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December 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…T \ UTNIVERS ITY OF MIC.,tiGAN MTA ONI)ky., DECEMBER 1.3, 1890. PRICiE 3 CENTS. Anual Address Before the IS. C. A. th l ,l1 te i thellrcol, ! 33 visl1 'c i is 0l(1 :' 1 Clos " y ii hut ill It t1 lie 0 't; 1 I l c l .7111 IIi I oftt rist Ilero_, of t ile flaIr, Cufui tothe aid otes, . } . l cokO l ly portraiei. ieci Irt of self-sacrifice aitd iiiiiWer- 1'rseaeto ite distitngiihted 1 lrSt life---.thie emptatiolns ill tf fli10ress, tile a...…

December 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF C.of. ritu.4 Published Daily (Sundays eceped during the College er, by THE U. IF M. INDEPENENT ASOCIATON. Subbeription price 1,10 per year, invariably in advance. Sige epies a cets. Os aie at Sheehan's and Pst offrs newso statd every evening at 6 o'clock. Subcription may be left at the ofilie of the DILY, opera House black, at Sheehan's, at Stotel, or ewittt ay of the edtor. Coimntaications should reaclihe orice by 16 A .it they are ...…

December 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…TRZ U. OF.M. DAILY -OF -JUST ARRIVED, ATHE TWO. SAMS ]BUY YOUR SUITS AND OVERCOATS f o11tIEMBE gt Guuess the word thatd will open the Sale, a dictionary word of La. S3L.ATZ. LpiAbr80~l1Lllhr VOORHEIS &DITS REST WORK IN THE CITY: STATE ST. TAILORS, Ca ALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. W515hCIAL 5RATS COTUENS. SE OIC_ 23 South Fourth Ave. - AtLNLSE U, =T7L M=SrT7 ==2 TWr Of Old U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of MichigUan Q""uitar. Pri...…

December 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…TT4I-.0 UnfP M..D)A ILY ~QO~~ NOBLE, The Clothier, Shoohai &Cot)fle llliversitJ Booksollers), ~ ~_--I> OF(F EKING---- Wh bae hasor imany yearsat this' sea sot, displayid the largest,11m0st cii isrehensis'c,aiiatrcie toki ter cof lsmeswllts cr e n trciesok i hi lseo uies ilti erxcel their formier exhibits, thc e 'tlt Liof reparaitioi oin a broiadter sialeb p c a ~ ~ e - n e w a than ever before. S~ ii u u 4 n ~ w a Finc Illustrated Books. Art C...…

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