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January 15, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-15

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University Trainsn
Srh" Courses:,Men For Service

U. S. Ambassador


Sumner Wells At Buenos AiresI

(Continued from Page 1)
cal trigonometry. It offers one hour
credit and will be given at 9 a.m.
Wednesday in 202 South Wing under
Prof. Edwin Beckenbach. Both this
course and Mathematics 9 combine
defense training previously spread
through several courses.
Mathematics 149, exterior ballis-
tics, is aimed at students intending
to enter the artillery branch of the
service. Offering two hours credit, it
will be given at 10 a.m. Tuesdays
and Thursdays in 305 W. Eng. under
Prof. Peter Field.
Economics 71 and 72 head the list
of accounting and cost accounting
courses useful in the aimed forces.
Time and place schedules can be
found in the literary college an-
Cost Accounting
First course in cost accounting,
Business Administration 113 offers
three hours credit and will be open
next semester, time and place to be
announced. It is a prerequisite for
New Changes
In Curriculum
To Be Drafted
(Continued from Page 1)
of Feb. 13. The semester will end
on Feb. 6.
(This necessitated a change in the
dates for the two-night J-Hop or-
iginally scheduled for Feb. 13 and
14. Under the accelerated plan, the
J-Hop will be held on Friday and
Saturday, Feb. 6 and 7.)
Registration and classification for
the second semester will be held Feb.
5-7, allowing for the opening of the
new term on Feb. 9 instead of Feb.
16. Another 10 days will be saved by
the elimination of spring vacation.
Second semester final exams will
be held May 20-27 rather than June
6-16. Commencement will be held
on May 30.
Only the Law School will be ex-
cepted from the blanket Jan. 28
opening exam date. Their examina-
tions will begin on Jan. 24 and will
end Feb. 2. To comply with legal
requirements for bar examinations,
the Law School must work in 15-week
Japs Employ Nazi
Ruthless Practices
In Manila Fighting
(Continued from Page 1)
weak spots in the defense line, fol-
lowing a previous Japanese defeat
in a full-scale assault by artillery.
Word of the enemy tactics in Ma-
nila had been communicated in part
to the Department by MacArthur.
They were contained, he said, in a
proclamation signed by the com-
manding general of the Japanese;
Army of Occupation and published
in Manila newspapers. It said:
"1. Anyone who inflicts or at-.
tempts to inflict an injury upon Jap-
anese soldiers or individuals shall be1
shot to death..
"2. If the assailant or attempted
assailant cannot be found we will
hold 10 influential persons as host-
ages who live in or about the street
or municipality where the event has
"3. Officials and influential per-1
sons shall pass this warning on to
your citizens and villages as soon ast
possible and should prevent these

crimes before they happen on your (
own responsibilities.-
"4. The Filipino should understand
our real intentions and should workt
together with us to maintain publicc
peace and order in the Philippines."X

Business Administration 114 which
will meet at 8 and 9 a.m. Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday in 206 Tap-
A University effort to fulfill the
army demand for chemical labora-
tory technicians, Bacteriology 105
(water analysis) will be given from 1
to 5 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays
in 1552 E. Med. under Prof. Herbert
W. Emerson. Two hours credit are
offered. Special problems in this sub-
ject will be discussed in Bacteriology
105a, a continuation of 105 in the
second half of the semester.
Geology 75 is specially set u for
army meteorology training, and will
be given by Prof. Ralph Belknap and
Mr. James Wilson. Lecture group will
meet at 9 a.m. Tuesdays and Thurs-
days, with two recitation sections
convening at either 8 a.m. Wednes-
day or 9 a.m. Saturday in 3065 N. S.
This is a three-hour course.
Laboratory work in this subject will
be handled by Geology 77, meeting
from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday in the
same room. This course, giving one
hour credit, will also be taught by
Professor Belknap and Mr. Wilson.
In the field of photography and
aerial mapping, Surveying 21 re-
quires elementary chemistry and
physics as prerequisites. It will be
given at 8 a.m. Tuesdays and Thurs-
days in 229 W. Eng. under Prof. Ed-
ward Young. It is listed as the "basic
course in photography.
Surveying 22, an advanced course
in photography and aerial mapping,
offers 2 hours credit and will meet
at 11 a.m. on Mondays with a four-
hour laboratory period to be ar-
ranged. Professor Young will teach
this course in 201 W. Eng.
Radio communication men, a
growing military need, will be trained
through a series of courses with
Electrical Engineering 23n as a base.
This course requires no prerequisites
and is intended for non-engineering
students. It will stress radio con-
struction work.
Physics Needed
Electrical Engineering 23b (ele-
ments of radio communication) calls
for a year of physics and will be given
at 9 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays
with a 2-5 laboratory period on Mon-
days. It will be taught by Prof.
Lewis Holland in 111 W. Eng. A stu-
dent completing this course should be
able toa obtain a government radio
Courses in surveying, and mapping
will be offered both i the literary
and engineering colleges. Geology 74,
dealing with plane-table mapping,
has been added to the University
curriculum and will be given by Profs.
Armand Eardley, Kenneth Landes
and George Stanley. Time schedule
will be announced.
Surveying 1, meeting from 1 to 5
p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days in 222 W. Eng., offers three
hours credit hnd requires Mathemat-
ics 14 as prerequisite. Next course in
this series is Mechanism and Engin.-
eering Drawing, a three hour credit
course with eight sections all meeting
in 437-439 W. Eng.
Following these two courses, Sur-
veying'2 offers four hours credit and
topographical field work and map-
ping. Final course in this program
is Civil Engineering 1, meeting from
2 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays
in 302 W. Eng.
A non-credit course in shorthand
and typing, designed to meet the
Army's need of clerical personnel,
will be offered for three two-hour
periods a week throughout the year.
Time and place will be announced.
Nelson, Production Czar,
Takes UpGigantic Task
(Continued from Page 1)
program, and the problem of con-
verting these industries to 100 per
cent war production "may and prob-
ably very often will call for utterly

revolutionary changes" in industrial
The address asserted that "nothing
on earth counts from now on but
doing this job just as fast as it can
possibly be done."

Group Of Three
Directs Scouts'
Defense Plan
Townsley, Boys, Mayfield
Organize Service Unit
For Civilian Defense
Organization of the Boy Scouts in-
to a working unit of civilian defense
is being directed by Dr. Elmer
Townsley of the physical education
department, Mr. Richard Boys of
the English department, and Officer
Mayfield of the city police force.
A program has been arranged
whereby the older group of Boy
Scouts, ranging in age from fifteen
to seventeen, will receive training in
emergency work. University fresh-
men who are interested should get
in touch with any member of the
committee for further details.
The course will include training in
first aid, firemanship, fingerprint-
ing, public health, messenger work
and various other emergency jobs.
The period of training will be at
least three months. Meetings will
be held for three hours every Satur-
day afternoon in Waterman Gym-
In order to qualify as a member
of the group a boy must be a first
class scout, must pass a physical
examination, and must have par-
ental consent.
Education Leaders
Open Meet Today
State educational leaders will hold
a three-day Conference on Teacher
Education beginning at 8 a.m. today
in the Union. The purpose of the
meeting will be to discuss the train-
ing of teachers with emphasis on
specific subjects.
Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the po-
litical science department Will serve
as chairman of the social science
discussion, Prof. Hayward Keniston
of the romance languages depart-
ment will lead the group discussion
of language teacher training, and
George E. Myers of the education
school will serve as co-chairman of
the vocational education discussion.

Students Fear
New Schedule
We'll go nuts!"
Well, anyway, general campus
opinion following the announcement
of the change in the University pro-
gram yesterday favored a definite
increase in cases of mental strain due
to the increased load on the student
Josephine Cole, '43, does not sanc-
tion the changes. "It will create war
hysteria," she said. "and mental
troubles will result from the unset-
tled states of mind."
Graduation and a consequent job
in one of the defense industries was
brought nearer for Fred Peterson,
'42E, who likes the idea of the re-
vised schedle. Also in favor is John
Riopelle, '44E, who wants to get
through school and organize his life
before becoming involved in the
present7 war.
Bud Brandt, '44, considers the
move a vital necessity, but added
that having no summer vacation will
prevent a number of students from
earning their tuition fees.
"It doesn't matter to me," re-
marked Ruth Paley, '44, "I was going
to flunk out anyway."

Jefferson Caffery (left), United States Ambassad or to Brazil, and President Getulio Vargas (center),
of Brazil, greeted Under-secretary of State Sumner Welles (right) after his arrival at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
for the Pan-American conference. (This photo was sent by radio from Buenos Aires to New York.)
Employers Rush To Hire Engineers
In Unprecedented Demnand For Men

An employment boom such as was
never felt before runs rampant
through the College of Engineering
today, as desperate industries stam-
pede to sign up an ever-diminishing
number of available prospective en-
gineering graduates.
Speaking for the whole college,
Dean Ivan C. Crawford stated thatI
'never in the history of the collegeI
has the graduate been in such de-
mand as he is at the present time.
His services are not only sought by
industry, but he is also indispensable
to many branches of the military
and naval services."
But in the various engineering de-
partments themselves, the report was
even more enthusiastic. Typical is
the estimate of Prof. A. D. Moore of
the electrical engineering depart-
ment, who declared, "The demand is
terrific! We haven't one-twentieth
the men we need to fill the positions
which are open."
Demand Is Out Of Sight
"We are placing men as fast as
possible," he continued, "but the de-
mand is completely out of sight. We
have never had a year like this one."
Equally amazed is Prof. R. S. Haw-
ley of the mechanical engineering de-
partment, who reports that the sit-
uation in his department is so acute
that the students won't even sign for
interviews because they realize that
they can just about pick the job they
want for themselves.
"Many offers have been made by
the industries," he said, "but only
about ten percent have been ac-
cepted by the students." Last year,
he added, interviewers showed up
early in November, but this year they
were hard at work the second week of
school and have been hard at it ever
Hundreds More Needed
In the Department of Civil En-
gineering Prof. L. M. Gram laid the
cause of the rush to the fact that
men are being called by the govern-
ment and industries holding defense
contracts, and testified that he could
place "hundreds of more men than
we have available."
Going from bad to worse, Prof. D.

W. McCready of the chemical en-
gineering department reported that
the demand was so great that more
than one large industry has even
written to ask information on stu-
dents who had dropped out or were
flunked out of school.
"It is interesting to note," he
pointed out, "that the Army and
Naval Reserves are taking 15 to 20
percent of the men, and that these
men are usually the better students
from the standpoint of grade aver-
"Interviewers as well as students
Nurses Will Carry On
With Exams As Usual
According to a report from the
office of Miss Rhoda Reddig, Direc-
tor of the School of Nursing, the
changes in the University school year
made yesterday by the Board of
Deans will have very little influence
on the students enrolled in that
Their semesters will not be
changed and their examinations will
be given as usual whenever the course
is over.

are still choosy," he went on, "but
by February I expect that about 60
percent of the June graduates will
be placed. And there isn't a single
graduate on the department's files
looking for a job. There was never
a year like this one!"
No less harried, Prof. R. L. Morri-
son of the highway engineering de-
partment lamented, "I haven't had
anyone to place in so long I can't
remember when I did have. Prospec-
tive employers keep howling for men
we just haven't got."
Contrary to intermittent rumors,
nothing has yet Ibeen done to give
blanket deferment to engineering
students. However, it is expected
that the prospect of an accelerating
demand for engineers until the end
of the war must soon force some ac-
tion designed to keep abreast of that
Professors Join In Trip
Prof. William S. Housel of the soil
mechanics department and Prof.
Walter J. Emmons of the traffic en-
gineering department will leave Mon-
day for a meeting of the Association
of Asphalt Paving Technologists in

by Kaufman and Hart
Also Friday and Saturday

8:30 P.M.


Phone 6300
n Theatre

Lydia Mendelssohn


WEEK DAY SHOWS at 2-4-7--9 P.M.


. .. . / Y ..
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y "e {/ V

Where's the best place to eat???
at the TAVERN, of course.
Good food - Reasonably priced - Conveniently located

I gy inuu

The telephone plays a vital role in army communications.
So the Bell System is helping to school Signal Corps
men in practically every phase of telephone construc-
tion, operation and maintenance.
This training job is but a small 'art of the tremen-
dous task Bell System people are doing in this national
crisis. They're setting up telephone sysfems for new
camps, bases and factories-handling an enormous volume




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