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March 11, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

… us to wage a first- strike nuclear war," said Freedman af- ter she made her decision. See RPC, Page 5 Wildcats upset Wolverines, 5452 By JIM DWORMAN Special to the Daily EVANSTON - Northwestern…

…-52 victory over the Wolverines. PETERSON WENT to the line after Michigan's Roy Tarpley fouled him while going for a rebound. Wolverine coach Bill Frieder attempted to rattle Peterson by making him wait through…

… Michigan's opportunity to particippte in college basketball's national chm- pionship tournament. A victory would have virtually assured the Wolverine a tournament berth. Now their fate is un- sure. The NCAA…

… Selection Committee will announce the tournament field this af- ternoon. If the committee leaves out Michigan, the Wolverines probably will play in the National Invitation Tour- nament.} Regulation play…

… ended with the game tied at 50. Northwestern took a 52-50 lead at 2:40 on a pair of Peterson free throws but the Wolverines quickly tied the game on a jumper by Antoine Joubert. Michigan regained…

… possession when Wildcat forward Andre Goode shot an airball. THE WOLVERINES held the ball for the last shot and got off a good one. But Leslie Rockymore's open jumper from the free throw line bounced off the…

… rim. Michigan also had a chance to win the game in regulation. The Wolverines stalled for the final shot but the strategy failed when Turner missed a 15-foot basesline jumper. Art Aaron led Northwestern…

…. PETERSON FINISHED with 10 points. Tarpley scored 17 points for the Wolverines, while Joubert contributed 14. Michigan's 26-percent second half shooting, combined with Aaron's 6-for- 10 post…

…-intermission field goal shooting, allowed Northwestern to come back. The Wildcats took the lead from the Wolverines, 35-34, with 12:17 left in Frieder .looks for NCAA bid regulation. Neither team held more than a two…

…-point advantage afterwards. Michigan pulled out to a 25-19 halftime lead on the strength of ten Tarpley points. The sophomore center sank a variety of midrange jumpers, several while tightly guarded. The Wolverines

March 11, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

… over Texas-El Paso's Anthony.Burns. Ifeuerman scored 12 points in the Wolverines 74-65 victory over Texas last night at Crisler Arena. ichigan movUes to final eightin NIT From UPI and AP TEHRAN, Iran…

…-El Paso when Wolverine guard Keith Smith conveyed the message. The right arm went up, and with it came a thunderous ovation from 10,478 Crisler Arena fans. The second nerve-racking obstacle in the race tok…

… New York had been hurdled, but not before the Miners gave the Blue cagers all they could handle in Michigan's 74-65 victory. THE WOLVERINES now advance to the third round Thursday night. A victory in…

… game-rebounding. The Wolverines finished with a 37-26 edge on the boards, a factor that proved most decisive in a game in which both teams were nearly dead-even in their field goal percentages. See…

… yesterday after being the Wolverine mentor for seven years. The 42-year-old Hamilton, Ontario native has accepted a position with the Merit Corporation, a Toronto-based in- vestment firm. "I HAVE BEEN…

March 11, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

… way the students at Crisler Arena mobbed coach Bill Frieder after last night's 66-60 victory over Iowa, one might have thought the Wolverines' t basketball team had just won the national championship…

… the inconsistent Wolverines. They had lost three consecutive games before last night and had seen their chance for a winning record almost disappear, with a 13-13 record going into their final home…

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