41C. of I . '$ i .
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tieestion.44111before41144.m eetin~g one
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'h c9 144941 414. The 044et 4on lwa
roc- down, 424to 9144414 dii4o.
44)11 41 4444 1 b 41lag 44wa 4114d49401
4 '44 and requirin44444four44411y4114
nc>+, i44 of all class 1ce4'4ng44s. T1144
Vice ]presiden-4ts, 9secretary, 09s1440144
!secretar41y, 4tr4a9414er; class9 -orat0r,
toastmaster4-4-44144 marshal0. NIVr Ni r-
914914o9949as 1444se14 football 9captin,1
a41nd Mr. -nd4411144-44ma04010er4' 111
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la94t:4e44 44 .4k4a) 44144om1111a444.he
ChIristian .441144
1 .. 11
)M 44111k414-19for Ladies and4-1(re4le-
S140CAL $AL1L. -November 14--19
WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Fuvnishers.
A-.- A-L--
Toeonro n Nrn\? "-- Michigan Railway.
i , - , j ---"..... 'Li4 4 414 llE ' 44441444 949. 44iti ) 4. i.1
941491re > T ail.tt441i _rul-
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4104 49'1441 to irrot 1 4441 14. 144941 I4y Ni 99 (191941 149'4, We Adlvise Students to See f '14a.4444 194 4441442 444444 ,0 44444 '144 ('6 au"
al11i4d1arts. . (dgance4 41494)4 t s 4 N 144cl(r, 441..9 01414' , so 144444onl.Hc 'celI .
wtortih the 4144411 subscriion price. Mr-44. 441. James .9sang a0s99410 n a1441a 0474 Ib iri I4d141'494144'i444 uml y
Whtlsrrss si lo ha 0949ex-c44e1l49490.1t. 414)4n4aie41quartette 9w49 941- F'OR 'TIB"? S I --941vIt.14EN9I4.'~, 1. S. G444440994441
4-lolee1)41]1a144494414. V4dderedI. Mu Isic 9wa09a0104)furnish~ed iby TENNIS - SHOES - IN - STOCK. I ~ 444441,.Ac4.91 Local43Arent,.
at 11he pric. '.,, - STIJ ENTS, SAVE HALF' YOUR 'MONF.Y AM) BIY
It c0444a44940favorabl i th th 99eni otiti444 9and114 )01 4401(sketc lof
4440 4144904444fielhd. t1he Than41ksgvg49num1444berof ''414
4194 the ("e1ntury"'a44h144.4-4. e4Lite rar41y 4.entu9ry, 9914144h99i111be (44on] '1
succe4s41t04t 4t41deserv9s, a fterno10014at Stoflliet's newV9sTU DE l 'I S 'v"'d4 T(""VP1?ST"'ATE1ST.
of 1114Dm1.1v144. 94.4nd1 '904414Plain street, 'and.044t4 the 1 L ''J'
'I'l 11414 01 9494994~'4 1 , .44494 411119414444nt1ury11414(office,1144. lii .44.4. (,4'41114941, (4 1414. 4 4111 4 9 '4 9
bI 1'Greek,.L1t'n('Fre)ch, 4.44414' 1 0 ('49.lC141441 1941)41441-104N1441.
444144.4914 of1 reservi1g14,. 1;; 1 b 4oc . S ile444-41 444o41y4,4- r94111
4444-44 04-9 4144 14141144444041 ll T . .T A NT'cb id-)TC1..A. 10 K
_L.A4444 I.41)4CL 'V4 4 t'0'1f I&I t1144i( .T ' IOJE I, '11'1S
494 4944119 (''4s4c 14r ,'cel 44l--4 4 __________tilat__________-__--___-__
sale that it will4in4the4end)proe . - AJXOUNCE. ii'J'iS. GIBSOIT,
Stu4dent45s14hould14h44e14041911nce;4an1d m4eting 04 7 0'4. 1(114 8041414 14nihty 1.JJLL'm' Ah1 K
give 4144- metihod a proper test 4-fore'New'.brrv 14011. NO. 12 W. HURON ST.
criticiin4g it 4444.1severely. In14Seleetiliog )'oil1' 409444)' fIj~ c (>491 .Mp"r 19409.-'1144 e1 -
TURNED EM DOWN. ifor 0'handingI giin0 449, 19articles adawings9941444G RAND OPERA HOUSE
01441494pet140o for prze offered by _____________
44-1W 99 414n9t1v 0i ohearus in th1e '445 O al ,il n usa A:iA71o
Ninety-Six Holds a SMeeting and I 'ein, Nraov 991eii j .I l les,'4445da) 4 ' 44 1ov'1
Votes to Oost Her' Class Officers. id. O(1449 ttin ' ' 4941anar444eio. 4I. 4'. 14 110119, Tusday, ov. ,'9
9oo4i14441441144lpedSom 1 thI li I .\b44.4 of44 the.11 V9. s141914 11.444 49
'11 ' 9 41 4-44 444 Sotl~ il.4 4 44 444- o ff e r o st (41' t4141 o st04 mkd44 441 49'444114 4 . 1 4 4-44th e-Ic41144fo otb allP 1 P
('as ofcr ee ri l 'e (l 4 ol 41raeprce II lc' I a1 v;
441.9t 444 19 199 914 4'4 41 .41'e ,s, .- >I cI4. 044-A 914444411 ls. 44W41444 494, c .1444s4is '44Rj 94,
994 014 1)44-4'444449 ;. 414 b - 44i.,449 4idi ie, 1. 1.. 4chic44m''. 1)44-' e 1444
1I~ 4- part 11141444911ng I r erI ltee o014it hav94athoriz94 14101edl a4t149Price'.., - - 50c. 75c and $4.00
an h fre4o,44esw nhd 4 f4 04444414-4 ,3 14.4144o 14 ls. ''miild~9 F N ''CFL I ,
19r94.1r 14401444ainta i h ir p1409114049of4144. otb llee44414094. ch''
blit. the 44444j only of 4144-r14944144class.OST 'e member h
Aginifst 4149444. .\lr. 1.4roy 4call4(led he-' vi . '144 1. . 1441- 1 1
m i ll' t11')4o order. I144 rd r o ____get_________
04R1.usse 4194.1l l m ittee. 4 (44194 1 94994 4904 4(494 94'rs