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January 15, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-15

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Fair and Warmer

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Sic iga


A College Degree
In Less Than Three Years





Tanker Off Atlantic Coast

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New Changes
In Curriculum
To BeDrafted
Deans Of Three Colleges
In University Will Plani
Three-Semester Year
Summer Program
Will Be Organized
With precedent-breaking changes
which call for a shortening of the
current academic year already ap-
proved by yesterday's Deans' Confer-
ence, the deans of three different col-
leges in the University will sit down
today to draft an even more drastic
program which will incorporate a
three-semester-year into the curric-
ula, making it possible for a student
to get a college diploma in two years
and eight months.
Dean Albert C. Furstenberg, of
the Medical School, announced yes-
terday that he was arranging a three
semester program and\ was expecting
all students in his college to remain
here for the increased summer work.
Dean of the Dental School, Dr. Rus-
sel H. Bunting, told The Daily late
last night that his school would fol-
low the initiative of the Medical
The Engineering College, Dean
Ivan C. Crawford said, will attempt
to plan it's activities on the basis of
a three semester year. Plans are
not complete as yet. As the engine
school budget provides only for two
semesters plus a summer school,
Dean Crawford said that he believed
a Federal or state grant would be
needed to cover the operating ex-
penses of the school.
Year-Round Study
At this point no three-semester-
year has been adopted by any college
in the University, but observers could
see no other alternative since the ac-
celerated program would leave stu-
dents with a four month summer
vacation. Thus once that the 1942
class was graduated early, the speed-
up would be rendered useless unless
a year-around plan of study were
Several courses in the School of
Architecture will not have finals as
laboratory work will suffice for a fair
grade. In other cases exams, fol-
lowing the literary school program,
will be given.
Dean Clare E. Griffen, of the
School of Business Administration,
said he would make a statement this
afternoon concerning calendar ad-
justments after a meeting with the
members of his faculty.
Two-Hour Exams Scheduled
According to Assistant Dean Lloyd
S. Woodburne, the final examination
schedule for the literary college will
be announced Friday. It will be
printed in Saturday's Daily. In gen-
eral, it will provide for three exams
each day of the one week exam peri-
od. Two hours long each, the final
exams will be held at 8-10 a.m., 10:30
a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 2-4 p.m.
Yesterday's action by the deans
revamps the old University calendar
as follows:
(1) A seven-day final exam period,
starting thrde days earlierd
(2) Shortened registration anid
classification periods.
(3) Omission of the 10-day spring
vacation, originally scheduled for
April 10 to 20.
(4) Memorial Day commencement,

May 30.
The accelerated program lops
three entire weeks from the semester,
making Michigan's 1942 class of
more than 2,000 graduates available
for war service 21 days earlier.
The stepped-up schedule, recom-
mended by the newly-created Uni-
versity War Board, will go to the
Board of Regents for final approval
on Jan. 30.
Program To Be Announced
War Board officials pointed out4
that this action is preliminary to a°
general program of acceleration to be,
announced shortly, possibly follow-
ing a special combined meeting of
the University Council and Senate
in the Rackham Amphitheatre Mon-

University Curriculum
To Stress War Training
New Courses Will Equip Students For Non-Combatant,
Military Work; Women Included In Program

(Editor's Note: This is the first in a
series of articles descri bing University
defense courses as approved by the
newly-createdi War JBoard.)
The University curriculum, already
jettisoned of its spring vacation and
two-week final exam schedule, will
stress national emergency training
next semester, it was announced yes-
terday by the War Board.
Courses will be offered to equip
Not d Expe rt
Colonel Gamoe
Heads ROTC

students for both military and non-
combatant work in the nation's war
effort and will range from immediate
army and navy preparation to civil-
ian defense training. Both men and
women have been included in the
scope of this program.
Details Ready Soon
According to Prof. Harlow G. Hene-
man, member of the University War
Board, a bulletin containing com-
plete details will be available in the
near future. "The Daily's summaries
of defense courses," he declared, "are
to be considered as releases, and use-
ful to students in planning second
semester programs pending publica-
tion of the bulletins."
First of the war series courses to
be released are those intended for
students who anticipate immediate
military service. They will apply to
men planning service commissions
and those who intend to enter a
speqialized branch of the army or
Under the direction of the math-
ematics department, two courses
have been set up to fulfill govern-
ment requirements in V-7, naval col-
lege training program for deck offi-
cer commissions.
Tough Math Course
Mathematics 9, spherical geometry
and plane trigonometry, is aimed at
students interested in the naval
training program who have not yet
had solid geometry. Emphasizing ap-
plications to navigation and nautical
astronomy it will meet at 10 a.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays in 336 West
Engineering under Mr. Jack North-
am. Two hours credit will be given.
Also of importance to navigators,
Mathematics 10 will deal with spheri-
(Continued on Page 2)
Mayor LaGuardia
Will Soon Choose
Between Positions
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. -(-P)~
Chunky little Fiorello LaGuardia, tar-
get of Congressional critics because
of his dual role as New York mayor
and Administrator of Civilian De-
fense, said today he would choose
soon between the two jobs.
While offering no definite indica-
tion of his ultimate choice, he told
a Congressional committee he would
remain in the defense post until
Congress passed two pending meas-
ures to provide funds for defense
equipmeit and compensation for
those hurt in civilian defense work.
He curtly told the committee that
Congress should "stop fussing a-
round" about whether his office or
the War Department should have
control over civilian defense spend-

* * *
replacing Lieut. Col. Francis M.
Brannan, recently transferred to the
5th Division, Col. William A. Ganoe
has been assigned as Professor of
Military Science and Tactics and
head of the military department.
Colonel Ganoe, who is the author
of many stories, magazine articles,
and books on military matters, has
served as instructor, assistant pro-
fessor, and adjutant at the United
States Military Academy at West
Point. In 1929 he served as U.S.
Army editor of the Encyclopedia Brit-
He comes to the University from
the headquarters of the Organized
Reserves for western Pennsylvania
where he served as executive officer.
Last summer, when he was loaned
by those headquarters to the general
staff of the First Army, Colonel Ga-
noe was cited in orders by the com-
manding officer, Lieut.' Gen. Drum
for his work as director of public
relations during the maneuver per-

U.S. Carrier
Is Hit Twice,
Ship Is Reported 'Sinking'
After Being Torpedoed;
Submarine Responsible
Tokyo Claims U.S.
Sinks Hospital Boat
TOKYO, Thursday, Jan. 15. -
(Official broadcast recorded by
AP)-Japanese Imperial headquar-
ters claimed today that a Japanese
submarine had scored two direct tor-
pedo hits on a 33,000-ton U.S. air-
craft carrier of the Lexington type,
and the Japanese news agency Domei
reported that "the ship's sinking was
said to be almost certain although not
absolutely confirmed."
The Japanese claimed also that
an American submarine had sunk
the Japanese hospital ship Harbin
Maru in Chinese waters Jan. 10 Tok-
yo newspapers this morning "scath-
ingly denounced this vicious enemy
attack," the news agency Domei re-
ported, as "one of the darkest blots
that has been smeared in the lineage
of civilized peoples."
The American aircraft carrier was
said to have been hit "in the waters
west of Hawaii" on the night of Jan.
12 despite "the vigilant eyes of 80-
odd planes" and a "protective steel
cordon of destroyers and cruisers."
The Lexington and a sistership, the
Saratoga, were built in 1925 and nor-
mally carry a crew of 2,122 officers
and men. They carry between 81 and
90 planes. Each ship cost more than
$45,000,000, including their aircraft.
Dutch Beat Back Enemy
In Sarawak'Borneo
BATAVIA, N. E. I., Jan. 14.-()-
Dutch troops successfully engaged
the Japanese invader today in a skir-
mish on the wild and mountainous
frontier of Sarawak and Dutch Bor-
neo, and Allied warplanes beat
strongly at the enemy from the Cele-
bes Sea northward to the lower Phil-
On the already smashed and black-
ened waterfront area of Tarakan off
northeast Borneo-the Japanese-oc-
cupied oil-producing island to which
the Dutch had applied the torch and
hammer before yielding it to the
enemy-Dutch bombers descended in
force and squarely hit at least one
Japanese ship.
. (The United States War Depart-
ment announced in Washington that
American army bombers also had
participated in attacks against a Jap-
anese naval force in the Tarakan
area and that while unfavorable wea-
ther made it impossible to determine
the full results of this raid it was
known that two enemy fighters were
Other Dutch airmen ranged far
to the north to the southern Philip-
pine Islands, the Japanese base for
the Indies invasion, and bombed run-
ways of a Japanese air field and
scored three direct hits on barracks.
This jump in the tempo of the
Allied counter aerial offensive, which
was ineffectively answered by unsuc-
cessful Japanese attacks on the oil
port of Balik Papan, in East Borneo,
and the Rhio Archipelago near Sing-
apore, coincided with announcement
of the arrival in these islands of the
Allied commander in chief of the
southwest Pacific, British General
Sir Archibald P. Wavell.
Japs Become Ruthless'

In Occupied Manuila
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-(I)--The
same harsh, ruthless practices made
familiar by Nazi forces in France
have been applied, the War Depart-
ment reported tonight, by the Jap-
anese in Manila and other invaded
sections of the Philippines.
Residents of the islands have been
warned that anyone who injures or
attempts to injure a Japanese soldier
or civilian will be instantly shot. If
he cannot be found, 10 hostages will
be taken into custody. The death
penalty has also been established for
a long list of actions including dis-
turbing the "peace."
The Denartment announced this

Nelson Says
Shakeup Due
In Production
War Board Head Predicts
Drastic Changes Ahead
In Industries Of Nation
Roosevelt To State
Powers Of Czar
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. - ()---
Donald M. Nelson, America's war-
time czar of industrial production,
unofficially took up his gigantic task
today with an announcement that
he would unhesitatingly order any
necessary shakeup in the production
organization to get "the job" done.
Nelson served notice tonight that
"utterly revolutionary . changes" in
industrial operation may be neces-
sary to win the war. In an address
to the country he bespoke "the spirit
which refuses either to count costs
or recognize obstacles."
Blunt Warning
The speech, warning bluntly that
civilian economy would have to give
way to 'war requirements, was writ-
ten prior to President Roosevelt's an-
nouncement that he would create
a War Production Board with Nelson
as chairman and was to have been
delivered in person in Vincennes, Ind.,
tonight. Pressure of business here
prevented Nelson from leaving, how-
ever, and arrangements were made
for the speech to be read by Bernard
Gimbel of New York.
"We cannot afford today to direct
our war effort by the ordinary, peace-
time 'sensible' standards," the ad-
dress declared. "We need to be
cracked enough, if you please, to try
to do things that sensible men would
not try to do under ordinary circum-
"Our only hope lies in the spirit
which refuses either to count costs
or recognize obstacles but which
drives furiously ahead with the fixed
idea that the important objective will
be reached in spite of hell or high
'Can't Waste Anything'
"We can't waste anything. We
can't let one worker or one machine
be employed making goods for civil-
ians unless those goods are things the
country absolutely has to have in
order to keep going. We can't use
any of our basic raw materials for
civilian nanufacture unless the same
test is met.
"We may have to require manage-
ment and labor to adapt themselves
to wholly new schedules and methods
of operation. We may have to upset
commercial and industrial arrange-
ments which have endured for many
years. We may have to trample on
all sorts of privileges and preroga-
tives. None of that matters."
Nelson said the government would
rely on the great mass production in-
dustries for the bulk of the increased
armament required under the war
(Continued on Page 2)


City, Panama, had gone to the

IAdmiral Hart
Brings' Fleet
To Safe Seas
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. -(N)-
Admiral Thomas C. Hart has suc-
ceeded in bringing the entire Asiatic
Fleet, with its warships intact, to
comparatively secure waters from
which to wage his fight against the
Japanese, it was ascertained tonight.
Belief spread here that the feat
of seamanship involved in evacuat-'
ing the naval base at Cavite, in Ma-
nila Bay only 30 miles from the Phil-
ippine capital, would one day be
ranked one of the notable naval epi-
sodes of the war.
The Navy's sole comment has been
the laconic communique issued im-
mediately after the fall of Manila,
that "all ships and naval personnel
were removed from the Manila-Ca-
vite area prior to enemy occupation,"
along with all records, equipment and
stores, and that industrial facilities
were destroyed.
Not only was the whole combat
force-cruisers, destroyers and sub-
marines-removed from the unten-
able base at Cavite, but also the
"fleet train." The "train" was the
slow-moving collection of supply
ships, tankers, cargo vessels, tugs,
tenders, repair ships and other aux-
iliaries essential to the fleet.
Where the fleet is now located, or
whether it has found area for a base,
are questions which the Navy does
not answer.
AIEE Hears Talk
Members of the American Insti-
tute of Electrical Engineers met at
8 p.m. yesterday in the Union to hear
a talk by Jack Cline of the electrical
engineering department. Cline, who
is an experienced CPA instructor,
spoke on the subject, "Radio in Air
The Student Senate will hold its
last meeting of the semester at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union. All
students are invited to attend.
Room number will be posted on
Union bulletin board.

The position of the oil carrier, 60
miles south of Montauk Point, which
is at the eastern tip of Long Island
about 120 miles from New York City,
would place it approximately 110
miles due east of New York harbor.
Survivors, it was announced, will
be brought to both New London and
The Norness was listed in Lloyd's
Register of Shipping as a vessel of
9,577 gross tons, owned by the Tanker
Corp., and sailing under Panamanian
Under Norway Flag
Before 1939, the Norness flew un-
der the flag of Norway and traded
between Liverpool, Trinidad and Key
West, Florida.
The test of the Navy Department's
statement said:
"The Third Naval District an-
nounced tonight that the tanker Nor-
ness from Panama City was torpe-
doed early this morning about 60
miles south of Montauk point.
."Naval craft from New London,
Conn., and Newport, R. I., were dis-
patched to the rescue of the sur-
vivors. It was known that a num-
ber of survivors have been rescued."
Earlier in the day, reports from
Washington said that a Navy patrol
plane had spotted the striken vessel,
her decks awash and her crew bob-.
bing up and down in lifeboats on the
Iwintry North Atlantic.
The original position was given as
about 60 miles south of Block Island,
R. I., a positionr that would place
the vessel only a few miles north of
the spot the Navy officially desig-
nated as the place of her attack.
Aircraft To Rescue
The patrol plane's alarm sent naval
aircraft speedily to the rescue of sur-
vivots-and presumably on a death
hunt with depth bombs marked for
the skulking submersible.
For hours after the wave-tossed
tanker crewmen first were seen, how-
ever, there remained some doubt
as to the manner in which their craft
was damaged-the possibility that it
may have been a matter of elements
remaining until official announce-
ment was made that a torpedo had
done its lethal work.
The attack on the tanker followed
the torpedoing yesterday of a large
armed steamship 160 miles off Nova
Scotia with a loss of perhaps 90 lives
and was reported simultaneously with
a Navy Department warning that the
U-boat menace to the Atlantic coast
was on the increase.
Beyond Playgrounds
Montauk Point, at the far eastern
end of historic Long Island, lies be-
yond such south shore society play-
grounds as the beaches at South-
ampton and Easthampton.
From the point, which is a New
York state park and is the site of
the famous lighthouse that guides
vessels into Long Island Sound, may
be seen the shores of Connecticut and
the Rhode Island summer playground
of Block Island.

Attack Is Closest
To U.S. Mainland
Panamanian Ship Sunk Only 110 Miles
From New York; U-Boat Escapes
NEW YORK, Jan. 14.--(P)-The Third Naval District announced to-
night that the Panamanian tanker Norness was torpedoed by a submarine
early today 60 miles south of Montauk Point, Long Island-the closest
approach yet made to America's east coast by enemy warcraft since the
United States entered the war.
The terse Navy announcement said that naval craft had been sent to
the rescue from New London, Conn., and Newport, R.I., and that a num-
ber of survivors was known to have been picked up.
The announcement did not identify the nationality of the submerged
attacker, nor did it say whether the damaged tanker, enroute from Pan-

Wolverines Face Stiff Battle:
111inois' Hi his-Riding Pucksters
W-ill ivade t nn Arbor Today
riig ig enIllinois' high-rdn i e hoc :...:::r,:":" :::".
key championship team invades Ann
Arbor today for the first of a two- .::
game series against the Wolverine s:r: : ':
puckm en The game will start at 8
Well rested after splitting a bril-
liant series with Dartmouth on Dec.
22 and 23, perenially the finest sextet
in the East. the Illini will ice a team
of veterans and promising sopho-
mores. Coach Vic Heyliger has eight
lettermen back from last year's

Al-Campus War Forum:.
Student Senate Winter Parley.
Will Open Sessions Tomorrow

GRAND RAPDS,. Jan. 15.-(/P)
-The University of Michigan's
mighty Wolverine swimming team
swamped a collection of Grand
Rapids YMCA tankers tonight in
an exhibition dual meet by a score
of 38 to 19.
championship crew, and with more
capable reserves on hand, he again
has another strong aggregation,
Biggest gun on the Illinois team is
Amo Bessone. The only returning de-

With the almost-too-immediate
subject of "America At War" as its
theme, the Student Senate Winter
Parley will open its two day session
at 2:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Union
with Prof. Harold A. Dorr of the
political science department as key-
The parley will conclude its four-
panel discussion Saturday when Prof.
Bennett Weaver of the English de-
partment evaluates the first campus
war forum in his summarizing ad-
This parley will mark the first
break away from previous long har-
angues by both audience speakers
and panel members. All speakers will
be limited to two minutes with an
additional minute of grace upon dis-
cretion of the panel chairman.
"Arms For America" and "War And
Education," the first and second pan-
els, will be headed by Norm Call, '42,

Play Production
Presents Comedy
For Second Time
"George Washington Slept Here,"
a comedy by George S. Kaufman and
Moss Hart, wil be presented at 8:30
p.m. today for the second time in its
four-day run.
The play, which is being given in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, is



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