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January 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…FIRST Y> n. ANN ARB8OR MICH.diI ESDAY. JAN iUA0IiI Il1u. No. 77 AFTERIMATH AT STANFORD 11::11 iitit:1od idiii'ixiduly itttug MICHIGAN LAW IREVIEW 1111 11~t toix'" 'ii'oill('i fronti 1iW Sta1tford'(s Trainer Coch and l lle t x1iihei tti r H I ro First Number to App i Juse, Pro- II-. 111 111,ilu l off-,1(i jl, ixay. iTh atin Xh ere Impteosed 1y the Iti ,ti lesso(n ls rat, tolt @5r Floyd R. MccnhemEditor- 1ni:(iI nn xix ttl ,nng 111oi Michigan co...…

January 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…TfIE M(1(NDAILY-NEWS , ._. I~c r 0 '° LEADING MERCHANT -t h i ol The U, of M.DAILY, 1t ' t. Ill)ll t1' 'the'VARIT'11Y NNVlS, OUR FALL LINE111r)12t is the hest 1Ne have ever show a, t ' !rtti~tt~ 't it w lti d ' ALL TH-IE NIbll l 'll!I- i ,1111 5.: (IPI ;1 11ti101tlit llA1W Blc ndB cIANAtiIN~i EITOR-- and a 'ery fine lise no it" ~ ~~ rsLiitt ~:t t r s Fancy1Sttin rs t :sIi1.(,il, ttlc I'ccI llllt' Iiliill-, 'sllt- 'd \llclli:; ;Ill Law .lcill'-...…

January 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…THE 11 CE IGAN D AILY-NE S AHBuYF THEY ARE "DANDIES ! +1 Our new assortment of B sth Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking Jackets.+ All that yout could desire of our stock is complete in thsese lines and it sill he to your advantage to look them through bofore bnying your holi- 2o~o * day presents. +' 204202S.Main ;street. WDAS YN 1EL TOHlAlNS S F TALORS CHAS. DIETAS EX,EL5IOR L Q'4RT 601 EAST WILLiAMS STREET 'DRY WOlRK M SPL'CIMLTY t}- RNDWORS 1...…

January 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE M\ICHfIGA~N DAILY-NERDS dn ainty inckLtes of all sires. We 'Winier sceery-i'anid winter 5ari n nake Idaiilnkii 4pacik for sh ip enio ithotcare..tice for the In inays. W ao !lth f ten - + et~reIhem in m r iiiaw. per cint.d iscont onkodaks. ~ CL NS'PHRMACY 324 S50. STATES I1Kwi~k IBilliar~dPPaos ana IBowlingi 707 NORTHIUNhIRSU\IT VENUE, THE HOCKING VALLEY RY.I H Tinain h eto eviythni S',R ICE I YI i NT and ROiADBiED). WVt i~-i r:< TO LEDO TO...…

February 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…DAI MEW PRELIMINARY MEET TONIGHT 0utlook Good for Many stiff Coutests. A Forecast of Results. lucy it- ft -l i ht t tti(r1-' t inl tt ~tu 7ll rts11it i tfi a is.i thut : tl t : t t ' t l t tilt- t -uW ht . b u t theti- -t W t- i ilt it t ili]i,(. I iti. li fi nt sli(-~ 0 flt l it ltt t ittet fiIt- ti~ l f it ifNO t o tl i t f iu nti lt, I t 1 I t i ir li ti h I i'd tt ill t~ tw l it oi tf t t +,ul t o i. l t 1 1 r i t c ab f It t~ ut ti " t el...…

February 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN D)AILY-NEWS We Will Announce.. Thast me have received our Spring Woolens for K-02. We can show the public an exclusivte high-grade line of:; NVoolens ins Suitings. Ovter- i~oats and Trousers. Wse have: a large line of London Che- vslot. Scotch Suitings, Oban. _,avoy, Brighton, Clay. Srge, Thilset, Vicuna, all exclusive, prices will range front $25. Pease call and tok, oer our n v-ew ,stock of 'soolenis. wC H, WILD CO. loll E. Wash...…

February 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…11B MICHIGAN, DAILY-NEWS AH, BU THEY ARE DANDIES!I 0ur new assortment of at' Robes, Lounging Gown s andrSokirng ackesto. Ai1.tat you co'ld desire of our stock i compiettei these1:nec and t will heto im r a antage toroom -rth u~gh bfirore btyrg 20..0 .Main Street. MADIIIM,______________ JOHN J SCHANZ CHAS. DE o LI t~TAI LORS D[TAS EXZELIORLR'INbRT ') "' DY WORK Pi SPECIASLTY: HANDWRK' 601 EAST WhfILLIAMS. STREET 115 WEST HURON ST., 'Phone 506 s...…

February 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…THE MICliGKK LAILY-NSEWS NOBBY HATS, SWELL SHIRTS., AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES !N NECK: DRESSINGS WAG N ER & Co. Si',s t ir ' 'H AWES $3.00, HATS 123 South "lain Street rIGKMiGK liIiard FrlorsAG Bowling 707 NORTHL{ UNIVERS IT'E H O I G VALLEY Yi I Thatn-o muAh hst of (-Itrythlt- I-SERVICEC. FIll ~iF NT sasdi IOAIIBR y wii t~eorCrsT LEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J.W., LANWIIAN, General Traveling Agent, OIWTROIT, MICHiIGAN. BETTER THAN EVER ~I ] The SCHLEE...…

March 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…qF Aim ,h i i'.A. Vj~tST Y z.ANN A 0ORMICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 11,.102 THlE CELEBRITY BALL CLASS DEVELOPMENT ~Co1'Id Ciiip or Work Has Proven to codAnnual Ball ofthe Daily News Was O1ne 0()i xcflnt in the Prettiest Parties Ever Given i n Ann Arbor "'ni im tnn' r-+. 141's t 1't 11111;; 11t" '{ II 1,trit, li moil t11' r11! 1'liiti 2111 1"t .. -tluittt liiir ll:llr t tl;lltt "! + li i I't tilsit 1" 1. ;iti t't'+'Itltl::, l tl: Tilt Illltt l"ttl Irti"...…

March 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…iLII , -I 1 - TANLAIl NV f AP <) C -- Lu 7 < z C)n 0s S MiCHIGA -[Y-1 wSPuss. , Ec' A. I Gt ; S ".l. 4itiE5 yy '+ t{ { ALP P t1 1 Nr -I117 1 I k - l - r- 1 11+- II I'a l tI . f 1 1i fi I . N. ~1 Al' iti ' "3I 2 II iilt '3 ET T'ii I- 1 APfiti i3,I -'-1111 .t~..'t'' I - -i \ 'ttll i tt'4P--- 3 1 1 .\":ills1111 I t: ~i h 1t ; fir llt !k11111 4P IIII)3111 II P 3 ! iI, -I IP I' IiL Il PI XIII 1ttt"11 l:I I'.Ss - ! ftElit~ I i I l II I t'1- I.'t . +...…

March 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…"*+++4. 4 44+ 4 a 4 + +4-+A AH, BUTF THEY ARE DANDES! *1* . 4. J . 200-202 S. Main Street. ~Df1V~S, RYfiN & IUIIJLL rI TAtLORS CHAS. DtETAS FY EXR F ~F ILT I F' NWR 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET This space belongs to Good Oovernm-e I) Club EGYPTIAN DEITIESo 'NO better Turkish Ciga rettes can bemade." B - Cork !T~pped.} Our ln fr 1O ~iCILUMI3I STf2A NS, 011....[ GfH JJI I , ll.... U Eno FINE ART GOODS Framning.a Spec ity. IOur "stok is now. almost c...…

March 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…Tied M[CI140NN lIJLa NE WS Better (Than Ever, j47//7 ~DROY ..&rt& rStock #3efTcr trirrnonireo.. SetrWmanship, f. ears agpo jFive1)ollars was the stalidard price for a hat. To- dayaMaxi can he had for THREE., IAWE Fulyuaranteed -Ahat made with particular are for particular trer. WAGNER CO., LATE51 SHAPES JUST IN, Sle Agents __ ,. y _ ; 1 i i''II I ! y t lir C- , . PiGKwtGK BilliardI PdFlors ad BowliWUgBETTE THP4 N EVER 07 NORTH V0N If. IV oVE U...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…I w I,... _ l _ - ' . o . -° ', 'f. . =,. c' _ - - _ " E7 r t !;, '. v .^ z a r .. . } ' ' C1 . ' i :.i - 1 "° J -r _ 4 1. °° w ._ ~ a + t" W n-t -. ;/s, t i i F t " r Ilk. Y \ r .j . ........ i k l d 1. -_ -. m ., ... ... J ,._, 4:. r- ',,,,,,,,,. ...t , r--1 ',? r/'y ' Y ', j W . - {G } .1 i '" r C I , .. I r . , va I- LUJ LL LI .nom-.-, t' '- '_' ' - ^ " J^ "" v -a _ . -y '{. r J ^ ' " = v, fI . O ,!: ~ i r N i , ,y- J: - >... .le J ....…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…171 n i f cp ;- r7 f " r -. - . P. .... - s " a _ .._.. , _ r r f - : % _ _ "_ Y . /. -- _.. , , ' - - '- r 7., - - 1 _ w r f - _ - _. r- ._ c - r-t J -+ r - , r "- - ""-" r t. '' %' _ .. n a ' - tU _ _ - ,- .. _ _ t- _ ._' t . 'f. {p ~ t- 't W _ - , ; i ; ,. _ -- v, .. n "; : ._ _ __,_ , 77 J=. ( = " ._ a m -a - 1 m x_ =-; n f ..-. n' 77 Ca I. - - - r r ti r is 2) 7- ^, ,,H i Gt C f. f. . j zr: r c ca cr *. :?; 0 , ; to n' :-r 7 7 :7 7- :7 77...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…F'j j111tK { MCI(TAN DAILY--NIES to OmN zr 0r xf Poo 4) O 0 12 pll LUz h 'R1 I l -, Im.K A , -MAN ~ II . NI I iI- T o v ii (It' i.() I i l i l t' li a lt '. tt ri slO . I \Aloo t IIv. I~sl. 11t~ t'r .A 11t'I I ItN'tit" lll li t.11 l I. 1i ll II(.I o ftc i 1 1: i ] l t ? 11 1 II 1,tI i lt : . S II\t si I I lll III 'll IIl o vi i I I I 1c llilt'i llii ft" il il, 1 i i11 S I 111 v1- I Ol 11wi I .I 'T In l 1 0 1 il"'it Ill i Nl il l v a III lii l ...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…111N(I A")1" m ' ;:r: 0) "I 1tr ! oz t _ t, Titi 'F .ik'. ! t x I C { ~ 3;1 Y0 U 4,'jMICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PUB. Co, I F'.'. . '. H. V A~,.INC .EDITOR. £ ms. - Visiting F=dii'F 11FFt s- $3, 1.0 , 1FFetslid line.-2001 AT Wahr' s Bookfstores t I 1 4 1 1 ; , , 11 1 I i. .1I ,F ill' %,iI ii { {)i' 1.4 +i [i tl i"i' III "l "ili Iti 31 II", 1 f"^ Strawbe rry ' IFt! isli1 AND) F H l 1'+i 15- CE NTS 1;tpI iI , ATSI1 ; l (01) '[0 A01 E.l. JOLLY"S F... For...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

…TIlE MICIGAN D.AILY -".EWS + ++++++++ +++++'I +++ ++ ++++4.44.4.+4+++++41++++F444.+++++ 4.++4++ 4.+4++ +4.+4.++++ .4.4..4.4.44.+4+d++4.+++++++d ++++++44.4.4..4.4..4.4# +Among- the Smaller Things of Life 2 WII a c - Inni iIr1Jtcal nede ii ia f rz~l HS STOR oF lt[D U SlRS FOR MUM'S ilRISINGS (" + Q J 1Veek I (icyi ..ts. I h ic Mliiiiiiiii t$1.50, $2.00,.$.50 ind $2.75. I'::,14icy' ashtI ,.L\ ~ Pit>t~ii o $100'$f.50, 2 ,ii S +. iet11's Ak rc I $....…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHrIG AN DAILY-NEWS Amnong the LSmaller.Thing fLf 11'l l 151 On oo ii 1115 10111 11+' 1 '1' 1 il + r. RI 1 1 C i's IRi! o Cor.n1thi:cveekrN S1S)l~i .lt50. S2.00. 2.50 ,.ut 2"75. 1 r i "i , ;0 1 ' "t;., o o <tr lS1 0, 1l5 ..2 r .3 + +KAHMYEN & KLUL . 'JOHN JSOH- ANZ-OHAS. DIETAS' N lTAILORS 601 EAST WI LLIAMS STREET EX,.ELSIOR La'JNbKX D~kY WORK R I= S CIRLTY' HlPkNDWORK 11-)IV7WE ST 11 V IT 1,N) ST., Phone 5()6 Ihi spzcfdo s to ood Coav...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

…TUE ' IIIGAN DAML NEWS TAI LORS, 123 SoUth i lain Street. PiGKWIK Billiad dParImradlBowlinlfj BTTrER TI-N EVER 707 NORTH1J UNIV!ERSITY AVENUThe SCHLEEE * ~ ~ fl 3 TEMPORARY BIDER TEHOOKING VALLEY R.11' t lla. toa to . That mean s e batof eto ytinqtto 11 1ICf [itt It F T adrO ADMDoi9 aIYI his froI i1.00 u V 13PIxior Ca500 TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS F. 1. s $500 E Write J. W LiANDIAN, General Traveling Agent, .e St.tteS. DET ROIT, MCHIGA~N. FULD You Tak...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

…TAi'~i t ) I LO ~R S'1.:1 illtsll'I 123 Cll:i3('toli ilainC STi 1treet. '.1'S \ 11. 'tVitWtiOti t1'"A i';A muk B~kIilliard Parlors ad dBowlingj 707 NI.) 111 NI1F R1V.10 XX I THE HOCKING VALLEY RY. H That measth )est 1 of ryting: 11 100101 " 1 t II T u ROI)B).0 w ti0 arlt a'TOLEDO TO COLUMBUStJ Wtrite J.W. LANM~AN General Traveling Agent, BETTER THMN i VER rn The SIRLEEDE TEMPORARY BINDE 50oE0.1 0mie twnj $n ta 1-(W L F. J.SC1LEE0611 so S. Stat...…

October 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…' '" Cj h' r ~ -phTIL-" , ~."°I tA N L . A tit' N A:11 have just receiv l arejst rassort- E ed.nt inlie ofcit )- WooV' len fr al ,I. iDAILY 1 ^ f MANAGIING EDTiOR ILE I. 1HOU'STON, n2 BUPSINESS lANAGERt, OiEF B.I IIt.~N, ' MICHIGAN NOTES. PrfectFoo Intercollegiate, - $4.00 Rugby s' pecial" -2.50 Rugby 'Special" No. 2 2.50 Foot Ball Clothig la o stin t i c i [v orec frotlte:H-1tes andth " aWhy" 1>-t' t ' t in IV ti ntt it., ,, t ] SHEEHAN & CO....…

October 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…[lHE MICIl.IGANIJAILY--NEWS AUTUMN APPAREL FOR MEN OF FASHION We tave finishied oir treat task of hunting and choous- itgtCOTH-ING(, FIATS & IIA13ERtI)A HI.I Y, for vou for this fall and winter season. The ntoik has toeri red and isont xlibition,and erery suit aiiil erritat represents not uniy great intrinsic value, but earch hare special featuores that wiltl recoummend it particularly to uien who k nows'hoteto dress swelland can up prcate val...…

October 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…TilE MICIiUAN D)AILY--.NE\WS . ' :..w . 1 lYr WW+ I+iiC+ a r Wilt- .:+ . ,,,, e..:. er _ m ". = , . .. ,'"+w. Iti iti.WY irYi i" " iYw Y . .rrr +. 1 ..ti... wn. 711 7 ...A '1 I. , 1 i ii t A " NI, -' lo 4 "' o FORA~EANDW 0 10 5,4r_ s1LRcP r _T.. v3 , W . C. B. Y iDeRi.s, P I'.i^r . ^_.. ti P Choice Meats for Lock repairing,kefitn Ever NN'A NI ', IN / In 1~ vARTN tio L ntR FURNITUR i t2,i ,I to AN S - e 'eery ~cr ~SdU8w) KN I}IN ''1"I ^Ii NNNN;...…

November 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…TILE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWF Crous~rsDAILA LWS 10 - N-I 1 - rouscrs I NWEST BOOKS1 ATA G. HOWILD cD. 10 E. Washingto nSt ANN AI BO R4 - MICHO. our (onsde Pricks Us MIANAGING EDITiORl, E'AROL 1. IfOtli.1 . ') I BSINEISS 'TANAGERI, 1-(COE 1-1. HUSON.'0 EDOITORLS, (jENERAL N5155 F l3t \' ;il't' ti11 " 'j:1;2t1 it tii2t lllt ilt. .:t' I t ;: i'S :III t'lIi tl tIt" t l'llrti+rtl 1 ?tll 1'il lt t r111 ifltif' ( t r;l ^ 1i I I t I+) l]1 ' sliti A ht 1:I:...…

November 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAW DAILY--N EWS - - = Extract from the Laws of the TH!iH T IG N NFURNESSIA Irt; Srat~e of New York. " T ENOGH OFH THEM D titl iti r SO J' OF ' E a rlfw.3,trhl. Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and aUl the it e ilsl r ai new~est Men's urnishinf T I1 nei'- l tt iti ma ii ltl io i'wi 1ti-i T 11 RACKET BRAND Barkers Collars are Stamped "Linen" 4t --U i ni'atlUAIo lRYANcst & tt3hRE VI ii W XtiIN C (0erB1ands Advert. ise nSoldasLnent. I I f 1...…

November 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-KNEWS Speci1-al Sale of, Over1coats. The Alfred Benja mini Celebrated Custom made, Fulton & Broadway Box, worn by all stlish dressers in the east. The make and (duality' speak fo0 themselv es. WXe desire to annouce that we are selling them at a close mar= gin (luring onir rem~oval sale. 0i. J. BUS, .manager. GiLOVES CLEANED't~n11 0, Lovell's Cornier Store (o.M 342 S. State St. Home Supply Store. i NNI \lt ilEl Will Close Ou...…

December 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…UNI E RSITY OF MICHIGAN._ \ N A.I4)1 4 N41 I IC(II , 1;=[ 451DA 1, (> 1 lI !)2 4M4N4YAu BRILLIANT SUCCESS. --E Well f'D'dtre \1 .I,, ," lip E i. :tom 11 . :ttl, :{tij i , itlt , fir ]: ,, ,jtl t 7 , l , i;l;j,. tit l.. A> t'544 %x, "tl'lu 'Ar o t(" "i 1l lo tInq t444tll" ti t 444444l4l3:4 t''444 II 44443 li'f?4 IM4444444 lii'. in 54''in o 444'.m IY444444444 414):n I4w4444la44414I o 4444444M M in it llil w .i!at11'-;ia u~ng i~tu, 1; th" lan M i...…

December 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…I r ,~rI( I1j~ 7't , 1i, , f ? 1ai li.l , .,r 1 ", r "Q .. ' , " i ;, li 1 i t .ai t) t I' I it t INNItt'~II 'i iigIiIi, S(-N tI I. )(Nililjf:iN Ic ALT DGEHAVILD CO. 10 E. Washington St ANN \ABOR~ - MICHI. harieiAMine B3Y James Whitcomb' Rileya Illustrated by{ Howard Chandler Christy NOW READY $1.60 SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, a320 S. State Street. N1 'AN titiNlEDIF,: 1 r 0t15SIES 7 %N-%FI, ReU~coJE iiI l1 +"iUS TuN I, ANNNN I N I NN...…

December 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…H IE MICtllGANUAlLY-NL\V- THE PIGH THINGSD Ovcooi. Hts yR ud at l-ie See Window The above dates onlyWAHMR N&REV. p , 1 "TIE next paintedl picture oni thIanrista fthe MOG I tCigarette, alittle rol of ft'to uc bloe by the cl legii stllirii~. Oft'; F 1e Plain crud Cork Tip. . . . . ... . ... ... A.......+++4- + BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. ccxxx' l ix htv-THEL FINE'ST LINE of XVOOLENS ii I ll x te . Art <11i Skill xx Ii 1raltllll i...…

December 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY NEW IT!S CA1Iour NEXT WEE Th ptill for er soedate will be an ounced tate' A SPECIAL INVITATION TOALL " I 1Il GLOV ES CLEANED' R (1 I~'l .1lllIRAAI'llER. Lovell's Corner Store Pe('r. MainadItlO S . 342 S. State St.ony entest Onl Tn reen Christnm as M ost',,,, lri' t11+1tml'1 l I!t l. H e r e r " il l + 7 t+Iii 'ii + 1'1' ;1 AtIsl l . t}1, is; hE tlan 1 1T: . ts l E~ ' +i' t i i p ; 1,.1 t t R Oq H N W & SIA IrIr. 1' Ii " E '...…

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