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December 06, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…j.!\ ..r rrrr:rr M' Cagers Face Miami U 111 Home Opener Offensive Changes Made In initial Hockey Drills Wolverines Favored Ove n A full week of rather rugged practice sessions have…

… and Paul * 'w down a notch to work with Brumm. Wally Grant, Neil Celley, and Gil Burford are still in a class by themselves and will make up the Wolverines' most potent scoring combination as the number…

… one line. Defensively the Wolverine pilot has been pleased with the improve- :nent displayed by Bob Fleming and a sophomore, Graham Cragg, who will probably operate with Ross Smith and Owen Mc…

…, Wolverine fullback, on the second squad. The first team selections were dominated by the Midwest, which placed seven men. the season, they whipped Findlay 47-39. * * * LATER IN THEIR second start they came…

… against Kent State, another Ohio state school, and fell under a 49-40 defeat. The Red and White are great- ly outmanned by the Wolverines, but they field a good sophomore forward in the person of Jim…

December 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

Wolverine track fans, Bill Newcomb, late of Albion College; who flashed through the 60-yard dash in 6.6 seconds. As expected, "Hose Nose" Bob Ufer loafed through the 440-yard dash in the compara- tively slow…

…-43 basketball sea- son will open tomorrow night when Coach Bennie Oosterbaan sends the Wolverine quintet against the Spar- tans of Michigan State at 7:30 p.m. in Yost Field House. New faces will spot the Michigan…

… Diehl a forward, suffered a back injury and it is doubtful whether he will see action. Varsity Has Height The Wolverines' main asset tomor- row night will be height. The start- ing five will average six…

… puck team. The Wolverine ice squad gave a better account of themselves than the score indicates. Sophomore Bob Opland, first string center, and Bob Derleth, defenseman, gave perform- ances that show that…

… Second The second period was a seesaw battle all the way, with each team scoring just once. Derleth pushed the puck into the nets at 6:50 on a re- bound of a shot by Bradley, who led the second Wolverine

… was short as the gun sounded. (25 '4 __ with kh.Sculptured Waistline Here's a Slip You'll Love! . /.. r, i r ~"4 _____- London Pucksters Win from Wolverines,63 Opland, Derleth Spark Michigan…

December 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 54) • Page Image 10

… back to school on a dif- ferent mission this time. He tackled the job of organizing the Wolverine Squadron, a group of Navy fliers, all from Michigan. The boys left for the Iowa pre-flight school soon…

… and blue phenomenon appeared on campus during Orienta- tion Week as the Wolverines - a pep organization - sold pots to freshmen who dutifully wore them until they were told that it was unnecessary…

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