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December 16, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-16

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See Page 2



Swimming Squad
Takes Four of Five
In AAU Meet Here
Team Strength, Speed Main Factors;
M' Divers Get First Three Places
Speed and team strength were the highlights as Michigan's freshman-
studded swimming team copped four of the five events in the State A.A.U.
tank meet here before a full house last night at the Sports Building pool.
Four Wolverines shared the honors with Michigan State's star back-
stroker, Howard Patterson, only invader to break into the Maize and Blue
monopoly. Patterson, defending his crown, swam to an easy win in the
100-yard backstroke. Michigan's Willard Metcalf trailed the Spartan ace
4 in second spot.

U S.

Deman s'




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United States
Is Chosen as
Site for UNO

Monday To

Will Meet
Select City

By The AssociatedPress
LONDON, Dec. 15-The United
States was chosen today as the perm-
anent home of the United Nations
Organization after a long, hard-
fought battle, and the preparatory
commission decided to meet Monday
to select the city in which the world
peace agency will be loated.
The selection becomes final with
the stamp of approval of the General
Assembly, and Belgian and French
delegates, who with British delegates
led the fight for a European site,
said the choice would not be chal-
lenged again.
Canada, which cast its ballot for
Europe, moved successfully to make
the vote for the United States unani-
mous. The motion was seconded by
British Minister of State Philip J.
Noel Baker, who had fought through-
out for a European site.
The vote was preceded by a knock-
down-and-drag-out battle during
which the delegates for two and a
half hours debated procedure. The
delegates fought so hard that Uk-
rainian delegate D. Z. Manuilsky rose
to say "this is making a painful im-
pression," and Netherlands delegate
A. A. Pelt told his colleagues they
lacked dignity.
The only surprise in the voting was
when Egypt, which had been ex-
pected to vote for Europe, said no.
Be a Goodfellow
Boise' Could
Not Have Seen
Jap Task Force
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 -(AP)--
Pearl Harbor investigators received a
Navy report today that the U. S.
Cruiser Boise was never closer than
1,400 miles to the Japanese task force
which struck Hawaii Dec. 7, 1941, and
thus could not have seen its approach.
This reply to a question raised early
in the hearings - whether the Boise
sighted the Japanese force, but did
not report it because of orders for
radio silence - came during a ses-
sion marked by continued bickering
among Republicans and Demicrats.
At its close, Senator Scott Lucas
(Dem.-Ill.) told reporters the com-
mittee should find out how and where
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey learned this
country had "broken" Japan's codes.
Lucas had drawn from Lt. Gen.
Leonard T. Gerow, the day's witness,
an expression of opinion earlier that
any military officer who deliberately
disclosed the secret in wartime would
deserve the death penalty.
From Gen. George C. Marshall, the
committee had heard last week that
he learned during the 1944 presiden-
tial campaign that Dewey apparently
had learned of the code-cracking.
Marshall gave the committee copies
of letters in which he appealed to
the Republican nominee not to dis-
close the secret.
Be a Goodfellow
Chiang Says Aim
Is To Unite China
PEIPING, Dec. 15-(P)-Generalis-
simo Chiang Gai-Shek reiterated to-
day his determination to build a
united, free and equal China, and
called on those who struggled heroi-
cally airinst J.aanese tdomintinnto

Meanwhile, Matt Mann's swim-
mers were making an almost clean
sweep of the other four events. Alex
Canja brought the diving title back
to Ann Arbor and his teammates,
Gil Evans and Ralph Trimborn,
made it unanimous by taking sec-
ond and third respectively. Barney
Cipriani, of Detroit Boys Club, the
defending champion, just couldn't
match the Wolverine trio and had
to be satisfied with fourth.
Bob Matters of the Wolverines pro-
vided the individual high spot of the
evening when he clipped 1.4 seconds
off the old mark to cop the 100-yard
breaststroke event in 1:00.4. Bob Sohl
and defending champion Heini Kess-
ler of the Wolverines trailed in third
and fourth spots respectively.
In a photo finish Dick Weinberg
of Michigan nipped the Detroit
Athletic Club's former national
champion, Bill Prew, to add the 50-
yard free-style race to the Maize
and Blue trophy case. Dave Tittle
finished fourth for the Wolverines.
Matt Mann, Jr., led all the way to
pull in the fourth A.A.U. title for the
Wolverines in the 220-yard free-style
event. Mann was pressed by George
Hoogerhyde but at no time relin-
quished his lead. Chuck Moss and
Nevil Adams, both of the Wolverines,
trailed behind Hoogerhyde for the
other two spots.
In a non-A.A.U. race, the Michi-
See Canja, Page 6
Santa To Be
Guest a at
Jingle bells will jingle out good at
the all-campus Christmas party Tues-
day in Hill Auditorium. I
Featuring everything from Santa
Claus to boogie woogie piano (Christ-
mas style), the party will inject a
shot of holiday spirit into a campus
worn out with last-minute blue
books,, according to Dick (Rail)
Roeder and Johnny Sorice, commit-
tee chairmen.
The Women's Gee But I'm Glad
It's Christmas Glee Club and the
Navy We're Off on a Leave Soon
Choir will combine their talents un-
der the. direction of Miss Marguerite
Hood to sing light Christmas music.
George Hawkins and his 16 piece
Navy Band will join in the festivities
with their swing music. Jean Louise
Hale and Ruth McMorris will dance,
Elizabeth Moore will sing and James
P. Adams, University provost, will
give a brief Christmas address.

Coeds To Sell
Special Paper
Tenth Annual Edition
Will Climax Drive
The annual Goodfellow edition of
the Michigan Daily goes on sale to-
morrow at 8 a.m.
For the past 10 years the sale of
the Goodfellow edition has climaxed
the Goodfellow drive, sponsored this
year by the Daily and the Union, to
raise funds for city and campus
charitable services.
For Children's Service
A substantial part of the $1800 goal
the Goodfellow committee hopes to
realize will be given to the Ann Ar-
bor Family and Children's Service.
A list of the sororities and wom-
en's houses that will handle the
Goodfellow Daily sales, together
with their selling places and gen-
eral instructions, appears today on
Page 2.
With headquarters in Perry S'chool
at Division and Packard, the agency
operates on a year-round basis, giv-
ing counseling and financial aid to
needy local families.
Both the Textbook Lending Li-
brary and the University Goodwill
Fund will receive a share of the
Goodfellow contributions. The Li-
brary loans books to indigent stu-
dents who are not financially able to
buy their own. The Goodwill fund
makes outright money gifts to stu-
dciuts who, through sickness or other
emergency, might otherwise be forced
to leave school.
Coeds Will Sell Papers
Twenty-four campus coed organi-
?ations will handle the selling of the
Goodfellow Dailies, which may be
purchased at strategic places
throughout the campus and in the
downtown area between 8 a.m. and 3
p.m. tomorrow. This special edition
of the Daily will not be delivered by
carrier, but will be distributed only
by the campus Goodfellow salesmen.
Student Goodfellows may pay and
amount for their special Daily. All
proceeds will go into the Goodfellow
Houses Contribute
Group contributions from sorori-
ties, fraternities and other camous
organizations have come steadily
into the Goodfellow office at theStu-
dent Publication Bldg. this weeK.
Contributions for the only all-cam-
pus charity drive of the year have
already been made by Kappa Delta,
Helen Newberry, Victor Vaughn,
Martha Cook, Alpha Delta Pi, Sig-
ma Alpha Mu, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma, Betsy Barbour and Phi Chi.
Be a Goodfellow !

Willm Be Sold
Marshall May Use
Economic Pressure
President Calls for Permanent Political
Settlement; U.S. Would Grant Credits
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 - President Truman disclosed today that Gen.
George C. Marshall's first objective in China will be an end to hostilities
between the Nationalists and the Communists.
Beyond that the President called for a conference of all Chinese factions
to work out a permanent political settlement for unification of the country
in a broadened national government.
At the same time, in a major policy statement on China, Mr. Truman
linked American economic pressure with his peace and unity program. He
said this country would be prepared e

* * * * * *
MR. GOODFELLOW - This lad has grown into quite the young man
since this was taken for one of the first Goodfellow Dailies, but the
Ann Arbor Family and Children's Service is still going strong. Your
help is needed as much as ever, so be sure to get your GOODFELLOW
Daily tomorrow.
Mary's Case .ypical of Many
Solved by Children's Service

to grant credits and loans as China
moves "along the lines described."
He based the injection of American
diplomacy into the internal affairs
of China on the assertion that peace
and unity in that nation are essential
to peace in the Pacific.
Specific Program
The Chief Executive thus fur-
nished Gen. George C. Marshall with
a specific program for putting an end
to factionalism in China. Marshall,
special Presidential representative
MYDA To Petition
Against Aid to China
A campus petition compaign pro-
testing American intervention in
China will be led tomorrow by the
Michigan Youth for Democratic Ac-
Sidney Giles, carillonneur, will
play a few appropriate songs on the
Charles Baird Carillon. MYDA
members will also put up posters and
provide information at tables in An-
gell Hall and in front of the General
with the rank of ambassador, left for
Chungking by plane today carrying a
secret letter of instructions from the
President on which the White House
statement, released tonight, was
Marshall succeeds Maj. Gen. Pat-
rick J. Hurley in China. and diplo-
matic authorities estimated that the
policy laid down by Mr. Truman
brings greater pressure to bear on
the government of Generalissimo
Chiang Kai Shek than General Hur-
ley was ever willing to use.
Juniors To Meet
The central committee of Junior
Girls Play will meet at 4:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the League. Mem-
bers of the dancing cast will meet
at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Under-
graduate Office of the League. The
entire singing, dancing, and dra-
matic cast, as well as the central
committee, must attend the gen-
eral meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomor-
row at the League for the first
complete reading of the script.

Annual Christmas Program
To Be Given by Choral Union

The story of Mary is typical of the
family and personal problems which
are solved by the Ann Arbor Family
and Children's Service, one of the
agencies to be aided by the Goodfel-
low Drive, by means of counseling
and temporary financial aid.
Mary was 15 years old and a
sophomore in high school. She was
referred to the Service by the
family physician when her mother,
who was in poor health, consulted
him for advice.
Formerly, she had been a good stu-
dent and liked school. Then she be-
gan staying out late nights with peo-
ple unknown to her parents and she
Exchange Plan
May Be Revived
Possible revival of a system of ex-
change scholarships with four for-
eign universities, discontinued dur-
ing the war, is now under discussion
by the Committee on Intercultural
Relations and several other Univer-
sity officials.
Following a meeting with Dr. Fred-
erick Fales, field secretary of the In-
stitute of Intei'national Education,
the group foresees "very good pros-
pects" for renewing the agreements
by which the University exchanged
students with the University of Tucu-
man in Argentina, Lingnan Univer-
sity at Canton, the American univer-
sity at Beyrut, Syria and Brazilian
The scholarships, providing tui-
tion and maintenance for one year,
were administered through the Insti-
tute of International Education and
were handled here by a committee
under the chairmanship of the Dean
of the Graduate School.
With the exception of a junior year
scholarship to Lingnan University,
all the grants were made to gradu-
ate students. All exchange students
coming to Ann Arbor were graduate
War conditions have prevented the
University from sending students to
the foreign universities for several
years, although two Brazilian stu-
dents are now enrolled here under
the scholarship system. Now that
draft regulations forbidding men stu-
dents to go abroad may soon be re-
moved, Dr. Gale stated, and the State
Department has begun to issue pass-

wanted to quit school. She became
irritable, resentful, and uncoopera-
tive. The doctor knew of the service
of the agency to parents and knew
that a good many adolescents go to
the agency to talk over their prob-
At first, Mary did not want to go
to the agency, but upon her first
visit, she was surprised to find a
friendly person interested in her
side of the story.
She discovered that it was easy to
talk to the worker about personal
things that had been on her mind,
like her worries about her parents
not getting along, and the fact that
she missed her brother who was in
service. She talked of how her shy-
ness made it hard for her to make
friends with the people whom she
liled and she had found herself in
the wrong crowd.
By regular visits Mary was helped
to think over some of the real things
that seemed to be happening to her
and to work out better relationships
both at home and at school.

GMP Strikers
Thomas Says England
Owns US Auto Stock
DETROIT, Dec. 15 -(A')- The CIO
United Automobile Workers, describ-
ing the British Government as a hold-
er of General Motors Corporation
common stock, today asked Prime
Minister Clement Attlee's Labor Gov-
ernment to intervene in the 25-day-
old GM strike.
R. J. Thomas, UAW president, dis-
closed that he had made a direct ap-
peal in a letter to the Prime Minister,
but Attlee said in London, "I have not
seen the letter."
Asks for Attlee's Opinion
Thomas suggested that the Prime
Minister "make known" to the cor-
poration his (Attlee's) feelings that
"profits are indeed the concern of the
workers and the owners of any com-
The UAW president said he, was
"reliably informed" that "as of Octo-
ber, 1945, the British Government was
the owner of 434,000 shares of Gen-
eral Motors common stock, 36,000
shares of the common stock of Chrys-
ler Corporation, and 34,800 shares of
common stock of the Briggs Manu-
facturing Company."
'News' to GM Spokesman
A General Motors spokesman said
Thomas' disclosure was "news to me"
and that any comment on the re-
ported British interest in GM would
have to come from the company's
stock transfer division at New York."
At Washington, Charles Campbell,
Chief of the British Information Ser-
vice, said today that the British Gov-
ernment owns a block of GM stock
outright and control's the stocks vot-
ing rights.
Be a Goodfellow
Prince Konoye,
Kvills Himself
War Trials Continue
In Nuernberg, Tokyo
Prince Fuminaro Konoye, thrice
premier of Japan, committed suicide
early this morning, while the lives of
his fellow war criminals still hung
in the balance as the trials in Neurn-
burg and Tokyo proceeded without
any new decisions.
Japanese newspapermen and pho-
tographers had swarmed to the en-
trance of Sugamo Prison where Ko-
noye had until midnight tonight to
report. Shocked when informed of
his suicide, they made a dash for his
home on Tokyo's outskirts.
MANILA, Dec. 15 -(A')- Lt. Gen.
Masaharu Homma, already accused of
permitting the Bataan Death March,
was charged today with refusing
quarter when General Wainwright of-
fered to surrender May 6, 1942.
NEURNBURG, Dec. 15 -(A)- The
United States prosecution is fighting
to present the Nazi war crimes case
to the International Military Tribun-
al entirely in affidavits and docu-
ments in order to prevent the trial
from bogging down in a long-drawn-
out legal wrangle that might lead
into next summer.
Be a Goodfelow
Directory Sale Delayed
The Student Directory will not ap-
pear tomorrow as previously an-
flann nagl. h r. Pof atc44nnin rr difiI-

Education Cannot Transform
Society, Prof. White Asserts

A campus tradition for over fifty
years, the annual Christmas per-
formance of Handel's famous ora-
torio, the "Messiah," will be pre-
sented by 300 members of the Choral
Union, and a special "Messiah" or-

chestra under the direction of Prof.
Hardin Van Deursen, at 3 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Assisting the choral group, four
guest singers will be featured in the
solo roles, while Frieda Voggn of the
School of Music will be at the organ.
Hugh Norton of the speech depart-
ment will be the narrator.
With a repertoire including 50 ora-
torio works, Rose Dirman,.lyric so-
prano, is also known for her perform-
ances of the German lieder songs.
A star with the San Francisco Opera
for many seasons, Kathryn Meisle,
leading contralto of the Metropoli-
tan, has sung with the Chicago Civic
Opera Company, at the Hollywood
Bowl and at music festivals. The
basso and tenor soloists, Arthur
Kraft and Mark Love, are both ex-
perienced oratorio artists. Love's
nearly 500 performances of the "Mes-
siah" have won him the praise of
critics throughout the country.
The audience will be invited to join
in the traditional singing of the
"Hallelujah" Chorus.
All coceri-at-r, r raiii to r

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sixth in a
series of articles on the subject of gen-
eral education.)
In the midst of discussions on pro-
posed changes in college and univer-
sity curricula, a note of caution was
injected yesterday by Prof. Leslie A.
White, of the anthropology depart-
ment, who declared that "education
of itself cannot transform society."
"Educators often tell us that ed-
ucation is our 'salvation'-and by
education we try to solve all our
difficulties," Prof. White said.
He cited a statement by Clark Wis-
sler, eminent anthropologist, who has
compared our education' "formula"
with the magic formulas of primitive
tribes as follows:
"We often find among peoples we
choose to call less civilized, a class of
men whom we designate as medicine-
men or conjurers. Where such men
flourish they are called upon when-
ever the course of events goes wrong
-sickness, famine, love, war - no
matter what the nature of the trouble
may be, and they always proceed in
nn nwu- tv rarnni-n+ i. rlanntr l-r

dance it, or they may act it out. But
the idea is that if you go through
with the correct formula, the for-
ces of nature will right the wrong.
"Our great formula for bringing
about the realization of our leading
ideals is education. It is a kind of
grand over-formula by which we hope
to perpetuate and perfect our cul-
Prof. White agreed with Wissler
that "our faith in education has, in
fact, become our religion."
"The faith of primitive man in his
formulas and rituals," Prof. White
said, "were not shaken by a repeti-
tion of the ills they were supposed
to prevent or cure. Lack of success
did not prove to him that his formu-
las and rituals were inefficacious. It
only convinced him that he needed
more and better magic.
"And we who look to education
for our 'salvation' are not shaken
in our faith by the spectacle of
tragedy piled upon disaster. What
we need, we say, is more education."
Prof. White characterized educa-
tion as "a means employed by society
in no rrflincr nn it,.fin n A,,44-inc'in






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