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October 06, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

… founder and former CEO who invented and masterfully marketed ever- sleeker gadgets that transformed everyday technology, from the personal computer to the iPod and ighone, died yesterday. He was 56. Apple

… incident entertaining and "a great way to procrasti- nate." PAUL SAKUMA/AP Apple CEO Steve Jobs at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco on June 7, 2010. Jobs passed away yesterday at…

… age 56. Apple co-founder eve Jobs dies at age 56 Republicans request change in state electoral vote system Changes likely to hurt Obama's re-election chances HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - Republicans in…

… Democratic cities in both states, to more conservative rural and suburban areas that tend to favor Republicans. Innovator revolutionized world of technology CUPERTINO, California (AP) - Steve Jobs, the Apple

… count- less innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives," Apple's board said in a statement. "The world is immeasurably better because of Steve" Jobs had battled cancer in 2004 and underwent a…

… in August. He took another leave of absence in January - his third since his health problems began - before resigning as CEO six weeks ago. Jobs became Apple's chairman and handed the CEO job over to…

… his hand-picked suc- cessor, Tim Cook. Outside Apple's Cupertino headquarters, three flags - an American flag, a California state flag and an Apple flag - were fly- ing at half-staff late yesterday…

…. "Those of us viho have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring men- tor." Cook wrote in an email to Apple's employees. "Steve leaves behind a company that…

… only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple." The news Apple fans and shareholders had been dread- ing came the day after Apple unveiled its latest version of the…

… Phone, just one in a procession of devices that shaped technol- ogy and society while Jobs was running the company. Jobs started Apple with a high school friend in a Silicon Valley garage in 1976, was…

October 07, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…4 6- Friday, October 7, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Steve Jobs remembered in tributes around the world Flowers, candles left outside Apple stores in rememberance Steve Jobs was…

… grieved around the world yesterday through the very devices he conceived: People held up pictures of candles on their iPads, reviewed his life on Macintosh computers and tapped out tributes on iPhones. One…

… day after his death, two days after Apple introduced the latest incarnation of a touch- screen phone that touched pop culture, sadness and admiration poured out - not for a rock star, not for a…

… as their Elvis Presley or John Lennon. Perhaps even their Thomas Edison. "It's like the end of the innova- tors," said Scott Robbins, 34, who described himself as an Apple fan of 20 years and who…

… rushed to an Apple Store in San Francisco when he heard the news. Apple announced Jobs' death Wednesday night and remem- bered him as a "visionary and creative genius." The company announced no cause of…

… death, but Jobs had been diagnosed with a rare pancreatic cancer seven years ago and had a liver trans- plant in 2009. He was 56. Yesterday, the Apple website, which usually features slick pre- sentations…

… of multicolored iPods and ever-thinner MacBook lap- top computers, simply displayed a black-and-white photo of Jobs, thumb and finger to his beard as if in contemplation. Around the world, tributes…

… of flickeringcandles. At an Apple Store in Hong Kong, old and new means of grief came together: People scribbled "RIP" and "We miss Steve" and longer notes of condolence on Post-It notes, and stuck…

… them to an iPad display. And at the 24-hour Apple Store inmidtown Manhattan, the remembrances were more tradi- tional. Passersby left flowers and candles, actual ones. Even there, people snapped pictures…

… of the memorial with their iPhones. "I was so saddened. For me it was like MichaelJacksonorPrin- cess Diana - that magnitude," Stephen Jarjoura said at the Apple Store in Sydney. His said Jobs left a…

October 11, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 26) • Page Image 7

… group's rise from one-computer band to indie stardom By Chloe Stachiowak I Daily Arts Writer' The imperfect legacy ofJobs Don't be fooled by their baby faces and short history together -' from…

… playing MP3 backingtracks alone." It didn't take long for Condon to form a band with six of his friends, who used their humble, comput- er-based origins as a launching pointto perform in public. "We were…

…. His effect on the world of home computing is double- edged. On one hand, he led the wave of home computing innova- tion with affordable, stylish and user-friendly technology. On the other, he built the…

… to the Apple Store, the brand and relentless planned obsolescence. I'm not going to pore over the gray areas of Jobs's career, which Mike Daisey's op-ed piece in New York Times last week effectively…

… handled. One need only look up Foxconn to tarnish some of the saintly fluorescent glow Apple commands. I'm not going to expound on his quiet love of LSD, his sober acceptance of death or the devastation of…

… pancreatic cancer. I'm focused, as ever, on the musical side of things. And when it comes to the world of music, Jobs is more Alexander the Great than Mother Teresa. Apple's monopolization of theMP3 and the…

… machines we used than the music we con- sumed with them. The innovations that Apple and Jobs made in the world of recorded music remain acces- sories to the music. They remain, however stylish and pervasive…

… some burned disc we gave our ex (who we never even loved), the playlist we craft to keep us from realizing we are too tired to keep running ... for so many people, Apple became the music itself. Recorded…

October 12, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 27) • Page Image 11

… importance 1 . Treasure-hunting company Odys- TwoAmerican economists, Thom- Israel Prime Minister Benjamin A violent protest at Egypt's Coptic Apple Inc. co-founder Steve sey Marine Exploration Inc. as Sargent…

… cherry sauce, he said in the article. The revenue it makes from the Duke. Michigan mills and apple forget to mention lunch break munchies of local Ann Arbor employees is enough to keep the stand always…

… price of Jobs's in millions of dollars, the total money Jobs worth today. Last month, it surpassed Exxon high-functioning computer he designed lost when NeXT computing and Pixaar 3 8 Mobil as the world…

October 07, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

….m. WHAT: A computer access token used to sign in to hospital computers was stolen from an office, University Police reported. The token hasn't been returned. WHERE: Church Street carport WHEN: Wednesday at…

…, home of Apple Inc., and in nearby com- munities. Authorities went door to door with guns drawn and residents were warned to stay indoors. President Barack Obama gestures during his news conference in…

October 11, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

…. TWITTER THROWDOWN FOLLOW @MICHIGANDAILY SO WE CAN BEAT THE STATE NEWS THE BATTLE E NDS OCT. 15 album" ever. Apple devotees can interact with each song in an app with the.same name involving musical…

… deterioration that is absolutely otherworld- ly, even by Bjork's standards. "Crystalline" hops along with a series of pings created from a computer-generated hybrid instrument called a "gameleste," eventually con…

October 26, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

… CTools quickly and easily without computer access. Bansal and his team also streamlined the program by only including the most perti- nent CTools features for students such as the resources, announce…

… app by download- ing the Michigan app from an Android or Apple market. FOLLOW THE DAILY ON TWITTER @MichDailyNews @Mich DailySports @MichDailyFbal @MichDailyArts @MichDailyOpEd @MichDailyPhoto SIGN UP…

October 21, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

… employee reported that a computer keyboard was taken between Oct. 13 and Oct. 18 from Administrative Services, University Police reported. While the officer was writing up the report the keyboard was found…

…: " Computer/Electrical Engineering Signals Analysis . Computer Science . Business & Contracting . Information Assurance Finance & Accounting . Mathematics " Paid Internships, " Foreign Language Scholarships and…

… - P :4 " tryptanalysis KNOWINGMATTERS WATCH OUR VIDEO I W Get the free App for your and tht enahte Appl v _- _ and aim it at this tag. a.S tizetnshp as equired. NSAisan Equal Opotunity Enpoyer…

October 19, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 30) • Page Image 5

… MICHIGAN Information Session Thursday, October 27 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED Meet and talk with recruiters to discover excellent career opportunities in these fields: g Computer

…/Electrical Engineering * Computer Science * Information Assurance * Mathematics * Foreign Language * Intelligence Analysis * Cryptanalysis -s KNOWINCMATTERS * Signals Analysis * Business & Contracting * Finance…

… 1-800-TO-GO-ANG R U D www.5Algv/caee- APPL WATCH OUR VIDEO Getithe free App for your A. V camera phone at and then launch the AppA and aim it at this tag SApp Store Search NSA…

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