April 21, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 137) • Page Image 1
… would grow. Computer Center (NUBS) yesterday fternoon, all 75 Apple Macintosh and Some claimed it was the result of a Ontel terminals were in use. A computer science professors' plot to monitor said it…
…, Page 8. Daily Photo by DAN HABIB (17), and Dieter Heren (35) celebrate Jack Walker's fumble recovery in Saturday's spring intrasquad football game. Students suffer year- end computer crunch By MICHAEL…
… LUSTIG Mastering the art of under- statement, if not the art of time Procrastination is the name of the management, Bob Lazich, an LSA game in computer programming freshman who had been waiting for a…
… classes at the University. Students computer for two hours and faced who wait until the last minute may not another hour wait, said "I'll be here a pass through long lines - and they while." may not pass in…
… their programs. Most introductory computer THE situation was no less grim at programs are due tonight at midnight the Undergraduate Library computer and apparently most students waited center. While…
… Zenith computers were until this weekend to get on a ter- available in the early afternoon, 20 minal. people waited on line for Macintoshes and a monitor predicted the line AT THE North University Building…
… was the "businest day jam the centers and make them pay of the year. People are waiting three for procrastinating. to four hours for a terminal and then But Jerry Turner, a computer another 45 minute to…
… yester- the students to get started early." He day at the Union Computing Center added that the computing centers get she called her situation a "night- jammed because many students mare.' procrastinate…