Page Sixteen
THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, May 14, 1974
J E R R Y HUBBARD (below),
Michigan's national champion
at 151 pounds, brought home a
sheepskin at graduation and the
Wolverines will be hard pressed
to rep-ce him. Clarke Cogsdill
knows who's going to fill Jerry's
shoes and he's telling on page
BY G~lG Brewers blast Orioles;
George Hastings reate AL East logjam
World Team Tennis .. .
is it tennis?
FOR SEVERAL YEARS NOW, the fastest-growing sport in
America has been the game of tennis. And since sports are
big business in the United States, it was inevitable that somebody
would come along and try to convert the sport into a share of
the American entertainment dollar.
I was curious enough to journey in to Cobo Arena last Thurs-
day and witness the spectacle as World Team Tennis made its
debut in Detroit--and spectacle is the proper term. The new
league has taken the staid old game and given it a whole new
image-the idea is no longer a courteous competition among
gentlepeople, but a team spectator sport in the finest American
traditions of beat those bad guys and kill the umpire.
The whole scene reminded one of a Detroit Piston basketball
game at Cobo back in the old Piston losing years. A sparse
crowd-announced at 3,600 but looking like a lot less-was
scattered around the Arena, someone insisted on using the ob-
noxiously loud scoreboard horn, and they even announced the
line-ups for the two teams and had them run out onto the court
and slap hands with each other.
Then after the new rules had been explained by the announcer
(the voice of the Pistons, George Maskin, naturally), the meet
between the Detroit Loves and the Toronto-Buffalo Royals finally
got underway a mere twenty minutes late.
It was soon evident, however, that although the new sport had
women doing 50 per cent of the playing, there was still plenty of
room left for some good old fashioned male chauvinism. As Maskin
announced the first few points, he began by referring to the
Loves Rosemary Casals as "Miss Casals," and then later it
became simply "Rosie," and "Wendy" for her opponent.
The men, of course, were called only by their last names.
Meanwhile, everybody from the opposing coacheswon
down seemed kind of uncomfortable and unsure exactly what
to do as the "first half" of the meet progressed. The fans,
most of whom were used to the normal rules of tennis etiquette,
were reluctant to cheer during the play, restricting them-
selves to the customary patter of applause (for either team)
after each point.
Even the poor vendors looked awfully confused, as it was so
quiet during the points that they couldn't shout out their wares.
The rival coaches, Australian Jack Shaw of the Loves and
player-coach Tom Okker for the Royals, seemed to force them-
selves, on several occasions, to stand up after close calls and,
grinning sheepishly, make a protest to the umpire in sort of a bad
imitation of a major league baseball manager.
Later, a full scale, fifteen-minute rhubarb over -a disputed
fault call occurred as Okker angrily waved his team off the
court before the nervous promoters and umpire finally talked him
into continuing play.
The long protest, however, seemed to get the crowd loosened
up. As any good Detroit sports crowd should, it began booing
the Royals and any umpire's decisions which went against
Detroit, and particularly started to ride the showboating Okker.
The fans especially came to life when Detroit's Phil Dent over-
powered the heavily-favored Okker in the secoiid set between the
two, saving the biggest roar of the night for when a Dent serve
broke Okker's racket
There are good guys and bad guys . . . even in tennis.
From Wire Service Reports
Bobby Mitchell and Johnny
Briggs slugged so to home
runs and the Milwaukee
Brewers moved i n t o first
p l a c e in the American
League East last night with
a 9-4 victory over the Balti-
more Orioles.
May opened the game with
his fifth homer of the season,
a shot into the right field stands
off Ross Grimsley, 4-3. The
Orioles got the run back off
winner Ed Sprague, 1-0, in the
bottom of the first when Rich
Coggins singled, moved to sec-
ond on a walk and raced home
when a passed ball by Milwau-
kee catcher Darrell Porter rico-
cheted off the backstop and up
the third base line.
The Brewers moved in front
again when Mitchell led off the
second inning with his second
homer of the year and they
made it 3-0 on Briggs' sixth
homer with two out in the third.
Milwaukee added two more
runs in the fourth. Bob Coluccio
tripled and Porter singled to
bring Doyle Alexander in from
the bullpen. Pedro Garcia forced
Porter, then he stole second and
scored on Robin Yount's single.
The Orioles got a run in the
bottom of the fourth on Brooks
Robinson's single and one in the
sixth on Boog Powell's homer.
The Brewers scored again in
Michigan Daily
the seventh on Don Money's
single, in the eighth on Garcia's
hit and wrapped it up with two
runs in the ninth. Al Bumbry
had a sacrifice fly for a Balti-
more run in the seventh.
Tribe triumphant
CLEVELAND-John Ellis hit
a three-run homer in the first
inning while Jim Perry and Tom
Buskey combined for a four-hit-
ter, leading the Cleveland In-
dians to a 4-1 victory over the
Boston Red Sox last night.
John Lowenstein led off the
Cleveland first with a single and
Buddy Bell reached on an error
by second baseman Dick Mc-
Auliffe before Ellis slammed his
second home run of the season,
That was enough to hand Luis
Tiant his fifth setback in seven
The Red Sox scored in the
second inning on Bernie Car-
bo's double and a single by Mc-
Auliffe, Meanwhile, Perry held
sammemmmmmmmmk.'lmmlsssssm -
Boston hitless until he left in
the seventh following an error
and a walk.
The Indians made it 4-1 in the
seventh when Charlie Spikes got
an infield hit, stole second, went
to third on George Hendrick's
single and scored on Dave Dun-
can's sacrifice fly.
Reds rampage
CINCINNATI - Johnny Bench
drilled his sixth home run of
the season and Don Gullett and
Pedro Borbon teamed up to
pitch a six-hitter last night, lead-
ing the Cincinnati Reds to a 4-1
victory over the San Francisco
Bench's solo shot came in the
fourth inning and broke up a
scoreless duel between Gullett,
3-3, and loser John D'Acquisto,
2-4. Tony Perez followed with a
triple and scored on Merv Ret-
tenmund's grounder.
Mets maraud
ST. LOUtS-Clean Jones and
Jerry Grote slugged two-run
homers to power the New York
Mets to a 5-3 victory over Bob
Gibson and the St. Louis Cardi-
nals last night.
The Mets got a first-inning
run off Gibson, 2-3, on singles
by Bud Harrelson and Ken Bos-
well and Jones' fly ball to deep
center field. They made it 3-0
in the third when Boswell sin-
gled with two out and. Jones hit
his second homer of the base-
ball season.
Right - bander Bob Apodaca,
1-2, making his first major
league start, checked the Cards
until the fifth inning, when Lois
Alvarado led off with a ground-
rule double and scored on Ted
Sizemore's single.
Texas toppled
ARLINGTON, Texas-Charlie
Sands and Paul Schaal drilled
home runs for the California
Angels and Bill Singer coasted
to his fifth victory of the year
as the Angels eased to ass 8i
victory over the sagging Texas
Professional Le
w L Pct. G8
Philadelphia 17 14 .54 -
Montreal 12 11 .522 1
St. Louis 16 15 .516 1
Chicago 1 i 15 .4443
New York 14 18 .438 3?,
Pittsburgh 919 .321 6'%
Los Angeles 23 9 .719 -
Houston 20 15 .571 44
San Francisco 19 1t 543 514
Cincinnati lit 14 .5336
Atlanta 14 19 .424 9'5
San Diego 14 2t .400 10!4
Last Night's Results
Cincinnati 4, San Francisco 1
New York 5, St. Louis 3
Atlanta at San Diego, inc.
Houston at Los Angeles, ine.
Other clubs no scheduled
Today's Games
Montreal (Rogers 5-1) at Phila-
delphia tLonborg 3-2), night.
dSan Francisco (Caldwell 5-1) at
Cincinnati (Billingham 5-1), night.
Chicago (Reuschel 2-1) at Pitts-
burgh (Reuss 1-2), night.
New Turk (Stone 0-3) at St. Louis
(MeGlothen 4-1), night.
Atlanta (Niekro 3-3) at San Diego
(Freisleben 3-0), night.
Houston (Dierker 2-2) at Los
Angeles (Sutton 5-2), night.
!ague Standings
w L Pet. GB
Milwaukee 14 13 .519 --
Baltimore 15 14 .517 -
Cleveland 16 15 .516 --
New Turk lt 17 .514 --
Detroit 14 15 .483 1
Boston 15 17 .469 1%4
Chicago 15 13 .538 -
Oakland 16 15 .516 14
Kansas City 15 15 .500 1
Texas 16 17 .4851Y11
California 17 17 .100 1
Minnesota .i 15 .444 214
Milwaukee 9, Baltimore 4
Cleveland 4, Boston 1
California 8, Texan 4~
Minnesota at Chicago, inc.
Kansas City at Oakland, ine.
Today's Games
Milwaukee (Colburn 1-3) at
Baltimore (Palmer 2-3), night.
aston (Cleveland 1.3) at Cleve-
land (G. Perry 4-1), night.
Detroit (Lolich 1-5) at New York
(Dobson 2-5), night.
Minnesota (alyleven 3-4) at Chi-
cagn (Bahnsen 4-2), night.
Kansas City (McDaniel 0-i and
Splittorff 3-3) at Oakland (Hunter
5.2 and Abbott 0-0), 2, night.
California (Ryan 4-3) at Texas
(Hargan 2-3), night.