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March 16, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

… Michigan Tech Husky. Kelly scored one of four Wolverine goals in last night's 5-4 loss to Clark- son in the NCAA hockey championships. Tonight Tech and St. Lawrence square off in the second game of the…

… tournament. 'were on power plays, while ox e was scored on a breakaway. For Michigan Red Berenson was the star. The senior captain scored twice in the final frame for the Wolverines to break an existing…

…. stopped 25 shots, and in the third period when the Wolverines finally came to life, Gibbons was not to be beaten. What happened to Michigan? Berenson compared last night's game with the Yale game earlier in…

… the play. Come Back With seven seconds remaining in' the period the Wolverines came back with a goal. Center Larry See WOLVERINES, Page 7 Blast Kennedy Offer SidelinesMeeting Safeguard on Secret…

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