InW eekenM a gazine Reagan Era students to return to the polls The List
0 Interview: Buddy Guy -Bunny Wailer 'Vice Versa'
Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
SVol. XCVIII, No. 108 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, March 11, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
'M' looks
to rebound
For the moment, they are two
teams heading in opposite directions
towards the same goal.
The teams are Michigan and Ohio
State and the goal is the NCAA
basketball tournament. They will
face each other at Crisler Arena,
Saturday at 2 p.m. in the final
regular-season game for both teams.
The Wolverines, virtually assured
of a spot in the 64-team field, are
staggering backward into the
tournament, having lost three of
their last four games.
They continued on their downhill
slide by losing to Illinois 85-74,
Wednesday. To make matters worse,
All-American Gary Grant is plagued
by strained groin and abdominal
muscles, limiting his effectiveness.
MEANWHILE, the Buckeyes
are surging forward in the wake of a
big win over Purdue, the second-
ranked team in the country. B y
beating the Boilermakers, Ohio State
firmly plopped itself on the so-called
bubble between an NCAA bid or a
consolation trip to the NIT.
At -16-11, Ohio State's record
may not be good enough for the
NCAAs. But ending the season with
wins over Purdue and Michigan, the
top two teams in the Big Ten, would
certainily make, the selection
See BUCKEYES, Page 9
'U' prof.,
oppose SIDI
in speech
Interim University President
Robben Fleming, in a rare public
speech to students last night, said
college administrations legally have
the right to discipline students for
Fleming, speaking in favor of his
revised policy against discrimination
and harassment, cited recent death
threats and fliers harassing minori-
ties as actions that would warrant
punishment. He spoke to a 25 stu-
dent audience at Mason Hall.
"It's pretty hard to convince me
that that's the kind of conduct we
have to tolerate," Fleming said.
"Why should we? If you threaten
somebody, the courts don't protect
LAST NIGHT marked Flem-
ing's first formal public speech 'to
students, since he assumed office in
January, about his draft proposals to
deter student discrimination through
academic sanctions. "He sounded
very persuasive," said Tamilynn
Grumelot, an LSA senior. "I was
against (the code) until I came."
Grumelot said she is now not
sure of how she feels about the pro-
But many other students said they
remain unconvinced, even though
Fleming told the audience a code of
non-academic student behavior is a
logical step toward combatting
The Michigan Student Assembly
and many student interest groups
have argued that the University is
incapable of setting up an effective
system to judge students' guilt or
innocence. The civil courts, say
many student activists, are trained to
make such decisions and the Univer-
sity should have no such power.
FLEMING responded to such
criticism last night in his half-hour
speech which outlined the 10-year
history of the debate, and his pro-
posed solutions. He recalled a stu-
dent who set several fires in Univer-
sity buildings many years ago, and
said the student requested readmis-
sion after he was released from
"That's an extreme case, but to
say we couldn't keep that individual
out of the University with our own
rules makes no sense to me," Flem-
ing said. "Those who contend that
the University should not maintain
any discipline are totally fallacious
from a legal- standpoint. There'snot
See FLEMING, Page 3
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Democratic presidential candidate Richard Gephart speaks to the press yesterday at Detroit's Metro airport.
Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara, standing to the right, publicly endorsed Gephart's candidacy.
votes in Michigan primary
Special to the Daily
DETROIT - Rep. Richard Gephardt of Missouri
brought his presidential campaign to Michigan yester-
day, desperately searching for a victory after a disas-
trous showing in the Super Tuesday primaries.
After holding a rally in Lansing, Gephardt answered
reporters' questions at Detroit Metropolitan Airport
and then left for Chicago. The candidate repeatedly
stressed the importance of Michigan's March 26
Democratic caucuses to his campaign.
"I think it is very important that I do extremely well
here. We plan to run a strong, aggressive, active cam-
paign in Michigan," he said. To emphasize the point
he vowed to move his family, including his wife,
brother and mother, to the state for the campaign.
Gephardt - a supporter of the Chrysler bailout and
the author of a plan to force U.S. trading partners to
lower their trade tariffs - is expected to do well in
Michigan. Still, he refused to say that a loss in the
state would be the end of his candidacy. His main op-
position comes from Gov. Michael Dukakis of Mas-
sachusets and the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
On the steps of the state capitol building in Lans-
ing, Gephardt repeatedly stressed that his presidential
bid wasn't killed by a poor showing in Tuesday's pri-
maries where he won only his home state of Missouri.
"I'm alive, well, back in a place where I think I can
win - and I'm going to win."
Gephardt blamed his Tuesday losses on an inability
to spread limited resources over the 20 Democratic
Vowing to run a "town-by-town, grassroots" cam-
paign Gephardt yesterday added the endorsement of
Wayne County Executive Edward McNamara to his list
of Michigan supporters which include three U.S. Con-
See GEPHARDT, Page 5
House vote demands
ouster of Noriega
WASHINGTON - The House yesterday overwhelmingly demanded
the ouster of Panamanian military dictator Gen. Manuel Antonio
Noriega, and the opposition ambassador to the United States predicted
Noriega's overthrow "within a few days."
At the same time, the Reagan administration was considering the
imposition of further sanctions, including the withholding of about $7
million in payments to Panama due by March 15 for canal-related
operations. The money would go into an escrow account.
The house voted 367-2 for a non-binding resolution that noted
allegations of drug trafficking, murder, money laundering and
racketeering against the Panamanian Defense Forces, which Noriega
heads. It called on Reagan to "consider seriously" additional economic
and political sanctions.
It also called upon Noriega to comply with an order two weeks ago
by Panamanian President Eric Arturo Delvalle, dismissing him as
commander of the defense forces.
Special to the Daily
sity professor and a student spoke
last night at a forum on the Michi-
gan State University campus to in-
form the community about president
Ronald Reagan's strategic defense
initiative "SDI."
The "teach in" was sponsored by
East Lansing community and student
groups that oppose SDI, better
known as "Star Wars."
The groups are particularly op-
posed to a cyclatron, or particle ac-
celerator, on the MSU campus,
which is used by the Department of
Defense for SDI research.
The Rev. Peter Dogherty, who
acted as moderator, said, "The reason
for having this is that this is the
first time MSU has had a Start
Wars-related contract, from the Air
Force, with the cyclatron."
He said, "The question arises -
do we want this at this university?"
University Physics Prof. Daniel
See RESEARCH, Page 2
Workshop promotes safe sex
Even though premarital sex is
prohibited in the residence halls, a
campaign to educate students about
safe sex began Wednesday night,
complete with cookies, punch, and
About 40 students attended a
Residence Hall Association Safe Sex
workshop, which stressed the
importance of knowing the facts
about safe sex, in order to prevent
AIDS and unwanted pregnancy.
"We're going to be realistic.
When it comes to something serious
like AIDS, we're not going to pre-
tend sex isn't happening in the
dorms," RHA president and LSA ju-
nior Fouzia Kiani said.
"What I was really hoping to get
out of (the program) is to make
(RHA) people aware of what's going
RHA teaches reside nts fac ts
on so they can bring information
back to their halls," she said.
The 90-minute program opened
with a fact-filled presentation by
LSA senior Vaughn Allitson, AIDS
education program coordinator for
the Washtenaw County Red Cross.
While fielding questions from the
audience, dominated by RHA and
House Council members, Allitson
said the best way to fight AIDS is
through education. The Red Cross
can only advocate prevention, he
said. People who use drugs should
not share hypodermic needles, people
who are sexually active should
always use condoms, and people
who are not involved in monoga-
mous relationships should not have
sex, Allitson said.
After the Red Cross presentation,
RHA secretary and LSA senior P.J.
Petitpren showed three films. The
films identified the AIDS high risk
groups. It also explained the causes
and transmission of the disease, the
use of condoms, and a dramatization
of a female high school student who
receives a letter from an old
boyfriend who just found out he has
Between films, Petitpren cited
AIDS statistics for Washtenaw
county. Since 1981, when the AIDS
virus was first recorded in the United
States, 24 cases have been recorded
in the county. Six of these, includ-
ing four deaths, occurred this year.
Students question CBN board
member's 'bullying tactics'
Several student members of the
Campus Broadcasting Network's
Board of Directors have questioned
sider Daley's fate that evening was
brought to the floor.
"I HAD to stop that vote," said
Gilmartin, adding, "What I did was
WCBN Programming Director
and LSA sophomore Jeanne
Gilliland has complained about
Gilmartin's conduct in the past. "I
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