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March 26, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Showers and colder today; tomorrow fair, rising tempera- ture. L e Lit iau Daii *Editorials French Journals In The~ Libray... Tennessee River: Valley Of Darkness ,. . VOL. XLVII. No. 128 Alm ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Sanitation lIn Eatin Places Termed Better, By University Opposition To Health Law Not Likely To Develop, Daily Survey Indicates Bacteria Count Is On Cliche Expert Rides Again; Mc...…

March 26, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATTTRnAV- MARCH M- MRA _ .- - - - -tr.nap, v r a a.a 8 a.nJ * , .8.6 4ALRri:.LLQ rt~ fr r 1:I~ .iJ Mr. McBergen Is On A Tear HisTale Unrare (Continued irom Page 1) iginally scheduled for this period was not to be presented." There follows . . . "A brief inter- lude of recorded music." Was the man on the cigarette hour a singer? "No, a golden-voiced ten- or." About cigarettes in general it was revealed that . ....…

March 26, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1938 17It E, AllIC HI 4 A N D Al [A .... ....... . ..a. . __._ _ ._ _._ . ... :; Swimmers Trail O.S.U. By Twvo Points AtEnd Of First Day .. .. +> ., / Keeps Swim Title - ASIDE Michigan Now Ceded Chance To Retain Tltlea . 1 I1E c - Sy IRVIN LISAGOR Guts..., N THE YEARS soon after the Civil War, one Stephen Crane wrote a book entitled "The Red Badge of Courage." From what we hear it was a good book. We wouldn'...…

March 26, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THlE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUR DAY, MARl L-.CH 26, 1938 ________________________________________________________.. .. _ I THE MICHIGAN DAILY 6JII EJNN4 F9 H[ D M NT - p MAP8 . . Edited and managed by students of the University of Midhigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associate...…

March 26, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

…SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1938 T H E MICHI G A N DA ItLI Spanish Fiesta Will Be Given Tonight Will Contribute For Purchase Of Ambulance Entertainment To Include Skit, Spanish Dance And Selections From Violin The Spanish Fiesta will be present- ed from 9 p.m. to midnight today in the League Ballroom. A floorshow, exhibition and refreshments will be included on -the program. The Fiesta is being sponsored by various organizations in Ann Arbor und...…

March 26, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

…rAGE SM 9r 14 Vii' n1i I ('ll ,f C A I' TI A 11' t V %* AlrTT "A SAItf"'U ire Ift** 1 1 lIi J' V I ( . 1II *m1efX .IN RP1-R..I 1 ] i, A '-rig- rnu-t A tr -ms-an rr. an 4ttflfl I ~JI JJVLX, IVI 1I~&41 (b, i~O State Teachers I Group To Act Oi Proposals Hear Recommendation To Defer Enlargement Of Board Of Education Protest Is suggested RevedcPredietion LANSING, March 25.--()-Budget Director Harold D. Smith charged off as "window-dressing...…

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