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March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…r 30i1 au atl -j * , EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN,' SATURDAY, MARCII 31, 1923 EIGHT PAGES i It I" EASTER TO lBE P11, N JUOIIIA(SF jNEW BONNETSMAY APPEAB'UIULIIhJU C Spring bonnets md creamy 1 Norfolks may appear tomorrow EETOFCR with reasonable assurance or not [C 9 Ifl being ruined by an April show- Tft Tllr e r, according to a forecast by t e w a he u e uet r a . 9A l AT~f), t.-i---.#--III - _111 Special Service Held Yesterd...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…in Begins EDI SCOTT ADDRESSES SCIENCE ACADEMYl tin, psychology, Prof. 1-1. F. Adams, sanitary and medical science, Prof.j Philip Hadley,' zoology, 'Dr. L., R. Dice. The section in geography has been joined with the economics section and minerology has been~ included in the section of geology.I Phi Delta Ktavpa REGENTS GRAIT DEGREES TO GRAUATE STUDENTS Degrees to. students of the Gradu- ate school were granted by the Board LAST, - - - - ...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAI _ . _ .:. n ,. .. .. ... ri. C'ake. , i. of all cap- the class bhas- held at 11:30 the director's If a man loses heis money he loses a lot- If he loses his friends he loses, a lot more- But if he loses his courage he loses everythi. 1. Ill be re- te le gyn' r clan dayc ~$~V< 2 K ~Ai\ I /4 F. I'f. rI; were in the catcor- ittees of the Junior invited to attend a tea 'clckl today at. New- i committee will this morn...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…THE MI Iti. N ICAN DAILY ____ ., ously faulty should be tolerated. For those responsible to have mnade, O ST D OLL the mistake in the begining of notTE entrusting the lighting of Hill audi- torom to the experienced men of the 1:1 teal.Engineering departmnut is RPTTO pelps excusable. But, in the face of repeated mistakes by others, to fail WH RATIIA WIIUXTRA to take advantage of the free services: of these men who have the ability to; The b...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY wolampom = , . ;,: ,, , r / i . i /. ,_ i i .. s ' , I p! < IN The SchultzGrcy TiEHOME OF Itf oODs, ''31 S. STATE- SjTIEET The Home of McLean and Neelands Quality,- Courtesy service Fre Delivery to ll Parts of CI Last Delivery 5 P. M. Office, Open* till 10 P. M. for Ordl PHONES 326-327-328 114-116 E. WIASH-INGTON I Richelieu Coffee , tables in Seas on I A coffee per fection attained only after ...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN' DPALY ,, . . I _...... AILLY REtOK FINALS IN CLASSES B, C OF TOURNEY Former Ohio State Gridiron Starf Leaps To Big League Spotlight mgk eets Alma Five Tonight "b )Defeating Birmingham 26.14: $sNCITY QUINTET TO (iPPO$E HOLLY IC FINAL les, clas B,- and Holly, class C, their way into the finals of their ective classes lastnight at Water- gymnasium in the semifina s of1 State interscholastic class' B andy sketball tourna...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 7

… ~' i.d'4'&I~A..~ £ er word e space ants per rOOD, MONEBY DURING VACATION. Last year I had thirty-seven stu- dents from Ann Arbor making from forty to one hundred dollars in one week selling brushes. If you think' you are asgood as the average come up and see .Ae. All students mi- ing good dui~ig Easter vacation will1' be given an exceptionally good of- fer this, summer. APPLCTOS DUE FQR CUSTER TRANING CAMP Applications for the Military Tra...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 8

…,ILA lM 24r i .. , Prussian General BULJLETINI Taken By French, ubtie. to all members of M. 0~1:84 a. in.RAfta w.) , , lm'; \rnmber l12 n ~slipis for signing out at night during' March are due ed in to the Dean's office imnmediately. JEAN HAMILTON, Deaun of VVomean. ng~ and Ardhiteeture: .n.; to grud~te In June or after the Sumne-r Sesston Sevretary's office., fl~or~n 2N3 Ea~eering fluilding, and LOUIS A. HOPKI 'S, seeretary. rring and ...…

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