. of
Ila aTID*
VOL. III.-No. 35.
CANCELLED I C) Ihicagoi rushed the ball to the lineHI A E u ihgngie h alo
lill~i I~l foutr(towns. Howeveri Jewett was
Lehigh Players Were Unable to forced across the line antd iss cons-
Meet us Saturday, bell to make a safety. Scorie1
______to 6. Chase tackledIJewectsiand
Staggs's Chinage Team was Substi- stoppeid swhat iroiiised to he a tell -
cuted-Miochigan wan it toen10- isg rsii. 1I-etkiedo th
How Che Men Liined up-Grosnch I
in -i-s OldPonsition. atdw n aeamtra an
(ira-i) sooinihas h al aka
T oixi iii(-pecuiil telgc0 Fi) Nov. ictr.I iris followcedi ser scat
2--h lusts cancelledl ticsdaste sin plays1)rv( liicago. taggltuoul the
accunit of injuies i-cli e iiball arsosussd Ctoitseleft et n sind ussle
tisise criis li ess ys n a . iss EIie iiuis a longe Imss to \l is i is whoss
%%as playdcith'ssSCag's Chsicagsi ssasde-tst sailsiiroudthss rigit
I-niivelrsityCeams.itichigai 5 n wnit Iind. icagsonuadle a fumusic but
by a scors. of uS to in. The menI Stagg recoveredsthebl admd
huned up as follows:
Conovser ------Leitciud---
Sith ---iik ----Left guards--
iisikseiier-_- -.- eniter ---
iKniipp ------ight Gardi-i
Ciase. h------Iight ened -
sIayrefi ii-- Qaitei-bSaik...
-ciivray__--i - Haiebauks'-
;eit a .
isuupi------ . i-" ul Sack.--.
a touch idiwni by a liong runi arounid
Z.0ni- 1. Iis osen end jstastime wsa ld
--- voowt isjs in
------Dce (- le failed to lick thegol score,
The M.l A. A's Fairly Outipiayed, and -.' I --
Defeated 12 Co 4. - IdlIT~
.s mull cro wdshgre -e sed the seco nid - / W I t
elev en wihen they .appeauredl oiithe -:- fiP o YS
1Ml. A. 5. -rous a t IDetroit, Satiur- DETROIT, MI1CH,
lay, ti o obattle ni iisthe itl. .A.
Thegale asNvotlv o.=asetter -
auieince. lotlstcasis played wsiths
sniiasand vimii e'ariyteaim,
hosesvei, Ifsrly uxcellhug their
oppioneiniits iniCliisrsps-it. I lie Iat-
ter lDaut of the gardueussupn t
'atherns" darknss, Isadito lbe playedi
Isy electric lifih.thsllsdii sf De- Wheniyoauiwaiist c ali-it 5 iiriisiitii6ist
troit, had Isis jaws'fracturedsIini a -or $2. $4 sir$iSokens antills to $l a pairnlessethaii
AnAbrnicsse inil for, staaiiiee ti
Theme ni lineid up thus: !
ru. f ~R.FYFE CO
iAlgi.nAelend D ELEEN.s 101. 183-ia18 iii5siiiAr.
Bieeanco......Leettaei......... ray ERItCIG
Eliis.... ...-.r... eeler......Spngier q iehmond Straight Qcrt.
Mctliracen t, Right iguanrd..... Aidrich E
Broie ' igt acle........ ea CbCIGARETTES.
ParkerI(apt,).n.igt ened.... _-..Drew a n igaetie Si-okers who
Loanreiiii.Qiiaiter Sack.n .(apt.)Hol ae wiiligIsoiceSlttIle
Storem irI keiKauk more thee Ike pricer
Lefuhlfbac .........Puluic .cageidifortin odusna
Bi-odine s Rightlftnieaiik..----latiaa is RDsulieiiiiperior ts
Dielid.....s... Fll ac. I Whitehad f Thie Rihmoed Streighss
iLous' CuoI igarettssaenimadenfromnthe kighi-
Refeoree--Lornuui se U. of5At1esi, moan uc liie-y flavore nd alighestsnest
! Gold Leafigrowe in Virginia. This is ike Old
Umopire-Fiizpaticik neil..s. A. end 0riinel lBranid ifStraighktC(ttCigaretten,
anei wae saoghitsat bylip n theunyear 1l1t5.
1-olt sonsthe toss up amid toukthClelBeware srimiainsianidelbser-n thaititi-
ball. 'Penlyards swere iiiasde with Thl LLN& ITE rac
ik te Amerinan Tobacco Co.,
the gridiron. A left -nd rn was Meanatureni.-i- RihmiondVirgiia
C. T. Griffli
.-. .rilia
- . Or-_----aes
------ ygert
tliclaiga maunde the first fonda-
slissnianh twsenty-thmree miiautes.
Muichilgansalassi iiade one safety.
core at thescncdu of the first half
stood, XMichiiganI-io, Chicatgo i-u.
ILcionard toolk- Groschi's pilace at the
hepinnin , of she seconid half. Whleni
tisc ganieswas called AMicluigani hadi
thei ball one yardl fronm Chicago's
'12 to 10.
Chicago opened the secoiiis half
by carrying she ball to the fifteen
yardlihue, but Sanderson fell on-ia
fiiiabledl ball, and Michilgainrsusheil
back toi center but could not ail-
vanace, Chicago got the ball frono a
long kick by Dcgert but Michiguan
held their russhes. Michuigain carried
Ctsc ball oi-er ini three plays. Leon-
ard gaineid ten yards arounds the
eiid. Jeswettnmaden thplay112o f the
gamae. Ile dodged his taucklers, fell,
but was u11 before the Chicago could
reach him antI sas not tackleid until
goal. Chicago lana a strong rushing sithin a yard of Clan goal. As the
seam. Stagg slid spleiidid seork.1 teanma bent for the final rush, lime
Ihygert, Jeswett, Leonard anil Croacla sas called. Score 18 to ao.
didi batnnier playing forlMiciagan. - -
l~usniuiii.Law Quiz Mesters.
rise gauze opei-ed by Jeweett mlak-
ingte yartds aroundat the eund,ansi
(Griffinl, Groach and Decke carryili
lie ball throughl the line. jeei-
kickest goal. Score fi to o. Rapp~
iiada a touichdownl for Chicago
tUniversity in eight umnutes, the
griiund beinig gained by short, steady
rushes, Stagg nnd McGillivray lave-
lug the ball themenost of the time.
MceGillieray failed iin an easy goal.
Score 6 to 4. Jeweett, Decke, Brooch
anl Griffin advanced Michigan toI
she flee yard line. Chicago rallied
and got the ball to the center again.
Michigan took the ball on four
sosens and Decke made a touchdown
after a series of rushes. Score 1n
tO .t. Chicago started each lime
sntb a ten yard gain on V. MscGilli-
sray seemed sure for a long -gain,
bsut was wvell tackled by Woodworth.
Considerable inquiry hiaslinen
mache of late ina the lasw departmeint
concerning the names of the newv
slain masters, as it was knownu that
quite a number of the post gradiuates
swere candidates. The nnaes of the
following gentlenmen was given oat
today by the dean: J. WV. Dwyer,
F. A. Sheldon, F. lI t Wells, H. T.
Kendig, and 1R. F. Thompsoni. The
subjects on whichl each will quiz has
not yet been fully decided by the
lasw faculty.
Choral Unioni Tickets.
Itlls desired that all members of
.he Chloral Union bring their season
tickets to rehearsal, Tuesday even-
ing, in order to receive single tickets
to the Theodore Thomas entertain-
ment. If tihe season tickets are not
presented single tickets cannot be
given out.
attemiptedl but isas110t a mlarkeed
success. The V seas tried and thus
the ball seas forced the length of the
field. Whitehead carried the ball
oeer. Winy kicked time goal.
Second touch-down for the 'Va~rsity
was made by Paul. The M. A. A.
frequently lost the ball on funmbles.
M. A. A. opened the second half
witha a series of strong rushes, but
fumbled again, and Paul made aj
touch hack. A series oif runs and !
rushes by M. A. A. carried time ball
still farther back and a strong rush
forced it over for the association's
only touch-downl. 'lhey failed tile
goal. Scorei- i- to 4.
Tile second half seas fiercely con-
tested. Tihe ball was rushed back
and forth, but when time was called
neither side bad scored.
Grand Concert tonight.
Time Pi Eta club held a lbusiness
meeting Saturday evening, immedi-
ately after dinner at -wihich arrange-
ments were made for a Thanksgiv-
ing spread and a committee appoint-
ed to telegraph the congratulations
of the Pi Etas to Mr. Carr on Sun-
day evening.
And ihn Largest Assosrtmento1
Collrge Flees. Pies,end Class Buti-tons.
Detroit, Xiohigau._