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April 25, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…IE MIC 14-GAN DIAILY Senator'Happ Caneler Named Baseball Czar j Thinclads Gett For Penn Rela Wolverine Cinderme Four-Mile, Two-Mile, With the tentative personnel of the Penn Relays squad named…

…, a select group of Michigan trackmen will concentrate the rest of the week on rounding into shape for what could be the Wolverines' best Relays performance in their ten-year parti- cipation, according…

… Doherty in- dicated that his charges have a "good chance" of copping three titles this weekend at Philadelphia. Doherty places his main hopes for first places on the distance relays, in which the Wolverines

…-Winners Running for the Wolverines in -the four-mile event will be Bob Thoma- son, Dick Barnard, and Ross and Bob Hume. All four men grabbed places in the Western Conference in- door meet last month when Michigan…

…, another Conference record. If they can repeat their per- formances at Philadelphia, Doherty believes that three first places are more than a possibility. Meet To Run Two Days The Wolverines will also be…

… decided who the sixth player will be, but he said that it is a choice between Ken Morey, Bill Theunissen, Bob Hainil- ton, and Hank Zimmerman. The Wolverine golf mentor declared that these four linksmen…

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