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February 12, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 111) • Page Image 8

….' Minnesota-Duluth saw to that last rlight with a six to one victory over the icers for a sweep of the two game series after an eight to seven overtime trium- ph on Friday. WOLVERINE GOALIE Frank Zim- merman…

… Michigan State and Minnesota.-AP WHILE THE WOLVERINE netmin- der did all he could to keep UMD off the scoreboard, his teammates were having no luck getting on the board. Michigan took 11 shots on the…

… Bulldogs Rich Heinz, most of them nother strong shots in close, however, the, Wolverines could not beat Heinz. For the second straight evening Michigan didn't look like a team harrassed by a slump after the…

… first 20 minutes. But as was the case Friday night the Wolverines somehow managed to louse up a number of scoring opportunities, which would have changed the complexion of the game completely. INSTEAD OF…

…. Yesterday the Wolverines fell to the Spartans because the entire MSU squad outplayed Michigan for most of the game, sending the Spartans back to East Lansing with a 85-71 runaway. "Wegot outhustled today…

…," head coach Dan Fife said. "When the ball's loose and they (MSU) have three guys going after it and we only have three pairs of eyes, you don't get many." It appeared that the Wolverines were going to…

February 12, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 111) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, February 12, 1978-Page 9 full court PRESS JOHNSON, KELSER LEAD S TA TE By RICK MADDOCK' T HE WOLVERINES just didn't have enough to beat the tenth ranked Spartans…

… five and a half minutes. One reason McGee could not get the ball was the Spartan zone defense, and the way the Wolverines were playing against it. "Everybody has just got to move the ball against the…

… problems with its players cooperating with one another on offense. So the Wolverine offensive perfor- mance usually comes down to whether they're hot or cold from the outside. The result-they win some and…

…-2604 Spartans (Continued from Page 1) The Wolverines could n It did take Earvin a while to get going the basket against the z as he notched only two points in the first pletely relying on thei 14 minutes. But…

… final two minutes of the McGee unleashed his heav first half. Johnson's outburst transfor- and tallied ten straight poi med a 28-26 MSU margin into a 37-28 halftime bulge, and the Wolverines ,Spa never…

…. McGee hit on 11 of 21 attempts and totalled 24 points, but as a team the Wolverines sank to a 41.4 percent [29-70]. blacken Blue rta over Athens MICHIGAN STATE E Rt A TP 4 5 2 0 0 0 4 6 9 2 0 0 0…

… total of 43 shots. After the loss a disappointed but realistic David Baxter spelled out his team's situation. "I can't lie to you - we're in trouble," said the Wolverine co-captain. It'll take a miracle…

…. Unfortunately for Hardy, unless his Wolverines can bounce back and win on the road this week at Wisconsin and Indiana, they're going to fight the war without him. Walk. Jbust for the health of it*: Get moving…

May 12, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 7) • Page Image 22

… year veteran, picked up a pair of eighth round draft choices from the 'Skins. Mandich, shown here as a three-year letterman in the late sixties, captained the Wolverines in 1969, leading the team to the…

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