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May 08, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, ay 8, 194 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wedneadoy, Moy 8, 1974 :LADS, GOLFERS LAG: Wolverine batsmen By JOHN KAHLER ' Moby Benedict, t'e Michigan baseball coach, believes that…

… good pitching will tri':mnh over good hitting. His Wolverine baseball team tested that hypo- thesis over the semester break, and had indifferent success. The Wolverines split a pair of doubleheaders on…

… hitting the cycle. Chuck Rogers went the distance to beat the Gophers. The Wolverine batsmen, who had been struggling all year, broke loose against Notre Dame, pounding out an 18-11 triumph, Neighborhood…

… that someone had stolen Michigan's road uni- forms. So the batsmen went up to MSU Monday wearing their home uniforms and over- came the weather and the Spartans, 5-4. Yesterday, the Wolverines journeyed…

May 15, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 6) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 15, 974 Wolverines divide another By JEFF LIEBSTER You need runs to win baseball games. Michigan's pitching staff, acknowledged as the finest in the…

…, using only 55 terhouse, drew a walk. This was followed in 5 and one-third innings. by a sharp single to right-center by hit- The Wolverines threatened one ting star, shortshop Chris Burak. It but again…

May 10, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 3) • Page Image 15

…Friday, May 10, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Fi fteen Dixon Farmer resigns as Wolverine track coach; Canham announces 1974-75 basketball schedule ,F Dixon F a r m e r, Michigan's track coach…

… Ten co-champions. With or without Campy Rus- sell, the key to the Wolverines' season will probably come at the beginning of February, when the Big Blue will confront Pur- WE'RE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE A…

May 09, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 2) • Page Image 11

… this week the signing of eight freshman can- didates for the 1974-75 Wolverine squad. The list includes two players from the 1974 Minnesota state champion, Edina East, coached by former Wolverine All…

May 11, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 4) • Page Image 12

… pretty simple - a clean __ sweep. Going into the con- tests with a 4-4 conference the League for Good Govern- with enough key pitches to set record, the Wolverines still ment. Chuck Rogers boosted his the…

…- teamed perfectly with Walter- ward first base. By the time house to trash an Indiana double From wire Service Reports Wolverine first-sacker Pete Ross steal attempt in the seventh. DETROIT - John Hiller…

…-run fourth inning bursts, the Wolverines had put homer and Norm Cash's solo together three runs scored with blast in the same inning, two ott in their second to give I.., WITH Carlton Fisk perched on Rogers…

… run In the second game, Wolverine MILWAUKEE was in control ble help matters. a Star comeback that placed and gi ing iller a moat ude- left-bander Ace Adam had early for. most of regulation, leading This…

May 09, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 2) • Page Image 12

… by the New York Nets of the American Basketball Association, h a s three more weeks in which to make up his mind on whether to pass un his senior year of play for the Wolverines. If he fails to ask…

… the Wolverines if he turned pro this year. Campy, widely heralded as a high-school All-lmericnn, r--e secord team All-Big Ten in hi sohmore season, and thar :vera-ed 23 poitIs per -me lst yer in…

May 18, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 9) • Page Image 12

… far behind. Ironically, Fee finished fifth yesterday and saw all four finishers break his former standard. STEVE ADAMS of Michigan g a v e Wolverines supporters something to cheer about with a victory…

… intermediate d i s t a n c e events with Michigan runners advancing in three events. In the 440-yard dash semi- finals, Wolverines Kim Rowe and Dave Williams advanced to this afternoon's final. Rowe had the…

May 31, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 17) • Page Image 12

… wholeheartedly. But fnr the team his decision is a disaster. Michigan basketball was not a one man show last year. As every basketball magazine will no doubt point out, the Wolverines have four double figure start…

May 18, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 9) • Page Image 11

…-Michigan's golfers placed a dismal seventh at the end of the first 36 holes of action in the 72-hole Big Ten Championship. Despite the miserable team performance, Wolverine John Dale found himself tied for second in…

May 16, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 7) • Page Image 12

… threatened several times. been vanquished in Big Ten Another Wolverine standout is championship competition. He co-captain Steve Adams, a shot has won seven individual titles prt and discus man. Steve won and…

…, Robert James of Grand Rapids, Joel Thompson of Flint, and Dave Baxter of Detroit. Thompson and Baxter have already signed with Michi- gan, so this game will give Wolverine fans an opportuni'yto see what…

May 30, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 16) • Page Image 12

… Russell was drafted by the NBA Cleveland Cavaliers Tuesday, prematurely ending his varsity career with the Wolverines. Many people have voiced disapproval of Campy's actions, mostly because of their…

May 29, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 15) • Page Image 12

… had declared his intention to be considered by the NBA for drafting over a month ago, he had until Mon- day to withdraw his name from the list and retain eligihiity for the 1974-75 Wolverine .)asketball…

May 21, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 10) • Page Image 10

… 60 cents for the first one-sixth of a mile. In other action, Council also approved, 7-3, the site plan pro- viding for another branch of Huron Valley National Bank to be located in the Wolverine Towers…

May 21, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 10) • Page Image 12

… wonderftl it was to finish second best in the National League every year. But don't ask the Michigan Track team-they think it's great. The Wolverine cindermen, picked to finish somewhere in the middle of the…

May 14, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 5) • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, May 14, 1974 paeKing J E R R Y HUBBARD (below), Michigan's national champion at 151 pounds, brought home a sheepskin at graduation and the Wolverines will be…

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