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May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…I Sirt . xtl s LJLAY . 160 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1923 EIGHT PAGES, PRICE FIV A IMORES MEET IEPAATlIN ND LIEUTENANTS CHOS. OIR ANNUAL CLASS FIGHT EN WILL HOLD CEETING TONIGHT Italian Art Ist(1 faAI . Subij+ct 'Of Talc'U IML II lossier Howard FOR F ES terday afternoon in the we.;tgallery of Alumni Mlemorial hainl oil the frn - jest. "From Donatello to Michael An- AID CAMP gelo." In his talk, he desc...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…TH-E MTCH--AN DAILY ..HLE Surpug~lgH[S HgDULVSings Here May . tT. C,' BIG PEP MEETING'i : 19 '114to' nlt Gym lInt SPASS$ T'S (OIQMMA-NDE1I- Maior General Harry C. Hale, cost-l( anding the sixth corks area re- ewed the six companies of the local 0. T. C. unit yesterday afternoon the floor of Waterman gymnasium. ie to weather conditions the core-~ ony was~ transferred from South: rry field to the gymnasium shortly fore the timie of t...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _______ p~lil Yrr 1 a- ' - II - r: iiiaew : " e~a~ m . ."". FMN FILL OFFICES CLSS COMMITTEES, erine Mellen, '26, Ruth Rankin,'23flb Illhfh Catherine Coryell, '26, Margaret Mogk EIORS ~~IN M~IL ' 26, Margaret Effinger, '26, Lorettaj Cohy, Chambeotgbrlain,''2 , ay Dolr- TPT 111~IT otCoop ber, a'262, Drh MObry'6,lDr- IM TI9 lIEW CSTO Louthan, '26, Jessie Sprague, '26, Mar-1I___ garet Geddes, '26, Ruth Jennings, '26,1SGES FPAS...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…IL AIM IIGAN D.ATLY ,. ~ ,.,;,.r,,, - -- OFFICI AL A .WSLPAPER 01" THE IT-N IV ERSIT1Y OF 111iCJHCAN 'Iiblishcd every m-o rning except Monday fing me Unitvcrsity year by the Board in itre! of Student Pub lications! lini;,r, of Wcstcru Coiiferenice LEditorial ie Associatea Pre-Ss is exclusively eni- d to the use for republication of all news patches credited to it or not otherwise dited in this paper and the local; news pb ,ed therein. rnte...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 5

…M USICI AS W I S NSE IR WOMEN GATU11EI AT _________ N E A :lL N i H E -.f 7 .,Y. U S C L E L J A 1 ..kV fl lflf h fe n n otio r tea, one of th e las t. no-IP I O S K P H h e r f _F U T That, IPens Presenting the last of the sc yen1 & 5 ~ ~ ::: .. recitals showing the deg Iojill:'nt ( }Z . f songIast night in Patton gnill a i di- X{" ;>z '," . :.. ;.". torium, Maclamne Clara Clemens decm-* ... onstrated again her charmling vo:C., and remarkl...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY "',,, ,, . . . ui. [j§ es ' °°l rr T-millilliwi Awo r......r...r "" I . 111) K - tVp3rrtt.^ rvcMr.Y -.-:. REEK OF iSRING gRID WORK TSLIGHT ON LIKELY ATERLAL THE TENNIS MA TCHES! a :, r each L1t4Ie and Assistants Working Daily With 70 Men to Find Two Ends and Fulback ED"'MILLER SEEMS BEST BET AS CAPPON'S SUCCEISSOR Vith three weeks of spring football iind them, as well as a winter's rk in the gymnasim, ...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 7

…THE MTCIrtGAN DATILY - . ®,., s .c.. -, 'he Daily "Classified" Columns AROSES A DVERTI SING' AT 3 P. M SPORT SNAP SHOTS Winy CtyLabor RepotedAs "Red" I <t~ t 3Pi Byi Jaek 'Beene1 of that city. Genewich is comparabkl There ar^ few.v bigger gambles than with George U'hie, who alto cam paying a hugp e price for a mzinor league from the corner diamondsl to the big baseball star. Money will get them. leagues: The Clevelander soon be- but ...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 8

…TI I E NMICHICAN DAIL _________ ,. .. - --w ,,a,.. . .... .............., e... , . i I (-OFFICIAL BULLETIN' In the Rulletiu is coiistructtro notice to all membersat ty. Copy received urnti l S20 r m. (11:30 a. m. PIturday.) THURSDAY, '.Ay 10, 19":1 Number 100 I CHA'SGOING ON w ____ i Lion All, .enors : HIE DIPLO6MA FEE IS PAYABLE NOW! FEarly settlement Is nece8- for the preparation of diplon as. In no case will" the University; r...…

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