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July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 11

…Rogers takes lead in SANDWICH, England (AP)-Bill share of the mark only for a couple of Rogers had the lead, Tom Watson was hours before an obscure British club in contending position and, almost in- pro, G.J. Brand, broke the mark with a credibly, Jack Nicklaus still had an late-afternoon 65 that included a hole- outside shot at the title yesterday after in-one on the 165-yard 16th hole. He was two rounds of the 110th British Open at 143. Gol...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 12

…Sports 4 Page 12 Saturday, July 18, 1981 The Michigan Daily Q r t a 'S I GIVEN CHANCE BY COWBOYS QBWangler doubted again By RON POLLACK Ever since the 1979 Gator Bowl where went unchosen in the college draft. The under fire, which makes me think he Daily sports writer he sustained a knee injury, John Dallas Cowboys signed the Michigan can be an NFL quarterback." Third in asix-partseries Wangler has spent much of his time quarterback as a...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The -Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 42-S "Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 17, 1981 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Regents to vote on tuition hike today Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTR THREE GRADESCHOOL CHILDREN enjoy one of the exhibits at the University's Exhibit Museum. Though the museum's budget has been cut $41,000, its director, Robert Butsch, assures it won't severely affect services to the public. 'U' E xhibit cutby $41 By REBECCA FRELIGH Da...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, July 17, 1981-The Michigan Daily Reagan determined to nip nuclear weaponry WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan yesterday declared his deter- mination to nip the spread of nuclear weaponry around the world, especially in view of "ominous events in the Mid- dIe East." Reagan, who repeatedly was accused last year by President Carter as caring too little about nuclear proliferation, said the task stands as a "fundamental national se...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 17, 1981-Page 3 Harry Chapin dead at 38 From AP and UPI NEW YORK-Harry Chapin, the singer-composer who broke onto recording charts nearly a decade ago with the song "Taxi," was killed yesterday in an automobile accident on the Long Island Expressway. He was 38. Chapin, known for his narrative ballad style and work to end world hunger, was driving alone when he tried to switch lanes in front of a truck at about ...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Friday, July 17, 1981-The Michigan Daily Israeli jets blast Lebanese strongholds 4 BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)-Evading SAM-7 missiles, Israeli warplanes blasted Palestinian strongholds in southern Lebanon yesterday and demolished five highway bridges. The two-hour wave of bombing and rocket attacks came a day after the guerrillas pounded northern Israel with the heaviest rocket barrage in eight years, killing three Israeli civilians. THE AIR...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 17, 1981-Page 5 Pollution, cancer link questioned CHICAGO (AP) - Pollution of the environment from such sources as automobiles and chemical wastes has not been shown to increase people's risk of developing cancer, a panel of doctors concludes in a report disputed by several specialists. But the report, in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, distinguishes between the workplace ...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 6

…Page 6--Friday, July 17, 1981-The Michigan Daily HERBICIDE 'AGENT ORANGE' CA USES A RUCKUS Vietnam vets charge indifference WASHINGTON (AP)-Vietnam war Michael Burt McCarthy, chief ad- hunger strike, said her husband, James legislation nearing passage by veterans nearing the end of a hunger viser and negotiator for the hunger Hopkins, received "a mockery of an Congress. strike charged yesterday that the strikers, told the congressional panel A...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 17, 1981-Page 7 Regents to vote on tuition today (Continued from Page 1) salary program. Any reduction in either of those would reduce the salary program even more, he said. "Any rise in tuition would only mean we will fall less short of the goal we should be aiming for," he said. UNIVERSITY President Harold Shapiro said that if this year held the same sort of disastrous state ap- propriation, it would mean a ...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 8

…4 Opinion P 8 Friday, July 17, 1981 The Michigan Daily Big business not a big villain Business, particularly big business, has long been considered by various ideologues as the enemy of everything held dear to them and their goals for society. To defend anything already condemned as the villain of mankind seems impossible. It isn't really. By Mark Gindin The use of profits by a company apparently bothers some people. Rest assured the ...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 9

…Arts The Michigan Daily Friday, July 17, 1981 Page 9 THE COMING WEEK: Material VINYL ANALYSIS No. 4; SUBJECT: Material-'Temporary Music' (Cellophane import)- PHASE No. 1: The Zu Phase, from (?) to July, 1979-When I first saw Material in October of 1978 (NYC) and then again in June of 1979 (Har- tford, Conn.), they were calling them- selves the Zu Band. Both performances were part of Giorgio Gomelsky's touring Zu Manifestival, which also feat...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 10

…Pi House approves record military expenditures 4 4 WASHINGTON (AP)-The House overwhelmingly approved a record $136 billion military authorization bill last night after breaking a logjam of pen- ding amendments. The measure, which permits the Pen- tagon to set aside money in the 1982 fiscal year for procurement of weapons and equipment, operations and main- tenance and research and develop- ment, passed on a 354-63 vote. THE TOTAL is nearly...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 17, 1981-Page 'I Student Savings Shield Benefits Everyone STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND STAFF save hundreds of dol- lars on products and services they need. MERCHANTS receive unique STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS advertising and experience ®0' obtain funding for special increased sales volume. projects and charities. *fff ALL PULLED TOGETHER" Before developing the S$S pro- gram, the Northwood Non-Food Co- op tool a long look a...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Friday, July 17, 1981-The Michigan Daily 1If yo idyornm ada-listing of movies 3 WINNERS EVERY DAY dros fo odays o chgaoDailLyA D W RHL'S for a cotest No Contest To Enter ." " lasified pageoL CAGE AN YW RO ponoreod by lust look thohtoday's Classified Ado. YOU WIN AUlX FOlLLES FRNKENSTEIN STATE TNEATER Three 0. of M. students wil fnd0hei TWO FREE TICKETS --MID NIGHT naeoppearso core to ourobuoioeso office CLASSFIED + toany ne o IAZINC SH...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 13

…DAILY CLASSIFIEDS The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 17, 1981-Page 13 More le ists arrested in Iran (Continued from Page 12 AIRLINE TICKET TO L.A. August 11. $100. Call 822- 8660or 821-9493. 41P0718 BUSIN ESS SERVICES WRITE ON... " creative, technical copy " Rewriting " Research " Overnight typing, $1.00/page 996-0566 cJtc TYPING, PROFESSIONAL, ALL TYPES Call Noelle anytime, 971-2364 cJtc W ANT ED TO R ENT WANTED-Parking space adjacent to centr...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Friday, July 17, 1981-The Michigan Daily CTHE SPORTING VIEWS' Steroids and a double standard.. . *American falls victim By JOHN FITZPATRICK Daily sports writer BEN PLUCKNETT IS a discus thrower. A huge man, standing 6'7" and scaling 305 pounds, the red-bearded American set two world records in the discus this year. His latest mark was a booming toss of 237'4", established in an international meet at Stockholm last week. Had it not been...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 17, 1981-Page 15 On one wheel Unicyclists seek club sports status By RON POLLACK Daily sports writer The cycling experience begins with a tricycle. In time, the three-wheeler is outgrown, and a bicycle takes its place. For most people, this is as far as it will advance. But for others, the final progression of man's mastery over the wheel is reached with the unicycle. For the average person, "it takes 20 hours,...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 16

…Sports Page 16 Friday, July 17, 1981 The Michigan Daily 4 Ex-'M'gridder ilja encounters new game' in pro ball with L.A. blocking technique: think I was fortunate to play with the accustomed to the pro atmosphere." By RON POLLACK "In college ball, as opposed to pro other players on our (Michigan's) of- MALAVASI ALSO is pleased that Daily sports writer ball, you can't extend your arms fully, fensive line, which helped me a lot. And Lilja has b...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 41-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 16, 1981 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Police testify at Leo Kelly's pre-trial exam By ANN MARIE FAZIO Daily staff writer Ann Arbor police officers testified in court yesterday that a sawed-off shotgun and many containers of shotgun shells were found in murder defendant Leo Kelly's dorm room shor- tly after the April 17th Bursley Hall shootings. The police testimony was g...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…poge 2- ursae "bly e16, 14' Thgi goSDaily Police testify aBursley Hl murder pre-trial A (ContinuedfromPage 1) Barbour said he and Stimac had initially arrived at Bursley at about 6:11 a.m. after receiving a radio dispatch relating a possible shooting. At the dorm they met Michael Neumann, a student witness who testified at last week's hearing. Neumann directed them to the Douglas wing sixth floor. The police officers went to Kelly's room, fo...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday July 16, 1981-Pige 3 PARTY SHAKE- UPS, UNPRECEDENTED P0WERSTR UGGLE More change in Poland From AP and UPI WARSAW, Poland - Seven can- didates, including four pro-Soviet hard- liners, will challenge incumbent Stanislaw Kania for the job of Polish Communist Party leader in an open power struggle unprecedented in the East bloc, party officials said yester- day. Party sources said eight names, in- cluding Kania's would...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Thursday, July 16, 1981-The Michigan Daily Begin accepts mandate to form gov't coalition I JERUSALEM (AP)-Prime Minister Menachem Begin accepted the official mandate yesterday to form Israel's next government and launched an in- tense schedule of talks with the parties he needs to form a majority coalition. While saying he hoped to assemble a new Cabinet by July 27, Begin sum- moned his outgoing Cabinet to approve an agreement with th...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, July 16, 1981-Page 5 S&L 'S PAYCHECK CAN'T COVER ITS BILLS S&Ls in financial squeeze From the Associated Press The nation's savings and loan associations are in the same predicament as a family with a paycheck that won't cover the bills. The interest the S&Ls are earning on their loans is less than the interest they have to pay on deposits. A big part of the problem, for families and bankers, is inflation. Inflati...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 6

…Opion Page 6 The Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 41-S Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 18% too steep a tuition hike IT IS ALL VERY painful indeed. With the economic chaos that currently burdens the University, finding a way out will inevitably result in casualties. The question is, where should the changes-and the consequent suffering-take place? By proposing an 18 percent tuition hik...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 7

…Arts Thursday, July 16, 1981 PSYCHEDELIA GALORE: The Michigan Daily Page 7 Poge 7 Warming uj By KAREN GREEN Daily Arts Writer On Tuesday night the Psychedelic Furs played at Nitro's, one of Detroit's newest nightspots. Nitro's is situated in the midst of a suburban mall which in- cludes everything from a drug store to a topless bar. - Nitro's itself is a former disco, and the multi-leveled floors, red and blue lighting, and profusion of...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Thursday July 16, 1981-The Michigan Daily SIf you find your nae and ad listing of moves 3 WINNERS EVERY DAY dress in tdoy s Michigan Doily ANDY WARHOL'S for o contest No Contest To Enter c lassifiedpage ACAGE f D jj ' sponsored by JistlokihrouightoysClassifedAds. YOU WIN AUX FOLLES FRANKENSTE/ N STATETHEATER TheeU.sf M studeints is ther TWO FREE TICKETS MIDNIGHT ome ppears come to our usnessoffe t atf 420 Maynard 5t. within 48 hours. Tw...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, July 16, 1981-Page 9 I Slow growth predicted for rest of year From APandUPI WASHINGTON - Inflation will con- tinue to decline faster than previously forecast, but unemployment will remain a problem and there will be "lit- tle or no" real economic growth the rest of this year, the administration predic- ted yesterday. In its midyear economic report to Congress, the Office of Management and Budget said interest rat...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Thursday,;July 16,191--The Michigan Daily . ..AND IN THIS CORNER . . Mark Mihanovic 4 (Game Cancellations .. . i Baseball '81: Dead A S THE PLAYERS' strike advnces well into its, second month and the total number of games- wiped-out soars past 400, it becomes more and more clear that Major League Baseball 1981 is dead. Perhaps that seems the view of an alarmist, a pessimist ... but, in truth, I am neither. I would not be surprised ...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 11

…TheMichigan Daily-,-Thursday, July,1 6, 1981-Page 11 Owens still lacks contract By RON POLLACK Daily sports writer First inasix-partseries This is first in a series of six ar- ticles examining the attempts of former Michigan football players to make an NFL team, their thoughts about such an endeavor and their new pro coach 's analysis of their abilities and future in the sport. The series was written by Daily Sports Writer Ron Pollack. When t...…

July 16, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 41) • Page Image 12

…Sports Page 12 Thursday, July 16, 1981 The Michigan Daily Kids hone skills at sports camps 4 4 By SANDRA SMITH Daily Staff Writer Baseball hats flung on backwards, hundreds of youngsters descend on South Quad struggling with overstuffed duffel bags and shrugging off parents' hugs on a sweltering Sunday afternoon. This is not a batch of young-looking Freshmen Orientation attenders, nor a gang of young intellectual geniuses en- tering college...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The Mich1gan Daly Vol. XCI, No. 40-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 15, 1981 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Extension Service slashed By ANN MARIE FAZIO Daily staff writer The budget of University's Extension Service will be cut by nearly 90 percent, the University announced this week, a, move that the service's director said will force the dismissals of at least 45 of the program's staff members. The cut is part of a "reorganization" of the Ext...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, July 15, 1981--The Michigan Daily Millionaire spy charged with illegal practices From AP and UPI WASHINGTON-Max Hugel, a millionaire whose appointment irked career intelligence officers, resigned yesterday as overseer of the CIA's spy network hours after allegations that he gave inside information about a firm he once headed to two Wall Street brokers: Hugel called the allegations in yesterday's Washington Post by two former...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…Leveling From APand UP DETROIT-Police ripped a door off a Roman Catholic church yesterday and evicted a dozen squat- ters who tried for a month to stop a General Motors Corp. construction project from leveling the aging Poletown neighborhood. The eviction of the six men and six women ap- parently ended the year-long saga of the Immaculate Conception Church in the heart of the east side Poletown neighborhood. CHRISTINE KUJAWSKI, spokeswoman for...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Wednesday, July 15, 1981-The Michigan Daily Research and teaching may be Hospital's aims (Continued from Page 1)t much of today's medical profession ... the proposed hospital may in fact be moving in a direction that is - diametrically opposed to our greatestF current and, especially, future needs inw health care."" But University Hospital Director Jep- tha Dalston said, "That's why ther University is in the hospital business-to provide...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 15, 1981-Page 5 'RACIAL PR EJUDICE' LED TO JAPANESE-AMERICAN PRISONS WWII camps called an outrage WASHINGTON (AP)-Former Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas testified yesterday that racial prejudice, not national security, led to the mass in- ternment of people of Japanese descent in World War II. He called the episode a tragic error, an outrage, an unconscionable and irrational deed. "I think it is clear-perha...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 6

…Opinion A Page b Wednesday, July 15, 1981 The Michigan Daily _ _- , - .-I - --- The Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 40-S Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Spelling relief M-O-N-E-Y T HERE WAS PROFOUND truth in the words spoken the other day by Lech Walesa, Poland's Solidarity union leader. "I've been traveling around the country looking for counter-revolutionaries and anti- socia...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 7

…Arts The Michigan Daily Wednesday, July 15, 1981 Page 7 ," - The Plasmatics The Plasmatics-'Beyond the Valley of 1984' (Stiff America)- "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been one month since my last confession." "Go ahead, my child." "Uhm.. . I got angry at my parents twice and had impure thoughts three times . : . and I listened to the new Plasmatics album, Father." "I know it's hard to keep a pure mind today with the influenc...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Wednesday, July 15, 1981-The Michigan Daily I ti If you find your nane and ad- dress in todays Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies LA CAG ANDY WARHOL'S AUX FOLLES FRANKENSTEIN = aue Lsting of rodes 3 WINNERS EVERY DAY for a contest No Contest To Enter sponsored by Just look through today's Classified Ads STATE THEATER Three. of M studen silfi the M IDNIGHT names hiden ...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 15, 1981-Page 9 t4;4 Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM THE UNIVERSITY'S EXTENSION Service (foreground) faces a budget cut of nearly 90 percent, partly as the result of a special committee's recommendation (background) to eliminate the program entirely. Haig promises new Soviet deal Extension Service suffers cuts (Continued from Page 1) concepts such as 'central to the Univer- sity of Michigan mission' what were ...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Wednesday, July 15, 1981-The Michigan Daily SPOR TS OF THE DAILY Lions obtain veteran linebacker I PONTIAC (UPI)-The Detroit Lions obtained veteran linebacker Steve Towle from the Miami Dolphins for an undisclosed future draft choice, it was announced yesterday. Towle played out his option last season with Miami and could not be traded to the Lions until a new con- tract could be worked out with his agent, Jack Mills. Lions general m...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 15, 1981-Page 11 1968 - Year of the Tiger It doesn't matter if you side with the players or the owners in the current baseball strike, there is one thing that everyone agrees on-it is an unfortunate situation. So in order'to partially relieve the misery of any baseball junkies going through withdrawal, throughout the duration of the strike the Daily is providing a look back to a more pleasant time-1968. There...…

July 15, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 40) • Page Image 12

…Sports Page 12 Wednesday, July 15, 1981 The Michigan Daily 4 TENNIS PLAYER PETER Rennert, left, pours his glass of beer on the head of Wimbledon champion John McEnroe at a charity benefit at New York's Xenon disco. Laughing at right is McEnroe's friend Lisa Taylor. The 22- year-old New York native is appealing a $750 fine received during his play in England. I I McEnroe appeals JULY 21 imbledon fine NEW YORK (AP)-John McEnroe, appeal...…

July 14, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily July 14, 1981 Ten Cents Twelve Pages 'U' officials to ask 18% rise in tuition rate v Daiy Photo by KMm HI'L Water Nymphs TWO STUDENTS, Theresa (left) and Sharon, take time out from their busy summer schedule to enjoy a dip in the fountain of the Michigan Union. PIR GIM asks Mich. Union tojoin boycott of Nestle's products By MARK GINDIN Daily staff writer The University will ask the Regents to hike tuition for fall by 18...…

July 14, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 Tuesbdy: July 14, 1981--The Michigan Daily Thatcher appeal is rejected by crowd From AP and UPI LIVERPOOL, England - A tomato hurled from a crowd narrowly missed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher yesterday after she urged Britons "not to despair" following 10 straight nights of rioting across Britain. The crowd included several young Socialists who were protesting Mrs. Thatcher's economic policies, which they blame for England's record ...…

July 14, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily--Tuesday, July 14, 1981-uPage 3 WIFE AND CHILD ARE CONT ACTED Taiwan affair progresses By JOHN ADAM Daily staff writer Contact was made recently between the wife and child of former University graduate student Chen Wen-Chen and members of Carnegie Mellon Univer- sity faculty, according to CMU President Richard Cyert. Cyert said that Chen's wife, Sue Jen, has said she will leave Taiwan in "the middle of August maybe." There ...…

July 14, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Tuesday, July 14, 1981-The Michigan Daily Sixth hunger striker's death sparks violence From AP and UPI BELFAST, Northern Ireland - Sniper attacks and street fights broke out after the death of a sixth Irish nationalist hunger, striker yesterday as some 100,000 Protestants marched throughout Northern Ireland in an an- nual, centuries-old show of strength. Four British soldiers, one policeman and one civilian were wounded in gun and bomb...…

July 14, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 39) • Page Image 5

…The Michiaan Daily-Tuesday, July 14, 1981-Page 5 OPPONENTS DISQUALIFIED IN UPCOMING ELECTION Iran executes 23 more From APandUPI BEIRUT, Lebanon-Iran's fun- damentalist government yesterday disqualified its secular opponents from running in upcoming presidential elec- tions and ordered the executions of 23 more alleged leftists. The nation's 12-man Council of Guar- disns cleared only four of the 71 poten- tial presidential candidates who sign...…

July 14, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 39) • Page Image 6

…4 Opinion Page 6 Tuesday, July 14, 1981 The Michigan Daily _______________________________ - The Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 39-S Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Hot time W E'RE IN THE HEART of summer now, and the city is vibrant with activity. Rather than cowering away from the sultry, at times oppressive summertime weather, local residents seem to be celebrating it. Skateboard...…

July 14, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 39) • Page Image 7

…Arts The Michigan Daily Tuesday, July 14, 1981 Page 7 Radio marathon of local music Psychedelic Furs WCBN (88.3 FM), the scourge of the airwaves and all-around enemy of the corporate mentality wherever it rears its ugly head, started a special radio marathon yesterday that will continue through this Friday. Their regular programming has been preempted for a special tribute to the music and musicians of. Ann Arbor. This festival will ru...…

July 14, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 39) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Tuesday, July 14, 1981-The Michigan Daily AdIf yofonod yoor nmea d od od tot eigof eovies 3 WINNERS EVERY DAY dress in today's Michigan Daily LA CAGE ANDY WARHOL'S for a contest No Contest To Enter LA CAosofssdtook ooteed tho oh todoys Clossified As YOU WIN AUX FOLLES FRANKENSIN STATE THEATER Three U. of M. students will find their Homeshideninthisection.If foot SSIFI TWO FREE TICKETS MIDNIGHT notoapeatrcometo ourbusines'offie to any on...…

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