October 06, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 10) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily MEN WORKE HARI). Varsity Squad Thro' Severe Train ing Stunts-No Scrimmage Yesterday. Althought Coach Yost (diinot gis e h laueo cimg lst right. it was plainly evident fron tetworkout goven tetsq-iuadthat Is didi not expect the mitstakes made il t irs thItlf of the Klamaztoo gametcto brpae oorwi h az g i. Ce. acling the (lttttpy signal prc ie sitli pacise-thtanl in g pnswral« h rgaadk,;afterduts the iseiswere llowtied1 t unt...…