The Mich1gan Daly
Vol. XCI, No. 40-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 15, 1981 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Extension Service slashed
Daily staff writer
The budget of University's Extension
Service will be cut by nearly 90 percent,
the University announced this week, a,
move that the service's director said
will force the dismissals of at least 45 of
the program's staff members.
The cut is part of a "reorganization"
of the Extension Service being done as
part of the University's retrenchment,
according to a report to the University
Regents filed by Vice-President for
Cuts of nearly 90% V
force 45 staff dismiss
Academic Affairs Bill Frye. reorganized," Storey said
THE CUT will cause the discon- In the communication,
tinuance of the program's Extension believe that the propos
Regional Centers in Ann Arbor, Detroit, enable the University to
Grand Rapids, and Saginaw, according minimal disruption, ser
to Frye's report. campus students..
The program is "being reduced, not Extension Service Dii
viii Storey said, however, the cuts will
'greatly diminish our capacity" to
deliver these services.
HE ADDED that these services reach
sa ls 47,000 people through the credit-course
program, and another 20,000 people in
credit-free programs, such as con-
Frye said, "I ferences and institutes.
ed plan will The academic unit that sponsors a
provide, with particular program or course with Ex-
'vices to off- tension Service will hopefully pick up
the responsibilities for thoseprograms,
rector Alfred Storey said. This will depend on their
individual budgetary constraints.
Along with the cuts, an Advisory
Committee on Extension Activities will
"review the mission of Extension in
light of changes within the University."
STOREY SAID he.feels this mission
includes "the responsibility of sharing
with citizens of the state teaching and
research resources of the University."
The fulfillment of this mission, he said,
would be greatly hindered by the cuts.
The Extension Service offers credit
courses at six centers around the state
as well as non-credit courses, including
seminars and conferences, many times
using University faculty members as
The cutbacks are the result of an ex-
tensive review of the Extension Ser-
vice, held in February, which is part of
the University's massive budget cut-
ting plans caused in part by reductions
in state appropriations. The report of
the subcommittee which studied the
Extension Service, made in March,
recommended that the department be
totally eliminated.
THERE HAS been some criticism of
the review process by program of-
ficials. The director of the center in
Detroit, Robert Schultz, said he wrote a
20-page criticism of the process;
AP Photo charging the committee was incom-
petent and unworthy of the University.
He said the committee didn't gather
information or think logically and made
ade on the "gross errors of omission and com-
celebrated mission." He also said, "They used
inappropriate, and the world's most expensive
THE NEW HOSPITAL will be the largest state ex-
penditure for a health care facility, and possibly the
largest expenditure for construction in the history of
In a 1979 statement of position, the Comprehensive
Health Planning Commission of Southeastern
Michigan responded to the University's demon-
stration of need application. CHPC-SEM makes the
final recommendation to the state as to whether a
new medical facility is viable.
The paper states, "Of course, the final justification
offered (by the University) for the new hospital is the
need for high standard institutions for purposes of
teaching and research. . . one or two points must be
noted: one is the absolute lack of evidence for the
claim that $400 per day hospital facilities are
necessary for good teaching and research and, fur-
ther, that this particular type of good teaching and
research leads to good health care.
"GIVEN THE NARROW overspecialization in
See RESEARCH, Page 4
Independence Day
President Francois Mitterand of France (right), and General Roger Perrier, military governor of Paris, par
Champs-Elysees avenue yesterday, observing troops who are standing in attention on the morning of thec
Bastille day which marks France's independence from sovereignty.
New 'U'
p rio rities
Daily staff writers
Although state officials and University Regents
agreed at last month's Regents meeting that am-
bulatory care would be the new University Hospital's
highest priority, it appears that teaching and resear-
ch may continue to be the central mission of the
According to University Regent Thomas Roach (D-
Saline), the new facility will have a three-fold
mission: "teaching, research, and medical care for
the people of this state."
ROACH ADDED, "One must keep in mind that
every patient at University Hospital is potentially a
teaching case."
Not all health professionals, however, share the
University officials' optimistic goals for the new
facility. A former health care planner involved with
the Hospital Replacement Project said, "It's (the
new hospital) a palace of half-way technology."
According to the planner, "It was our impression
that the new University Hospital is unnecessary,