March 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 119) • Page Image 1
…fY f low e r I { I 4. - _. : ,. M VOL. IV.-NO. 119. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, TH1URSDAY, MARCH 15, 1894. P~E OECNS PRICE, THREE CENTS. ORATORICAL CONTEST gy mnasiumn and some of the con- FOOTBALL ALL RIGHT. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT For a Representative i et nte rga lcrainly orh-Impossibleto Make Radical Changes itt CCt.-' ern Oratorical League-Speak- be searms ones. Alm~ost nll of the in the Rules-ProgressffM Wat er~ and Subjects. mnwi opts ...…