November 14, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 35) • Page Image 1
…. of AL oil Ila aTID* PRICE, TffizF.E CENTS. VOL. III.-No. 35. Voc.111-No.Pd. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1892. PncTintCNS CANCELLED I C) Ihicagoi rushed the ball to the lineHI A E u ihgngie h alo lill~i I~l foutr(towns. Howeveri Jewett was Lehigh Players Were Unable to forced across the line antd iss cons- Meet us Saturday, bell to make a safety. Scorie1 ______to 6. Chase tackledIJewectsiand Staggs's Chinage Team was Sub...…