October 14, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 14) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, NJICI ILOA:N, \VEI)NCSI)AY, OCTOIBER (4, 1908. V\o. NX. CASEY WILL PLAY IN TODAY'S GAME Veteran Tackle Begins Work With Team and Will Debut SThis Afternoon. l\ith the addition yestrdasy of 1ki11 Cas-co, to te mnflit cofimneactively at a Nk. 1,thevaicty reciedl what will prbalyb its fiaal acqisitiot for the seaonandfront no(wir ut le Qakes funs ome cslight opositiniiioe molt Hi from tdavsi, Coahst ndti As- sist...…