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December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 7

…, and guided the Wolverines to a Conference crown in 1944. During the past two seasons, Michigan wrestlers have taken the role of slow starters and quick fin- ishers. In 1948, the Wolverines finished…

…-Alex Lmanian GRUNT AND GROAN-On the balcony in Yost Field House 'above the activity of the track and' basketball teams on the floor, Coach Cliff Keen (standing) directs the Wolverine wrestling team. Long and…

… championships did - the Wolverines rise to the heights, which was to earn them fame as a "great" Michigan mat aggrega- tion. Michigan fought tooth and nail in the Conference championships, finally losing to…

May 11, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…--WEDNEDAT,-M"Y1r,-1949 np red ictable M'Nine Opposes provi ig Titan Hicks, Settle Slated to Sharen *Mound Duties for Miebigait Visitors Boast Record of 7 Wins, 5 Losses; Hot-Cold Wolverines

…, Bob Miller and Ray Pety, are gone, along with the two top receivers, Art Miarecki and John O'Connor. The Wolverines this year found themselves in pretty much the same boat at the opening of this season…

… hand- book up to date was delegated tc the Wolverine mentor by W. Burr Cox, executive director of the V-5 Instructors Association at Annap- olis, Md. * * * KEEN WAS ALSO instrumental in drawing up the…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

… the Library steps. Today's Carol Sing will feature a mixed quartet composed of the sing director, Roger Appleby, '50 SM; Dorothy Appleby, Robert H. Werme, '50, and Nedra Werme, '50. Wolverines

…-3 triumph over McMaster Uni- versity before nearly 3,000 fans in Michigan's revamped Coliseum. For the fifth straight year the Wolverines completely outclassed the Canadians from Hamilton, On- tario, by…

…MASTER SENT Nic Christo- pher to tend goal in the middle period and the Wolverine attack went into high gear. Burford started the onslaught See CELLEY, Page 6 Unions Minits Non-Red Oaths Hit byRuling WASHINGTON…

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