Thanks to a little redistricting, Ann Arbor has the
chance to elect~a Democrat to the House of
Representatives for the first time in years. Bill
Ford is the man for the job.
More than 60 years after A.A. Milne created the
character, Winnie-the-Pooh still "just is."
Christine Slovey considers the Pooh
The Michigan volleyball team took out the brooms
gainst archrival Michigan State. Suzy O'Donnell
came off the bench to lead the Wolverines to the
Clouds, some sunshine; -
High 48, Low 30
Cold, sunny; High 42, Low 26
One hundred two years of editorial freedom
Vol. C111, No. 23 Ann Arbo, Michigan -Thursday, October 29,1992 1992 The Michigan Daily
U-M enrolls highest number of minority students ever
by Mona Qureshi
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
U-M minority student enrollment
is at its highest level ever, and the
numbers are flourishing, said a re-
port released yesterday.
Included in the numbers are
African Americans, Asian
Americans, Native Americans and
Latinos who are either U.S. citizens
or permanent resident aliens.
In a statement, U-M President
James Duderstadt said he is pleased
with the advance in minority en-
rollment. "The University is a better
place today because we have been
willing to change and become more
inclusive," he said.
During the last five years, en-
rollment of African American stu-
dents has risen by almost 50 percent,
from 5.4 percent, or 1,734 in 1987,
to 7.8 percent, or 2,599 this year.
Ted Spencer, interim undergrad-
uate admissions director, said the in-
crease is due in part to the Michigan
The Michigan Mandate is a pol-
icy installed four years ago with the
goals of increasing minority re-
cruitment, accustoming the campus
climate to minorities, retaining mi-
norities and insuring they graduate.
Spencer said the U-M admissions
office encourages all students in the
same way, but pays special attention
to minority student needs. "From the
admissions standpoint, what we tell
students is what they need to make
the intelligent decision of choosing a
college," he said.
He said the U-M is most noted by
minorities for its high academic
standing, and many of them feel that
only those with 4.0 grade point av-
erages in high school and 1600s on
their SATs will be admitted. He said
the U-M would like to dispel that
myth - even 4.0 GPAs are some-
times rejected.
Students often express the opin-
ion that standards are lowered for
students of color in order to increase
enrollment. However, Spencer said
this is not the case.
The average ACT score for
African American students nation-
wide is 16.9, while it is a 19 at the
U-M, he said.
While administrators said they
are happy with the increase in mi-
nority students, they said they are
cautious not to be satisfied yet.
"We can't just focus on enroll-
ment. You also have to focus on
getting Faculty of Color and staff,"
said John Matlock, director of the
Office of Minority Affairs (OMA).
Vice Provost for the OMA
Charles Moody expressed another
concern. "People can see the access
dimension because it's quantifiable.
You can say in 1982 minority en-
rollment was 10.2 percent. But you
can t say and measure what the cor-
porate culture and climate is," he
He explained that while it is im-
portant to note and be proud of the
increase in minority enrollment, it is
just as important to make sure the
university can accommodate them
and ensure they graduate.
y r at U-M
A report released yesterday by the admissions office shows
that this year the minority student enrollment has increased
to 7,097 or 21.4 percent of the overall student population r
from 6,636 or 20.1 percent of the overall student population
last year. The following is a breakdown by groups.
Asian Americans
African Americans
Native Americans
*Total student
'92-'93 '91-'92 % Change
2,899 2,697 +0.7
- 0.
+ 0.3
*Figures for total student enrollment only include U.S.
citizens and permanent resident aliens. They do not include
foreign students.
Gov't calls
report ill
omen for
to U.S. factories for durable goods
such as cars and computers fell in
September for the third consecutive
month, the government said yester-
day in a report taken as an ill omen
for manufacturing employment.
The Commerce Department said
orders fell a seasonally adjusted 0.4"
percent to $118.9 billion last month.
It was the first time orders had
dropped three months in a row since
January-March 1991, during the
depths of the recession, and it was
the fourth decline in five months.
In two other reports, the govern-
ment said Americans' personal in-
come rebounded in September from
the effects of Hurricane Andrew and
the federal budget deficit set a new
record during the fiscal year that
See ECONOMY, Page 2
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Presidential race
tightens six days
before election
Gary Quesada takes pictures of the leaves changing colors in the Law Quad. Quesada plans to use his
photographs in a book about the Michigan Law School.
Associated Press
Bill Clinton alternately poked
and praised Ross Perot yesterday
hoping to siphon off support in a
race for the White House growing
closer by the day.
Perot mapped plans for a cam-
paign-ending series of rallies to sup-
plement the most expensive televi-
sion advertising effort in American
"Six more days," said Clinton.
Clinton's lead has shrunk in re-
cent days as Perot has gained in the
The latest surveys pointed to a
tightening race, although they dif-
fered on how tight. A CNN-USA
Today survey of 1,217 likely voters
showed Clinton at 40 percent, Bush
at 38 percent and Perot at 16 percent.
With a margin of error of 3 percent-
age points, that added up to a dead
ABC said its survey of 900 likely
voters had Clinton ahead 42 percent
to 35 percent for Bush and 20 per-
cent for Perot. Its error margin was 4
percentage points.
An NBC News-Wall Street
Journal poll of 576 voters was simi-
lar. It put the race at Clinton 43,
Bush, 36 and Perot 15. It had a
margin of error of 5 percentage
In an appearance on NBC's
Today show, Clinton said Perot's re-
cent claims, including one that
Republican operatives planned to
disrupt his daughter's wedding had
"called his temperament into ques-
tion in many quarters."
Asked his own opinion, Clinton
replied, "The American people make
their own judgments about temper-
ament, character and trust. So he
can't prove what he said and that
bothers people."
Clinton told a call-in questioner
that if he wins the White House, he
would like to have Perot's advice
"on the issues that he cares and
knows about." He referred specifi-
cally to prisoners of war missing in
Southeast Asia and steps to reduce
the deficit and control government
Later, he told reporters, "I don't
think he (Perot) wants a position, but
would I let him be involved? Yeah."
Clinton's campaign supple-
mented his comments by announc-
ing that 122 former Perot supporters,
including nine previous statewide
coordinators, were endorsing the
Democratic ticket.
"A vote for Ross Perot could let
George Bush and Dan Quayle in
through the back door for four more
years," they said in an "open letter"
to Perot supporters circulated by the
Clinton campaign.
Bush criticized what he said was
overly negative media coverage
about the economy, assailed the
"voices of doom and gloom" who
predict his demise, and said,
"Believe me, we are going to win
this election."
Most independent analyses give
Clinton a commanding edge in the
Electoral College.
Nielsen: State should be proud of U-M
by Karen Sabgir
Daily Administration Reporter
If the U-M is the economic engine
that powers the state of Michigan, as
Regent Neal Nielsen (R-Brighton)
describes, then he is sitting in the
driver's seat.
Nielsen is seeking re-election to
the Board of Regents, which sets
policy for the U-M.
Nielsen, who is running for a sec-
ond term, said the U-M is an institu-
tion the state should be very proud of
- not only in academics, but also by
the prestige of its faculty and staff and
the scope of research in which it is
said that since
he joined the
board eight
years ago, re-
search dollars
from the state
have increased.
from $65 mil-
Nielsen lion to $400
million a year.
He said this increase has resulted
in more jobs in the employment sec-
tor and a more talented faculty and
staff within the U-M.
Nielsen said he is also proud of the
academic quality that has been main-
tained at the U-M while keeping in-
state tuition increases to a minimum.
Richard Kennedy, vice president
for government affairs, said Nielsen
has done a crediblejob over the years.
"He certainly does his homework
and has done an adequate job as a
regent,"Kennedy said.
Although he praised the U-M for
improvements he has seen since he
began his term as regent, Nielsen said
he wants to see "more efforts to re-
cruit more minorities.
"We need more incentives to have
women go into administrative posi-
tions," Nielsen said.
He added that 49 percent of U-M
graduates are women. However,
women make up only 18 percent of
the employees at faculty and adminis-
trative levels.
Nielsen said that if he is elected for
another term, he would also like to see
some new programs established.
Nielsen said he understands how
See REGENT, Page 2
Summer internships provide
students with job experience
by Ken Dancyger
Students who are tired of spend-
ing their summers slaving away in
W the local fast-food joint can make
money and gain job experience
through internship programs
Programs include employment
opportunities at businesses, corpora-
tions and in the government.
"Anyone can seek out an intern-
ship - you just have to know what
you want," said Paula Wishart, assis-
tant director of Summer Jobs and
Internship Services at the U-M's
Career Planning and Placement
find that most of the internships are
"Apply early, but don't launch
into it," Wishart said. "Organize and
plan a method first."
Rohit Bery, an Engineering fifth-
year senior, has had summer intern-
ships at Ford Motor Company for
the past two years, and is beginning
his search for an internship for this
"I'm looking at internships,
graduate schools and jobs," said
Bery. "I'll take the best offer."
Bery is not alone. Many graduat-
ing seniors are looking for summer
"Seniors have to know where
they want to focus their time - on a
job or on an internship."
Wishart said that in recent years,
seniors have been applying for in-
ternships which usually interest
sophomores and juniors, citing the
economy as the cause for this trend.
In the late 1980s, when organiza-
tions shrunk in size, internships de-
creased as well. But now employers
realize that work can be done by a
student, rather than a full-time em-
ployee, Wishart said.
"The recession has affected us
all, but not as much as full time em-
debate pits
Meese vs.
Or, Mc Govern
by Nate Hurley
Daily Staff Reporter
Politics was in the air last night
at Hill Auditorium as former U. S.
Attorney General Edwin Meese
and Sen. George McGovern (D-
South Dakota) debated the presi-
dential election, the differences
between liberals and conserva-
tives, and just about every other
topic the audience, composed of
y wk o mnot MI o. rl a.. o_. n.l_.. thin