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January 14, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

… Y, JANUARY 14, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TUREE I I Field Events Are Puzzle In Indoor Track Picture CAGERS VACATE CELLAR: Wolverines Look Sharp in Iowa Victory SPORTS SLANTS . ..By Ed…

… crew. Which means the Wolverines must be super-careful on hostile rinks from here on. The slightest display of temper will bring the same treatment McKennell got. 2-Some sort of procedure and regulation…

… field events loom as a big question mark in Michigan's quest for the Big Ten indoor track championship. The Wolverine thinclads have lost more men from last season's field events squad than any other Big…

… Mitchell of Illinois. Two other outstanding confer- ence jumpers are James Harper of Indiana and James Vrooman from Michigan State. THE WOLVERINE track team's two weakest events are the pole vault and the…

January 14, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

… the Wolverine forward. Burton matched this with 14. Balanced scoring highlighted the Michigan victory. In addition to Burton, Tillotson had 18 to lead the field. Lee had 16, and Miller came into his own…

… "We were pretty happy to get' those five goals Saturday hight," and with this brief comment Coach Al Renfrew summed up the jubilation which was present in the Wolverine locker room yester- day. After…

… suffering a 3-2 loss to Michigan Tech Friday night, the Wolverines came back Saturday night with their strongest show- ing of the season to humble the Huskies, 5-2. More than one player reached his peak as…

… the Wolverines re- bounded from a three-game losing streak. Don McIntosh scored his first goal since December 14. "With his old form back plus the use of the best shot on the team, Don should be a big…

… tall forward did a lot of both during last night's win and his clutch baskets put the Wolverines ahead many times during the game. STAGER SURPRISED: Relays Show MSU Depth ,Your Discontinued Textbooks…

January 14, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

… Hawkeyes at the University of Iowa pool today. The busy Wolverine natators conclude their trip with a meet against Iowa State at Ames, Iowa, Monday evening. The Iowa team, headed by Cap- tain Lincoln Hurring…

…, could easily surprise the favored Wolverines. In its opener against Illinois, Iowa got off to a brilliant start by set- ting four pool records, whipping the Illini, 50-43. Hurring Stars for Iowa Besides…

…. -- Michigan's gymnastics team toppled defend- ing National Collegiate Champion Illinois, 57-55, here last night. - It was the first time in eight years thatthe Wolverine gymnasts had defeated the highly…

… meet out of the fire. The Wolverines have now com- piled two victories in their two Conference starts and will be bid- ding for their third straight against Indiana at Bloomington to- night. "The…

… the meet in the free exercise event with 272 points, while Nick Wiese greatly aided the Wolverine cause by plac- ing first in the flying rings with a score of 259. Gagnier and Wiese finished sec- ond…

January 14, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

…. Ralat got mad and said something like, "What are you trying to do, kill me?' "That led to arguing between Ralat and Mays and finally got to blows. s To Meet Tonight Wolverine Pucksters Must Sweep Gopher…

… Mariucci must sweep this series or be automatically remov- ed from the contending list. The thinly manned Wolverines must win both games to keep alive the very, very faint hopes of that NCAA Colorado trip…

… hockey to beat those Go- phers." The Wolverines still have a po- tent scorer in Bill MacFarland who is currently running 12th in the league scoring race with 17 points. They also have the league's top…

…- chio. Following the Minnesota inva- sion; and the examination period, the Wolverines will fly to Hough- ton on Feb. 4 to take on the im- proved Huskies of Michigan Tech in a two game series. Tech has…

…. + The three teams, however, do not appear to be too much of a threat to the Wolverines' record. Michigan is strong in every event, and the big problem at the mo- ment appears to be a lack of sprinters to…

January 14, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

… Ends Today Wolverines 'M' Matmen Drop Indiana, 23-8 An Intimate Theatre ,Bringing Cinema Triumphs From All Nations $ iri, " Operatic Film Extravaganza! " scpe 4ole per ILOera " 't es Miniatures…

…~od distance men, which they didn't, they may well give Mike Peppe's Ohio State team a tremulous afternoon when they meet the conference cham- pions next week. The Wolverines, with the Pur- due meet next…

… was 3-2, but Nel- son was awarded 2 points for 2 minutes of riding time. In the 137 pound division, the Wolverine's Jack Gallon battled Indiana's Dick Wilder to a 2-2 draw in another fervidly waged…

… first period. Stapp had Thompson completely bal- fled and was awarded 2 near falls before he finally nailed him. Bud Holcombe continued ithe Wolverine's winning ways by pin. ning Russ Keller of the…

January 14, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 82) • Page Image 6

… Build your Long-Play Record Library of "Top-Drawer" Recordings and Performances at These Low, Low Prices Now in effect at the Wolverines Battle MSC Cage Squad Tomorrow -DOWNTOWN- 205 E. Liberty St…

… in the wild Western Conference race, will meet three opponents before the second semester begins on Feb- ruary 7th. Tomorrow, the Wolverines will journey to East Lansing where a sell-out - crowd will…

January 14, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

… over the Princeton Tigers before about 1700 fans at the Arena. The talented Wolverine right- wingman pulledathet"hat trick" with four goals and three assists. enter Neil Celley also reached the coveted…

… three-goal level with a trio of markers and one assist. THE WOLVERINES piled up - 4-1 lead in the first period, bu visibly tired as the game pro- gressed due to the long tiresome trip. Celley got the…

… 7:47 of the final session to end the Michigan scoring . With two Wolverines in the penalty box Mathey beat McDon- ad at 18:45, and with the visiting sextet one man short Weedin end- ed the scoring…

… with a short poke at 19:05. The Wolverines complete their Eastern swing tonight against the Yale Bulldogs in New Haven. Chairmen for Phoenix Drive Listed by Trio Appointment of 13 men and women to the…

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