controversial
B-1 bomber, Congressman Carl
Pursell said he was personally
leaning against the program but
that he had come to "listen."
Pursell heard mostly opposi-
tion at the small, informal gath-
ering} in the Michigan Union.
Participants expressed m o r a l
objections against the bomber,
and conviction that the money
could be used for infinitely more
worthwhile and peaceful pur-
DOUG NELSON, who came to
voice his objection, " stressed
that he would like to eliminate
any possibility of nuclear war,
and he urged Pursell outright,
"Please don't support the B-1
See PURSELL, Page 6

Carter scuttles his
tax rebate scheme

WASHINGTON (A)-President
Carter announced he is scrap-
ping his plan to send $50 rebates
to 200 million Americans be-
cause the economy is improv-
ing faster than expected, "and
we just don't need it."
"The decision was made by
me," Carter said at a White
House news briefing. "I was the
first one who felt it would be a
mistake to go ahead with it."
But he said congresisonal lead-
ers agreed with him on it, so
it was "a mutual decision."

CARTER DIDN'T answer a
question about whether some
Americans may have spent the
planned rebates after he first
proposed them in January. But
Charles Schultze, chairman of
Carter's Council of Economic
Advisers, said he didn't think
this has happened. "We have no
evidence of that," he said.
Labor Secretary Ray Marshall
said earlier this week there is
evidence that many Americans,
did spend their tax rebates in
advance and warned then that
See CARTER, Page 6

Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
U.S. Congressman Carl Pursell gestures to a small gathering
at the Michigan Union yesterday. Pursell came for "ideas and
suggestions" on the controversial B-1 bomber program. He
said he is personally against production of the plane.

Recrea tion:
f-I .., fh

Two new recreation buildings, plus a beefed-up staff of pro-
fessionals in the University Department of Recreational Sports,
have inspired a heftier chunk of the University community to
dribble, jog and paddle in more ways than ever before.
Indeed, the glossy new Central and North Campus Recrea-
tion Buildings - both of which will soon celebrate their first birth-
days - have provided prime recreational space and, in part,
the means for a wider array of offerings by the department.
BUT EVEN with the two new structures joining the aged

flocked to their four structures for warmth and recreational
"THERE'S AN insatiable demand for recreational facilities
at the University," said Recreational Director Michael Stevenson,
quoting University President Fleming at a recent Regents meet-
Admitting that the new structures were frequently over-
crowded during the winter, Stevenson placed some of the blame
on student and faculty users who were reluctant to use the facili-
ties during off-peak hours, such as early morning.

friends from Sports offer the results of
Piston's play-off game.




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