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September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 40

… to be swayed from his earlier predic- tion that a new champion would be crowned in Columbus. The Wolverines, he claimed, lacked the necessary first-place strength to capture the Confer- ence crown…

… Captain Dave Owen, who had been busy re-writing rec- ord books with his 16-lb. lead ball, was the only sure first place Michigan had. In the hurdles, the Wolverines had one great big cipher. Simi- lar holes…

… that Canham had made in December could now be seen in the light of the indoor season and the revelations were, to Michigan fans, shocking. There just were no hurdlers on the Wolverine squad. Scholastic…

… one deficit was bad enough but it was not the only one the Wolverines were forced to face. The middle-distance runners, Robin Varian, Ernie Sims and Milt Robinson were either injured or performing below…

… hurdle with some talent when needed. I FLYING WOLVERINE - John Magnuson, laborous Michigan sprinter, hard at work in practice to improve his times. Magnuson, a junior from Compton, Cal., placed fourth in…

… be able to win the out- door crown. The only real ques- tion was whether or not they would be able to stay in the first division. Two weeks before the outdoor finals the Wolverines traveled down to…

… Champaign for a re- match with Illinois. But this time there was no 30-pt. victory for the Blue. A renovated Illini squad ran all over Michigan and snapped the Wolverines' long winning streak by better than a…

… shot put and sophomore Lou Williams' surprising third place in the broadjump with a leap. of 23' 11%", the Wolverines piled up more than enough points to entrench themselves solidly In third place. There…

… the high jump and with a few good freshmen the Wolverines could pose a definite threat next year. ICHIGAN MEN select their PIPES from PIPE REPAIRS l 8 ESTH VROW 8L E~4 C I-7 _ _ l …

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 36

… to stop a flying puck off the stick of a Michigan State shooter. Hayton, who has two years left with the Wolverines, was unsuccessful, but goalie Ross Childs caught the disc himself to prevent a goal…

…, Michigan earned a nerth in the NCAA hockey tournament which was held last March at Colorado Springs, Colo. Having emerged six previous times from this seasonal climax as champions, the Wolverines this year…

…- ries- Still, the Maize and Blue were pressed down to the wire by a sur- prising North Dakota squad, coached by ex-Wolverine hockey star, Al Renfrew. The Sioux came to Ann Arbor on March 4 to face…

… Michigan in a two-game series. Despite the five- game winning streak that the Wolverines had compiled, winning this series was a virtual must if Michigan was to retain any hope of defending its 1956 NCAA…

… team that skated on the ice to face the Wolverines. At the end of two periods, the Sioux held what looked like a se- cure 2-0 lead. But Michigan crashed through in the final stan- za, scoring two goals…

…- Wolverines 'continued their win- NCAA championships to Michi- or play than at Michigan. It's been clenched in his teeth, is credited y Bob Zuppke, the sage of ning ways in almost every sport. gan. His teams…

… just about clinched a playoff spot. . Two games remained with Mich- igan Tech, but the Wolverines captured both of them with com- parative ease, 5-3, and 7-4, and to the victors went second place in the…

… are over, although this is not 100 per cent positive. Defense Corps Deflaed In additiop to these two players, the Wolverines lose through grad- uation defensemen Bob Schiller, Bob Pitts and Bernie Hanna…

… highest scoring Wolverine in league action. For- ward Jerry Karpinka has' com pleted his playing 'career, too. All is not lost, however. The backbone of last year's team, goalie Ross Childs, leads the re…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 42

… actually had the po- tential to do better. And some of KRAMER VS. ILLINOIS ... two more the things that happened last sea- son bear this out, too. The Wolverines took five of their eight pre…

… Ten the Wolverines were 6-1 at home and 2-5 away. Opening at Indiana, Michigan dropped a tough one to the even- tual co-champion Hoosiers, 73-68. Travelling to Michigan State, they knocked off the other…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 41

…STHE MICHIGAN DAILY I' Gymn astics By AL JONES Hayslett, the Wolverines put on a tain for the 19 ier big year behind, but great showing-one that'had even Cole and Haysle etter one in the future…

… which the Wolverines out- classed the rest of the field. Teams like Iowa and Michigan State, which had defeated the Wolver- ines in dual meets and were fa- vored to finish higher in the Big. Ten, fell by…

… the wayside. MSU scored 68 points for the third-place spot, while Iowa set- tled for fourth with 68. Best Performances The heroes in the Wolverine comeback were Gagnier, Cole and Hayslett in particular…

…'s history, tied for the Big Ten all-around champion- ship and took first in the parallel bars last season. Ie'll be back to lead the Wolverines this year as captain. points in dual meets, and again last year…

… it does.happen this year, the Wolverines might break that for- mer top mark of second in the Big Ten. If not, they will have to play second fiddle to the Illini. Even so, it's becoming an honor to…

… season to help spark the Wolverines to what they hope will be their greatest year ever. The Evanston, IlL., senior was state diving champion in high school, but decided-and profitably so-to turn to…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 43

… that went seven innings. The Wolverines also dropped the first game of the twin bill to the Illini for their first loss to an. Illinois team in six years. Drop to Third This was the third week of the…

… over Minnesota. The heros were Steve Boros, hard-hitting shortstop, and Girardin, who won won his third game in relief. The next day the Wolverines met league-leading Iowa-,in what was scheduled as a…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 34

…'s swim- ming squad. ' CY HOPKINS ... NCAA breaststroke winner Michigan State in the final race- t.e medley relay-to take the title. The victory was a team triumph. Of the 11 Wolverine men entered in the…

…'s first-place winners. MSU's Depth Tremendous At the Big Ten championships Michigan did not' fare so well. The Wolverines were unable to cope with Michigan State's tre- mendous depth and had to settle for a…

… second-place finish - 211 points behind the Spartans win- ning total of 87 points. But Michi- gan's sophomore duo of Hopkins and Dick Hanley each contributed two individual wins. The Wolverines began the…

… grasp, Michigan mauled the Buckeyes, 61-44, which incidentally snapped an Ohio State dual-meet win streak at 17. The outstanding highlight of this meet was the showing of the diving by the Wolverines, who…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 44

…, they lost two games before capacity turnouts.. The Mi'ehigan Statf Spartans were the Wolverines' second foes of the sca;ri Some 101,129 fans filled the Michigan Stadium to see the Wo 'crines who had run…

… weather was nothing compared to the gloom that spread over the campus when the mud dried the evening of Saturday, October 7, 1956. It was generally conceded that wne Wolverines }ad outplayed the t…

September 29, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

… must elapse be-k fore dependable results can be cast up." Penalties Slow Down Both Tea Halt Wolverines in Third TD I] LOS ANGELES, Sept. 28 (-Favored Michigan ra fired up Southern California yesterday…

… Myers, packed too much talent for the s less Trojans. The Wolverines from the Big Ten got off to a 9- In the second quarter -on a 51-yard touchdown march safety. But Southern Cal, with a sensational run…

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