See Page 4
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House Grog
Strikes Blov
At FairDeal
Asks for Power
To Bottle Up Bi
move which could wreck muc
the Truman Fair Deal Prog
in this session of Congress
started yesterday in House R
Committee-and informed C
gressmen believed last night it
a good chance to succeed.
Southern Democrats and Re
licans teamed up to force thro
a motion 9 to 2 asking the H(
to restore the committee's
power to bottle up bills.
coalition thus would have life
death power over large portion
President Truman's legisla
There was reported to be
great deal of sentiment in V
House favoring a return of V
committee's power which w
shorn away last January.
The existing rule, permit
chairmen of other committee
by-pass the rules group and b
legislation to the House floor,
portedly was adopted for thev
purpose of keeping the Tru
program from being blockaded
** *
HOUSE Speaker Rayburn
Texas, Administration leader,
peared glum over yesterday s
den turn of events but decl
The committee's chairm
01 Sabath (D-Ill.) said he assu,
the change would go through
the coalition of Republicans a
southern Democrats prevails.'
The rules committee ac
came after a wrangle over the1
ministration's Fair Employr
Practices legislation. The mo
was made by Rep. Cox (D-G
foe of the measure which is be
the rules group.
* * *
THERE were two factors lea
to the 9 to 2 vote:
1h.Opposition by some of th
committee members to the C
rights program and to theF
Deal program of social legislat
2. A feeling that the commi
ought to have more say-so a
funnelling legislation to the h(
floor for action.
Not all those who favor ret
of the Rules Committee's p
can be classed as opponents
Civil Rights bills or the Fair I
British Sub
Disaster Toll
Reaches 65
CHATHAM, Eng. - (P) -
British Royal Navy said last n
65 men perished in the sinking
the submarine Truculent.
Hope was abandoned for
missing men, believed enton2
in the hulk on the muddy bd
the Thames Estuary. Di
fought time and tide in vain
day for a sign of life in the wr
* * *
TEN BODIES had been g:
up by the sea.
Only 15 of the 80 aboard V
1,090-ton Pacific war veter
escaped after her collision w
the 643-ton Swedish tanker T
vine at 7 p.m. Thursday.
The admiralty placed an are
order on the tanker. She is to
held until her owners post
to cover the loss of the Trucul
A STATEMENT by the adn
alty, issued about 24 hours a
the accident, said "no hope
now be entertained" for anyf
- ther survivors.
The admiralty first believ
76 persons were aboard.
spokesman said last night ar
check showed the Trucule
carried six officers, 56 enlist
men and 18 naval dockya
This was the greatest pea
time British submarine disa
since June 1939,
wFire Havoc Can
I Hit 'U' Students
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of articles on fire pre-
?u7S cautions in local student boarding houses.)
~rise Scenes of flaming destruction and death in fires at Kenyon
ih of College and the University of Oklahoma could very easily be reenacted
ram in a sickening number of the local student boarding houses.
was That's the most vivid impression I gained in nearly a week of
ules scurrying between officials in the General Administration Building
.on- and Ann Arbor's City Hall, checking on what precautions the average
had student rooming house has taken against fire.
* * * *
ub- THOUGH MANY of the men close to the problem with whom I
ugh talked were unwilling to be quoted by name, privately they admitted
ouse that the situation really has them worried.
old Ann Arbor Fire Chief Ben Zahn expressed one of the more
optimistic attitudes I encountered when he said, "Not too many
ch a lives have been lost in Ann Arbor," but he knocked hard on a
and wooden table next to him as he said it.
s of But he went on to say, "There are quite a number of houses
tive that could be better equipped with secondary means of egress"-
that is, such additions as fire escapes or ladders.
a** * *
the ANOTHER CITY OFFICIAL, an even closer observer of the
the situation who preferred to remain anonymous, went further than that.
was "I haven't found a student boarding house in Ann Arbor that
comes within a mile of fulfilling the minimum state fire precaution
ting requirements-and that's not because I haven't been looking," he
s to ad.
v ry cateyDEAN OF STUDENTS Erich A. Walter, commenting on the deli-
man cate situation, could only indicate that the situation is not as good
. as it might be.
"I hope that the city will move into a more strict interpre-
of tation of fire regulations," he said.
ap- But though both University and City Hall officials are aware
ud- "of the graveness of the condition, their efforts to improve it are
ned hamstrung by the lack of money and men to carry out the necessary
inspection program.
jed CITY ENGINEER George Sandenburgh told me that even if the
'nd city did have the personnel and the money to handle the inspection
~d of rooming houses, it would need a list of what to inspect.
"We don't even know of all the places in town that have
tion roomers," he declared.
ad- The crowded conditions now current in campus rooming houses
tion present another obstacle to effective enforcement of fire precaution
la.), regulations.
fore * * * *
"SUPPOSE," one University official said, "we could force an
overcrowded rooming house to cut down the number of students,
ding where would the students go?"
(Tomorrow: What is wrong with the fire precautions in student
e 12 boarding houses?)
ouse Report States CoalShortage
urn MayBring Some Hardships
of 4
Burford, 'M'
Ace Scorer Nets
Four in 8-5 Win
(Special to The Daily)
PRINCETON, N.J.-Gil Burford
went on .a one-man scoring ram-
page here last night to pace the
Michigan hockey team to an easy
8-5 triumph over the Princeton
Tigers before about 1700 fans at
the Arena.
The talented Wolverine right-
wingman pulledathet"hat trick"
with four goals and three assists.
enter Neil Celley also reached
the coveted three-goal level with
a trio of markers and one assist.
4-1 lead in the first period, bu
visibly tired as the game pro-
gressed due to the long tiresome
Celley got the first goal at
8:06 on a short shot from about
five feet with assists going to
both Burford and Wally Grant.
In the next 3 minutes the Wol-
verines really poured it on with
three more goals. Burford snared
a loosed puck in front of the net
and poked it in at 9:59.
HE FOLLOWED a little later at
10:46 with a fifteen footer on a
rebound. Grant had hit the post
with a shot and received an assist
on the play.
Michigan's second line got in-
to the act at 11:11 with Bob
Heathcott converting a pass
from Lennie Brumm from about
ten feet in front of the net.
The Tigers got their only goal
of the period when John Ryan
rifled a long one past Goalie Jack
McDonald at 16:43.
Celley didn't wait long to rack
up the fifth Michigan score in the
middle session, when he faked out
the Tiger goalie at 0:28 and netted
the disc easily. Burford helped on
the play.
got one for the Tigers at 4:21, but
Burford countered that one on a
breakaway at 13:39. Ross Smith
got an assist.
McDonald Mathey made it
6-3 at 16:12 of the period with
Montgomery setting up the play.
Celley ended the period's scor-
ing at 19:50 when he hit the left
corner of the net on a pass from
Burford tallied on a solo effort
at 7:47 of the final session to end
the Michigan scoring .
With two Wolverines in the
penalty box Mathey beat McDon-
ad at 18:45, and with the visiting
sextet one man short Weedin end-
ed the scoring with a short poke
at 19:05.
The Wolverines complete their
Eastern swing tonight against the
Yale Bulldogs in New Haven.
Chairmen for
Phoenix Drive
Listed by Trio
Appointment of 13 men and
women to the Student Executive
Committee of the Michigan Me-
morial-Phoenix Project was an-
nounced yesterday by Mary Lu-
beck, '51, chairman of the stu-
dent campaign.
The appointments were made
by a committee of three from
petitions submitted before the
Christmas holidays.
tmmonSDefense Chiefs
FIRST INTERNATIONAL HOUSE-This structure on Oakland Ave. has been purchased by the
Committee for International Living for use as hoine for students from all parts of the world, Bill
Miller, committee chairman, announced last night. It is planned to have it in use by the beginning
of the second semester.
* *
* *
International House Planned
- i
The campus' first international
house will be opened next semes-
ter, Bill Miller, Grad., chairman of
the campus Committee for In-
ternational Living, announced last,
A three-story structure at 915
Oakland has been purchased,
clearing the last major obstacle in
the way of getting the organiza-
tion on its way, Miller said. 1
* * * .
PLANS CALL for 34 men to live7
in the house, with the number
divided evenly between foreign
and American students.
In addition, there would be an
effort to draw the foreign stu-
dents from as many parts of the
world as possible, according to
"The house will be run on a
semi - co-op basis, like. Adelia
Cheever, where the house hires a
cook," Miller went on.
DeWitt C. Baldwin, director of
Lane Hall, will serve as resident
adviser for the house. Henry Van
Dyke, Grad., has been selected to
be house parent.
BALDWIN HAS had long ex-
perience with this type of project
through his founding the Lisle
The next project on the
group's schedule is an interna-
tional house for girls. "There's
a good chance that this may be
established by next September,"
Miller said.
The committee plans to con-
tinue founding these houses until
there are several of them on cam-
pus, Miller indicated.
He said the house, which will
be named later, has not yet been
filled. He directed anyone inter-
ested in applying for a room to
write Don Haskel, c/o Lane Hall,
giving his reasons for desiring res-
ALL FURTHER choices will be
made on the basis of these letters.
Most of the vacancies for stu-
dents from the Pacific countries
and Africa have been filled, but
there is room for a few Latin
American men and a large num-
her of Europeans.
The project got its start about
three years ago, when some of the
veterans coming back to school
decided to take a crack at working
out the problem of international
understanding on a practical basis
at the campus level.
* * *
AFTER GOING into many pos-
sibilities they decided an inter-
national house was the best way
to accomplish what they wanted
to do, Miller continued.
The group gradually grew until
last spring it won recognition
from the Student Affairs Commit-
The group's main problem, how
to finance the purchase of a house,
was solved when it received the
backing of a Detroit foundation.
Vote Comes
After Second
Acheson Talk
Passes Despite
can critics of the Administration's
hands-off Formosa policy scored a
point yesterday as the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee agreed
to call the nation's defense chiefs
to testify on the island's strategic
Over strong opposition fromk
Chairman Connally (D-Tex), the
Committee voted to summon Sec-
retary of Defense Johnson and
Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to give
their views Jan. 26 on ormosa's
military importance.
* *e *
THIS action came after Secre-
tary of State Acheson had made
his. second appearance before the
group this week to defend the Ad,
ministration decision not to supply
any further arms help to Chiang
Kai Shek's forces in their last-
ditch stand against the Chinese
Senate Republicans , however,
have been clamoring for U.S.
intervention to keep the 225-
mile long island stronghold from
falling to the Chinese Reds.
They further have been de-
manding a first-hand report from
the military leaders on how For-
mosa figures in this country's de-
fense planning.
CONNALLY twice rebuffed a
request from Senator Knowland
(R-Calif.) for testimony by the
defense chieftains. But yesterday
he lost out when the matter was
put to a vote test.
Knowland, while not a mem-
ber of the Foreign Relations
Committee, was permitted to sit
in on the Acheson sessions along
with three other Republican foes
of the Administration's China
* * *
Soviet Aid To
Reds Charged
By Nationaihsts
TAIPEI, Formosa - (P - The
Chinese Nationalists charged last
night that Russian advisers were
aiding Communist preparations
for an invasion of the Chusan Is-
lands, important Nationalist air-
The Nationalist defense minis-
try, which made the allegation,
said each Red division assigned
to the assault had four Russian
officers assigned to it. No other
details were supplied.
The Chusan (Chushan) Archi-
pelago, lies about 100 miles south
of Shanghai but the nearest is-
lands are only seven miles from
the mainland.
The Communists twice in the
last year have attempted to con-
quer or neutralize the islands but
have taken only two insignificant
islets near shore. Pro-Nationalist
reports said they were bloodily re-
pulsed on the others.
Nationalists To
Keep UN Seat
LAKE SUCCESS - (W) -Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister Jakob A.
Malik strode grimly out of the
UN Security Council again yester-
day after losing his fight to kick
out Nationalist China's delegation.
Malik said he would not come
back until the Nationalists headed
by Dr. T. F. Tsiang are ousted.
He said also the Soviet Union
would not recognize the legality
of any council decisions made with
Tsiang participating.
The Russian had walked out
Tuesdahv when the council refuse~d
WASHINGTON - (R) - A cau-
tiously worded report from the
Federal Bureau of Mines last night
said "some individual cases of
hardship" may result from an un-
even distribution of coal stocks
coupled with consumer demands
for certain types of coal.
The Bureau reported that coal
stocks in dealers' yards on Janu-
ary 1 averaged four days supply,
compared with a five-day aver-
age supply a month earlier.
Music Meeting
Fetes Students
Featured in today's sessions of
the Fifth Annual Midwestern Con-
ference on School, Vocal and In-
strumental Music being held this
weekend is a special luncheon ses-
sion for University students who
plan to become music teachers.
Newell H. Long, president of
the North Central Division of the
Conference, will be on hand at
the noon meeting at the Masonic
Temple to discuss students' prob-
THE REPORT, however, did not
take issue with President Tru-
man's statement at his Thursday
news conference that there is noj
present national emergency in
The Bureau showed some op-
timism about the spot shortages
brought on by the United Mine
Workers' three-day work week
and a series of wildcat strikes in
scattered mines.
"As coal production and deliver-
ies continue, in most cases the sit-
uations can be alleviated," the
Bureau said in reporting on its
canvass of retail coal dealers for
the month of December.
* * *
IT REPORTED "substantial in-
creases" in the amount of soft coal
received by householders and oth-
er retail consumers during the last
four months of 1949, compared
with the corresponding period of
This official appraisal of the
coal situation came on the heels
of a statement by the U.S. Cham-
ber of Commerce that a real coal
emergency exists.
Department of Agriculture
To Donate Surplus Products
Agriculture Department is setting
up machinery for giving away
government stocks of surplus per-
ishable farm products.
The products can be given to
Federal agencies, public and pri-
vate relief agencies in this coun-
try and foreign relief organiza-
HANDLING the give-away job
will be the Department's far-flung
production and marketing ad-
ministration under the terms of
the 1949 Farm Act which went
into effect January 1. That act
authorizes donation of govern-
ment surpluses when they can no
longer be held without going to
So far, no specific commodity
has been put on the give-away
list. The Department has more
than $3,500,000,000 invested in
surpluses under farm price
support programs.
The bulk of these surplus
stocks are storable commodities
such as cotton, wheat, corn, to-
bacco, . soy beans, dried beans,
and other grain which can be
held for long periods. It is un-
likely that any of them will be
put on the donation list.
Commodixties hextDby the De-
partment which might fall even- onor Society
tually in the give-away class in-
clude: potatoes, dried eggs, dried Jniiaio
milk and butter. H as L IEU A AI[
Press Hinders Advance
Of U.S. Mental Ability
How has the world changed
in the last 50 years?
Where are we heading
in the next 50?
The average American is at an
eleven or twelve year old mental
level, and it is being consciously
kept there by the U.S. press and
radio, Leland Stowe, prominent
foreign correspondent and author,
told a jburnalism audience last
Stowe, who will speak again at
10 a.m. today in the Haven Hall
News Room, declared that "the
THE COMMITTEE consisted of
Lubeck, Mary Riggs, president of
Women's Judiciary and Robert
Shepler, member of Men's Judi-
Jeanne Lange, '51, was ap-
pointed vice-chairman; Stanley
Weinberger, '52, publicity chair-
man; Margaret Kennedy, '51,
features chairman; LaVerne
Schmitkons, '51, personnel
chairman and John Waidley,
'51, speakers chairman.
* * *
THE LIST concludes with Don-
ald Boerma, '50E, chairman of
other students; James L. Brown,
'51, Richard K. Johnson, '51E, and
Lois Eisele, '52A, members-at-
A11. 3
State Hospital
Plans Outlined
LANSING-(IP)-A $106,000,000
mental hospital construction pro-
gram was proposed yesterday by
the state Mental Health Commis-
The program, which has the ap-
proval of Governor Williams,
would add 13,250 beds over a 10-
year period.
The legislature will be asked
for $14,000,000 this year to get
the program underway. It is es-
timated the sum will add 2,040
new beds as an emergency mea-
sure to cut down on the long wait-
ing list of mental patients.
"Developments in recent his-
tory, which have pushed the U.S.
into the position of world lead-
ership," Stowe said, "have made
this need all the more pressing.
has not trained us as leaders,
Stowe indicated. Americans do
not understand the idea of equal-
ity - we generally believe that
what is American is best; what is
Budapest Quartet Gives Concert Tonight
Chi Epsilon Fraternity, honor
civil engineering society, held its
semi-annual installation, initia-
tion and banquet last night at the
Initiated were Lynn Barber,
Raymond Bruggink, Richard Byce,
Lawrence Chick, James Dilworth,
Gene Ellis, Earle Fleischmann,
Stephen Hall, Robert Hanes, Don-
ald Hill, Paul Hodges, Nelson Isa-
da, Frederick Lamson, Jack Mat-
son, Philip McCallister, and Rich-
ard Peters.
The list continues with Michael
Potter, Charles Querio, Otto
Schiesswohl, Arthur Schwartz,
Thomas Smith, Donald Templin,
Madan Uppal, Edward Vallorani,
Ralph Vogler, William Walker,
Stanford Wiggin, Sanger Westphal
and Carl Guse.
The Budapest Quartet will play
the second of a series of Chamber
Music Festival Concerts at 8:30
works brought forth the com-
ment, "outstanding of all rec-
ords t his seasn." from the New
THE RUSSIAN replacement be-
gan in 1927 when the second fid-
dler left and by 1932. there was