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December 06, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-06

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Latest Deadline in the State





Soiled Shirt Fad
May Hit Campus
If Strike Persists
Mail Limits Prevent Home Service;
Local Laundries Now Overtaxed

Soiled shirts will soon be the
latest vogue in apparel for Uni-
versity students.
Hardest hit by a government
coal conservation edict effective
yesterday which prohibits parcel
post packages over 18 inches long
and weighing over 5 pounds, will
be the estimated 10,000 students
who send their laundry home. Ann
Arbor Postmaster Oswald J. Koch,
said yesterday that the average
laundry case exceeds both the
weight and length specifications
laid down by the federal order.
Express officials stated that
they are prohibited from accept-
U Takes New
Steps for Coal
Plans More Drastic
Than Wartime Effort
More drastic steps than those
used during the war are being tak-
en by the University in an effort
to conserve the University coal
supply, Walter Roth, plant
superintendent announced yester-
"We are taking steps more dras-
tic than we ever did during the
war. But to make these steps
really effective, we must have the
cooperation of the students," Roth
He asserted that the three point
program initiated by the Universit
several weeks ago has been effec-
tive in saving the limited coal
supply. The program includes
shutting down of ventilator fans,
turning off lights and heat in cam-
pus buildings at night.
Roth said that the heat may
have to be turned off in the swim-
ming pools, but that there was no
immediate plans for such a meas-
ure. He added that new cut-backs
in heating were being planned for
the holiday period.
"The greatest saving can be ac-
complished only with the students
help. Open windows are the most
prevalent sources of heat loss, but
the plant department cannot hire
a man per student to shut them.
4-Day Fuel
Supply Seen
Provost Adams Says
No Cause for Alarm
A check of the University's coal
stock yesterday showed a 40-day
supply on hand, Plant Superin-
tendent Walter Roth reported.
The last shipment of coal ire-
ceived here was delivered 10 days
ago. Roth was unable to report the
effects of the University's conser-
vation program since meter read-
ings are checked only once each
Provost James P. Adams, com-
menting on an Associated Press
report that the University of No-
tre Dame will be forced to close
when its present term ends unless
the coal strike ends, said: "We
have an adequate supply for the
time being. We'll face the prob-
lem (of keeping school open) when
it arises and when wp can seethe
developments in the national
Rally To Seelk
Bus Rates -Cut

A rally urging a change in the
bus fare between Willow Run Vil-
lage and Detroit will be'staged at
8 p.m. today in the North Com-
munity Center at the village.
Jointly sponsored by the village
chapter of the AVC, the Willow
Run Citizens' Committee, the Lo-
cal UWA 600, and the Ypsilanti

ing anything for rail shipment,
other than food and medicine.
That places the laundry prob-
lem squarely upon the already
overtaxed local commercial laun-
dries. Most commercial laundry
establishments are operating at
capacity now, a Daily survey re-
vealed. Only one of the laundries
contacted yesterday will be able to
handle any great increase in busi-
ness. Operators said that they
would have to turn away more
than a few additional customers,
since their facilities are now taxed
to the utmost. Any great increase
would swamp them, operators add-
Chip Warwick, '47, when in-
formed of the laundry situation,
asserted that he will wear his
dirty shrts for the duration of
the strike.
Phyllis Figley, '49 says "We
hope Lewis will accumulate as
many dirty clothes as we do."
Karl Sterne, '49, has his own
solution to the problem. "From
now on, I will be taking showers
with my clothes on," Strne
With soap supplies also very
slim, hard pressed students will
even have trouble doing their own
washing. It looks like soiled shirts
will be with us for the duration of
the coal strike.
Enterprising students who see in
the laundry crisis, an opportunity
to set up a laundry business on
campus, are reminded that there
is a University ruling against
commercial activity on campus and
in University buildings.
It was reported that men living
in the East and West Quad may
revert to their wartime practice
of "doing their own" at their
Stte Schools
Hit Hard by
Fuel Shortag r
Michigan schools and churches,
as well as industries, have been
hit hard by the current coal crisis
according to an Associated Press
statement today.
stNearly 10,000 students from 21
schools have unexpected vacations
because of the fuel shortage, the
AP said, adding that another 37
schools, teaching more than 30,-
000 students may have to close
within 24 hours.
Olivet College announced that
it will close on December 13 for at
least a month, the AP continued,
and Michigan State College an-
nounced that a nearly completed
building project may be delayed
due to lack of fuel and said that
it has enough coal to last into
Churches in Jackson have elim-
inated week-day meetings and are
considering a suggestion to pool
the remaining coal for Sunday
Schools in Owosso have cur-
tailed all activity outside class
rooms, including night classes for
150 veterans, the AP said.
Lieu T01 Lecture
On China Today
"China's War Time Economic
Situation" will be the subject of
a University lecture by Dr. D. K.
Lieu, Chinese economist and
alumnus of the University, at 4:15
p.m today in the Rackham Am-
Dr. Lieu has just been appoint-
ed Commercial Councilor of the
Chinese Embassy in Washington
and has been in the United States
as a member of the United Na-

Feeler Out
.For Strike
Truman To Go
On Air Sunday
By The Associated Press
John L. Lewis' camp put out a
peace feeler in the soft coal strike
today even as the CIO rushed to
join him in iis appeal against his
contempt conviction.
Meanwhile, President Truman
went to work on a major Sunday
night broadcast, in which he is ex-
pected to appeal to the 400,000
striking miners over the heads of
their leader.
William Green, president of the
AFL, with which Lewis' United
Mine Work'ers is affiliated, urged
the government to arrange for ne-
gotiations between the union and
the private owners for a settlement
which would end the walkout.
His overture was delivered amid
these prime developments:
1. The White House announced
the President will speak to the
country on the coal crisis at 8:30
p.m., (Central Standard Time),
Sunday. It seemed certain he will
urge the miners to return to work
-Deputy Jose Tesorieri, an ad-
herent of President Juan Peron,
proposed today that the Cham-
ber of Deputies rise in homage
to John L. Lewis and his strik-
ing mine union as a gesture of
solidarity of Argentine workers.
The chairman ruled the pro-
posal improper.
on patriotic grounds. And he
might have something to say on
the negotiations Green proposed.
2. With Lewis back in seclusion,
union attorneys filed formal no-
tice of an appeal from the civil
and criminal contempt convictions.
One of them, Henry Kaiser, said
steps will be taken to get the ap-
peal promptly before the Supreme
Court, but today's action was a pe-
tition to the intermediate Federal
Circuit Court of Appeals. There
was no word from judge, clerk or
counsel on the status of the bond
the union was ordered to post for
payment of its whopping fine.
3. Philip Murray, president of
the CIO, who broke with Lewis
four years ago, announced that
"We intend to take whatever steps
are necessary to participate in the
appeal." This might be done by
entering the case and filing a sup-
porting brief with the court's per-
mission or by assigning counsel to
join the defense staff, or both.
The fine and injunction against
the miners thus provided a rally-
ing point for labor's divided forces,
while bringing no end to the bi-
tuminous strike. Murray, once a
vice president of the UMW but
later Lewis' foe, declared the court
action "a shocking attempt to
force American citizens to work
against their will through eco-
nomic coercion."
Lunch Rooms
To Be Opened
Lunch rooms for students who
carry their lunches, will be avail-
able in the Union and League, be-
ginning Monday, Robert W. Wal-

drop, director of the Veterans
Service Bureau and chairman of
the Veterans University Council,
announced yesterday.
A committee of the Veterans
University Council headed by Hen-
ry Kassis, Student Legislature
representative, made the neces-
sary arrangements with Univer-
sity officials.
The Russian Tea Room in the
League and Rm. 316 of the Union,
which have been provided with
tables and chairs, will be open
each week day beginning Monday
from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Due to the large number of stu-
dents and staff members expected
to use the lunch rooms, Waldrop
has asked that persons using the





Trains Need
Travel Count
For Holidays
Estimate Now Will
Avoid Yule Tie-up
An urgent plea for students to
purchase their tickets now if they
plan to travel home by train for
the Christmas holidays was made
yesterday by Assistant Dean of,
Students Walter B. Rea and local
railroad officials.
"Students should buy their tick-
ets now and indicate what train
they desire to travel on, since this
is the only way the railroads can
find out how heavy the traffic will-
be," Dean Rea emphasized.
This statement was prompted
by a letter to the University
from the New York Central Rail-
road in which the line said they
were worried about their ability
to handle the throngs of home-
ward bound students at Christ-
mastime in view of further
slashes in passenger train serv-
ice. They asked University co-
operation to indicate how many
will be leaving Ann Arbor by
train when school closes Dec. 20.
Meanwhile, the New York Cen-
tral announced that ten more
trains were being cut from sched-
ules. Two of these-No. 44 The
New York Special from Chicago to SAWING1
Detroit and Buffalo and No. 323 at Universi
from Detroit to Chicago-will di- workshop,
rectely affect students here. medical fr
This curtailment in service
leaves only three trains running FUND PR
through Ann Arbor on the aft-
ernoon of Dec. 20, the day when
most students will try to leave M en
town, according to J. F. Dyer,
local NYC passenger agent. Two
of these are westbound trains,
the Mercury leaving at 1:31 p.m..
and the Twilight Limited at A veritable
5:26 p.m. Both go to Chicago. members of
The only eastbound train to De- Medical Soc
troit that afternoon will be the campus and
Wolverine leaving at 6:51 p.m. and tomorro
Dyer said plans could be formu- for funds to
lated to handle the load if students in providing]
would indicate what train they ful recreatio
desire when buying tickets, but versity Hospi
he emphasized that this would not Contributio
constitute a reservation. operation of I
Dean Rea stated it was unlikely Shelf and Fu
that school would be dismissed lieved thedr
earlier than Dec. 20, as it was last sts f
year, since a full length vacation sters from ei
period has been scheduled for this 18 years.
semester. He said it may be nec- $3,000 Goal S
essary, however, to work out some Relying on
plan to stagger the crowds leaving tion we hav
by train. Arbor stude
-__in the past, w
can reach or
Science for Peace Donald W.
To Be Discussed the drive,sa
Dr. Raymond L. Zwemer, execu- ing in the sho
tive director of the Inter-depart- their famili
mental Committee on Scientific looking forw
and Cultural Cooperation of the Santa Claus,
United States Department, will year by the G
lecture on "Cooperation in Science gifts, games,
for Peace" at at 5 p.m. tomorrow to help reliev
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. sickness an
He has been a member of the child spendi
anatomy department of Columbia from home.
Blin mn-,f

University since 1931 and was '1' " 6'
awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship two-fold the]
in 1941. In 1941-42, Dr. Zwemer shop, as it n
visited the University of Buenos hours in h
Aires and later worked with the serves also a
Minister of Public Health of Ura- ing influence
guay. Cases Cited
The lecture will be sponsored by They cite a
the Association of University of dicapped chil
Michigan Scientists. into the hosp

Urged To Buy


ailroasounce Additional


IN A WHEELCHAIR-The youngster shown above is typical of workers in the Galen Shop
ity Hospital, on crutches or in wheelchairs or beds. Funds to continue operation of the
which fills the dreary hours of hospitalized children, will be solicited by the honorary
aternity today and tomorrow.

ibers of Galen's Medical
ety Begin Annual Drve

bucket-brigade of 24
Galen's Honorary
iety will cover the
downtown area today
w in their 1946 drive
continue their work
hours of fun and use-
for children at Uni-
ons will be used for
the Galen Shop, Book
n Fund that have re-
eary, tediousrhours of
inement for young-
ght to 14 for the past
the type of coopera-
e received from Ann
nts and townspeople
ve feel certain that we
top our $3,000 goal,
Bowne, chairman of
the youngsters work-
ops are busy on prep-
Christmas gifts for
es and are eagerly
ard to the arrival of
sent to them each
Galens, complete with
candy and ice cream
ve some of the home-
lonesomeness of a
ng Christmas away
uctors emphasize the
rapuetic value of the
.ot only fills the idle
ospital routine but
s a definite socializ-
for the children.
as cases severely han-
dren who have come
ital with little previ-

ous contact with children of their
own age and who lack confidence
in their own capacities to do man-
ual work. The self assurance and
confidence gained and the educa-
tion of working and playing with
the other "kids" is of immeasur-
able value, according to the in-
Funds contributed in past drives
have made it possible to equip the
shop, the only one of its kind in
the country, with three jig saws, a
lathe, a sander, drill and circular
saw, electric burning pencils and
hand hand carving tools. Wood,
clay, leather, paper, soap, plastic,
cloth, paints and many novel
scrap materials are available for
the children.
World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Dec. 6-The London
correspondent of the French
Rightist newspaper Le Poque said
today that reports from Turkey
that Prime Minister Stalin of Rus-
sia was seriously ill had been
"confirmed by sources in London."
The sources, which the corres-
pondent did not name, were quot-
ed as saying that Stalin "had a
new stroke Nov. 4 and was carried
to Stochi on the shore of the
Black Sea.
* * * .
NEW YORK, Dec. 5-Soviet
Foreign Minister Molotov finally
won tonight--with the reluctant
agreement of Secretary of State
Byrnes-his long fight to slash
Bulgarian reparations and in-
crease Italian reparations pay-
* * *
D. Small turned in his resignation

Czar of Vets
Affairs Urged
By Patterson
Coordinator Would
"Cut Red Tape, Act"
new top federal coordinator for
veterans' affairs with "authority
to cut red tape and act" was urged
in a War Department report re-
leased tonight by Secretary Pat-
The report was submitted by
Lt. Col. Winthrop Rockefeller,
grandson of the late John D.
Rockefeller. In a six-month sur-
vey for the war secretary, Col.
Rockefeller found that among the
nearly 14,000,000 war veterans
"disillusionment is rampant, and
unemployment and under-employ-
ment has reached distressing pro-
The report was submitted July
18. There was no explanation why
it was not released sooner.
Citizens Group Proposed
Rockefeller proposed also cre-
ation of a citizens' group "To con-
duct a far-reaching employment
drive designed to correct injust-
tices and hardships that have
See VETERANS, page 2
", * , ae
VA To Direct
Check Survey
Student veterans who have not
received subsistence checks by
Dec. 10 will be asked to submit re-
ports as part of a VA survey to be
conducted in all state educational
institutions next week.
Robert S. Waldrop, director of
the Veterans Service Bureau, an-
nounced yesterday that reports
should be made in personon Tues-
day and Wednesday at the Veter-
ans Administration Office, Rm.
100, Rackham Building. He re-

Schedule Cut
Will Go Into
Force Sunday
Wabash, Penn, NYC,
CNW Suspend Runs
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Dec. 5-Additional
curtailments of passenger train
service, effective Sunday midnight,
were announced today by -four
railroads to conform with the fuel-
saving order of the Office of De-
fense Transportation.
Runs suspended by the Wabash
Railroad included train No. 1 from
Detroit to St. Louis, No. 4 from St.
Louis to Fort Wayne, Ind., No. 17
from St. Louis to Kansas City and
No. 18 from Kansas City to St.
Louis. No. 18, starting its run be-
fore the deadline, will compete its
trip Monday morning.
The New York Central an-
nounced discontinuance of 10
more through trains. They
No. 132, Chicago-Cleveland; No.
64, the Water Level Limited Chi-
cago-New York; No. 80, Chicago,
Cleveland and Pittsburgh; No. 44,
Chicago, Detroit and Buffalo; No.
414, Chicago-Indianapolis;
No. 4, the James Whitcomb
Riley, Chicago, Indianapolis and
Cincinnati, discontinued both
ways; No. 438, Chicago, Indianap-
olis and Cincinnati;
No. 323, Detroit-Chicago; No.
419, Cincinnati; No. 443, Cincin-
The Chicago and North West-
ern announced a further cur-
tailment of service affecting 24
through trains powered by
steam. Diesel powered service
was unaffected. The cuts:
Trais 7 nd 8consolidated with
Nos. 23 and 24, the San Francisco
Challenger between Chicago and
Omaha;; Nos. 215 and 216 will
operate between Carroll and Sioux
City, Ia., tri-weekly instead of
Trains 217 and 218 between
Jewell and Sioux City will also go
tri-weekly instead of daily; be-
tween Green Bay and Milwaukee,
No. 161 will be discontinued as far
as Green Bay; No. 162, Green Bay-
Chicago, will be discoitinued.
The Pennsylvania Railroad
said it would withdraw the fol-
lowing 12 additional trains:
No. 13, New York-St. Louis; No.
26, St. Louis-Pittsburgh; No. 27,
Columbus-St. Louis; No. 43, Pitts-
burgh-Chicago; No. 44, Chicago-
Pittsburgh; No. 105, Pittsburgh-
Detroit; No. 106, Detroit-Pitts-
burgh; No. 113, Pittsburgh-Chi-
cago; No. 118-120, Chicago-Pitts-
burgh; No. 155, Pittsburgh-In-
dianapolis; No. 222, Cincinnati-
Pittsburgh, and No. 267, Pitts-
'Control Atom
-(JP)-Bernard M. Baruch, de-
claring emphatically that the
"time has come for action," ap-
pealed directly to Soviet Russia
tonight to approve the United
States plan for harnessing the
atom for peace.
Speaking at one of the most im-
portant meetings yet held by the
United Nations Atomic Energy
Commission, Baruch, as the U. S.
representative, urged the co-

mission- including Russia - to
adopt the American plan as its
basic recommendation for con-
trolling atomic energy.
Baruch thus lost no time in act-
ing on major Russian concessions
which were clearly enunciated,
after some delay, only yesterday,

tions International Commission on rooms leave as soon as possible
Statistics. after they have finished.



Baccaloni Likes Local Countryside


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