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January 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

… Cowles' Wolverine cage quintet will be hard pressed to stop the rampaging Badgers of Wisconsin who are threatening to walk away wfth the Western Con- ference championship before half of the teams have a…

… next of the "Big Four" to make the attempt to halt the men from Madison. Ozzie Cowles willI have to develop a stronger scoring' punch if the Wolverines are to' stop Wisconsin's starting five cur- READY…

… faced each other 90 times over a 25-year span, with the Golden Gophers holding a distinct edge over the Wolverines. The Northmen have won 57 of the con- tests, while Michigan has tri- umphed only 24 times…

…- tory were inflicted by the Gophers, as they downed the Wolverines 10-0 and 15-2 in 1945. Series Born in '22. The series, which began in 1922, saw Minnesota grab the first con- test, 6-3 and then take…

…I Gophers hold a better than 2-1 margin, having netted the puck 298 times, while Minnesota goal- tenders have allowed only 142 goals by the Wolverines. rAIALY OFFICIAL C i4 '. v / ii; : \ \\ " " . ',4…

January 15, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…: 'ongh Victory over Wolverines Wison~t'~1viTh~niilearn came gaiti its second i ini three Big Ten starts by defct ;1i ng Michigan, 50 to 41, before a rowd~;I(Pi8,000. Michigan's'TLorn King…

…Conferiene scoring leader,.was ablto wadd only 13, points to hi-; -40 point Big Ten count. The !itshy vWolverine for- ward was c losely gutarded on his un- dler the b ,astshts which he ap- pe r d ir 4 tlElroy Jlf ;:I…

… the two clubs. The Wolverines must win tonight if they are to remain in the running for the Western Conference cham- pionship. They now have a record of one victory and two losses in Confer- ence…

…-end the Wolverine hockey squad will try to make it two straight ag;ainst a strong Woodstock, Ont., Army team at 8:00 tonight. Coach Eddie Lowrey is planning to start the same sextet that had so much to do…

…- fense, and Dick Mixer, goal. A large crowd is expected. for, the game and, although the Wolverines will have a good many supporters in, the stands, the boys from Woodstock are bringing along a sizeable…

… cheer- ing section. Woodstock is carrying 15 players on its squad having three forward .lines, two pairs of defense men, and a goalie. Even though the Wolverines have lost a game this season they. have…

…; won one and considering last year's record, Michigan hockey fans are in for a good season. Playing a full- schedule of 13 games last season. the. Wolverines managed to win only one, game before the end…

…. So, should the Wolverines make it two in a row they will have. established themselves as a hoe~ey. squad that could reach high plat~es among Michigan puck teams of the Ipast. College Basketball' Ohio…

January 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

… known to have been picked up. The announcement did not identify the nationality of the submerged attacker, nor did it say whether the damaged tanker, enroute from Pan- r Wolverines Face Stiff Battle: 111…

…- .:: game series against the Wolverine s:r: : ': puckm en The game will start at 8 Well rested after splitting a bril- liant series with Dartmouth on Dec. 22 and 23, perenially the finest sextet in the East…

… Tomorrow GRAND RAPDS,. Jan. 15.-(/P) -The University of Michigan's mighty Wolverine swimming team swamped a collection of Grand Rapids YMCA tankers tonight in an exhibition dual meet by a score of 38 to 19…

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