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December 16, 1945 (vol. 56, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

… events in the State A.A.U. tank meet here before a full house last night at the Sports Building pool. Four Wolverines shared the honors with Michigan State's star back- stroker, Howard Patterson, only…

… sec- ond and third respectively. Barney Cipriani, of Detroit Boys Club, the defending champion, just couldn't match the Wolverine trio and had to be satisfied with fourth. Bob Matters of the Wolverines

Wolverines trailed in third and fourth spots respectively. In a photo finish Dick Weinberg of Michigan nipped the Detroit Athletic Club's former national champion, Bill Prew, to add the 50- yard free…

…-style race to the Maize and Blue trophy case. Dave Tittle finished fourth for the Wolverines. Matt Mann, Jr., led all the way to pull in the fourth A.A.U. title for the Wolverines in the 220-yard free…

…-style event. Mann was pressed by George Hoogerhyde but at no time relin- quished his lead. Chuck Moss and Nevil Adams, both of the Wolverines, trailed behind Hoogerhyde for the other two spots. In a non…

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