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October 29, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

… opponent yesterday when it played Eastern Michigan at Mitchell Field. However, the Wolverines managed to regroup in the second half and de- feat the Eagles, 4-2. "Overall, it was not our best game…

…," defenseman Kim Chenet said. "We were not very mentally into the game." The Wolverines had other thoughts on their minds, namely the Big Ten Club Championships which are set for this weekend in Colum- bus…

… by inno- vative Wolverine strategies. On sev- eral occasions, Wolverine servers attempted short serves, which only occasionally succeeded in falling just over the net and short of the de- fense. More…

… significantly, however, was the rotation of sophomore Aimee Smith into Hayley Lor- enzen's vacated outside hitting pos- ition, while several new Wolverine faces saw action. "Aimee is now opposite Tarnisha…

… first game with consec- utive service aces, followed shortly afterward by aces from junior JoAnna Collias. The Wolverines eventually led by scores of 8-2 and 9-5 before an additional ace by Smith on game…

… point secured the first-game victory. Senior Michelle Horrigan teamed with Collias and junior Fiona Davidson in producing multiple kills during a stretch in which the Wolverines opened up an 11-5 lead in…

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