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January 14, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-01-14

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, January 14, 1986

Vol. XCVI - No. 73

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Eight Pages

. . ................

'U' Council works on code compromise

Second of a two-part series
Fourteen months ago, with administrators and
students deadlocked in their negotiations about a code of
non-academic conduct on campus, University President
Harold Shapiro decided to wash his hands of the debate.
The University Council instead was called in to iron
out differences which have prevented University-wide
approval of the controversial code. Ironically, it was the
council that drafted the first four versions of the
proposed code, although the group is now composed of a
completely new set of students, faculty, and ad-
ministrators. All of the versions were rejected by the
Michigan Student Assembly, and the original conduct
rules University administrators claim are inadequate
have remained in place.

THE COUNCIL'S efforts have only recently begun
taking shape in the form of specific alternatives. With at
least two more months of work left, it appears the coun-
cil may not be allowed to finish. At least not without a
gun to its head.
Shapiro and members of the University's Board of
Regents have reportedly tired of the lack of tangible
results from the council. And Shapiro, according to
students on the council, has warned them he may bypass
the council and ask the regents to approve at least a
temporary code as soon as this week.
But whether or not this happens, the council seems to
be heading towards a compromise between the students'
demands and the six previous drafts of the code.
Students, it seems, have tempered their opposition to
any code of conduct. They are now asking why a code is
needed and agreeing to support rules if it is.

THUS FAR, students on the council have conceded
that the University should be able to take action in life-
threatening or dangerous situations. Whethercoun-
cilmembers will agree the University should be able to
act in other situations, such as civil disobedience,
remains to be seen.
The council has finished a preliminary draft of its
"emergency procedures," and is expected to finish
polishing it over the next couple of weeks.
According to the draft, once a dangerous situation
arises, a faculty member or administrator, serving as
the University's "central coordinator," would be
responsible for deciding what kind of immediate action
to take. For example, if a student threatens other
students in class, the coordinator would be able to bar
the student from the classroom until a hearing could be

A KEY TO the council's work, said Ann Hartman,
professor of social work and one of three faculty mem-
bers on the council, is that "we're not out to get anybody.
All we're concerned about is the safety of the University
According to previous drafts of the code, the only ac-
tion the University president or vice president for
student services, serving as the "central coordinator,"
could take would be to suspend the student from the
University until the hearing. The hearing would not have
to take place until a month after the suspension.
Under the council's version, the coordinator would not
be able to suspend or expel a student. "Any restriction
imposed," the council writes, "shall be in proportion to
the assessed risk and the minimum necessary to protect
See COUNCIL'S, Page 2


Law may slash
federal spending
WASHINGTON (AP) - An automatic $11.7 billion timistic economic assumptions, is expected to project a
reduction in the federal deficit under the budget- somewhat lower deficit figure than the congressional one.
balancing Gramm-Rudman law would force a 4.3 percent BUT AN administration official who also spoke on the
cut in domestic programs and a 4.9 percent cut for the condition he not be named said the OMB forecast would be
military on March 1, a White House spokesman said only slightly lower than the CBO one and would still come
Presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said the Office in "about $220 billion.
of Management and Budget sent orders out to all affected Both the CBO and OMB assembled their deficit data
federal agencies on Friday informing them of the based on economic conditions that prevailed in the nation
estimated cuts necessary to implement the new law. Friday.
Reagan will send agencies a list of detailed cuts next Under the Gramm-Rudman law, both budget offices
month. will submit their findings to the General Accounting Of-
THE CUTS are to be triggered if the estimated deficit fice, a congressional auditing and watchdog agency,
for 1986 - based on projections by the White House and which will come up with a final list of specific cuts later
congressional budget offices - top this year's Gramm- this month.
Rudman target of $172 billion by $20 billion or more. The GAO could change the cut percentages, although
A congressional budget official who spoke only on the congressional and administration officials say they do not
condition of anonymity said that the CBO forecast of the expect that will happen this year.
deficit likely will top $220 billion, far above the record $212 THE ACTUAL cuts will then be passed along to
billion set last year. President Reagan, who is required to issue an order on
The OMB projection, to be based on slightly more op- Feb. 1 detailing them.
'U' doctoral student to
reunite with Soviet spouse

One can hear the combination of ex-
citement and disdain in her voice as
she speaks of her ordeal. Excitement
that her husband finally, after more
than 4% years and seven denied ap-
plications, is being allowed to leave
the Soviet Union and join her in the
United States. And disdain for Soviet
officials who have ignored her
requests, just as they continue to

'I thought about the potential difficulties,
but I didn't think it could happen to us. I
don't think it should happen to anyone.'
-Sandra Gubin
University doctoral candidate


Chime time Doily Photo by DAN HABIB
Prof. William DeTurk, the University's carilloneur, chimes the "hour bell" in Burton Memorial Tower. The
carillon, comprised of 53 bells, was dismantled in August 1984 for renovation of the tower and to replace the
rusting bolts that held the bells in place. The tower clock will be set on Monday and bells will be played at noon.
'ecltronic note book'aisstuies

What kind of notebook is perfectly
legible and organized, but doesn't
have any pages?
The "electronic notebook."
Education Professor Robert Kozma
and John Van Roekel, director of the
University's Computer Aided
Engineering Network, have created
the new package of computer
programs called "The Learning Tool"
to help students improve their study

skills as well as their familiarity with
THE PACKAGE, which can be used
on any Apple Macintosh computer,
duplicates the learning process of the
human brain, according to Kozma.
Like the brain, the program uses
symbols to show relationships bet-
ween concepts and topics and
"notecards" to compile related
details in one place.
"It's exactly what happens in your

mind when you learn," Kozma said.
He and Van Roekel believe the elec-
tronic learning process can be adap-
ted to any subject taught in the
A POLITICAL science student,
Kozma said, could use the program to
depict graphically the relationships
between different politicial theories.
Through step-by-step instructions, the
program helps students set up
See 'U,' Page 5

ignore the pleas of other Americans
married to Soviet citizens.
Sandra Gubin, a 38-year-old doc-
toral candidate in political science at
the University, will be reunited next
Monday with her Soviet husband,
Aleksei Lodisev. Their reunion will be
the result of a Soviet "gesture" that
came on the eve of the Geneva sum-
mit allowing 10 Soviet citizens - eight
of whom were married to Americans
- to emigrate to the United States.
"We're pleased that these 10 were
allowed to leave, but we're not
pleased (because) everyone didn't get
out," Gubin said this week. "It is a
sign that the Soviets are making a
gesture (towards peace), but as long
as they violate the rights of a single
American, there are limitations
toward accomplishing that."
Gubin vows to continue fighting for
the release of dozens of other Soviet
citizens with American spouses

through her involvement in the
Divided Spouses Coalition, which she
helped form last fall. The coalition
has been lobbying American and
Soviet officials for the release of
Soviet spouses.
Gubin met her husband in 1981 when
she traveled to the Soviet Union on a
Fullbright-Hays Fellowship through
IREX - an exchange program for
scholars between the United States
and the Soviet Union - to do research
on her Ph.D. dissertation dealing with
"Soviet Policies Toward the Elderly."
"Shortly after arriving, I met
Aleksei, we dated, fell in love, and we
married April 17, 1981."
GUBIN'S VISA expired on July 3,
1981, and she had to return to the
United States. Lodisev, who is now 33,
applied to leave the Soviet Union for
the first time in August, 1981, and was
refused on December 30 of that year.
Lodisev lost his job as a computer
programmer soon after. Soviet of-
ficials rejected his following six ap-
Looking back, .Gubin says she
never thought her own husband would

be denied permission to leave his
country after their marriage.
"Eighty to ninety percent of the
Soviets who marry Americans are
allowed to leave after the first request
.. sure, I thought about the potential
difficulties, but I didn't think it could
happen to us. I don't think it should
happen to anyone."
"The Soviet government violated an
agreement it had with America," she
says, referring to the Helsinki Accor-
ds of 1975, in which the Soviet Union
and other nations pledged to reunite
divided families.
"It's just not acceptable!"
AND GUBIN didn't accept the
refusals. Instead, she began to
pressure Soviet officials in Moscow
and at the Soviet Embassy in
Washington, D.C. In mid-1983, she
started writing letters five days a
week to the Secretary-General of the
Communist Party, asking for her
husband's release. Every letter was
worded differently, she says.
Senators and congressmen from
See 'U', Page 3

How do you spell Khadafy?

vard's Near Eastern Language Department. Arabic
speakers "all read and write the same language,"
Thackston said. The differences develop in tran-
sliteration, he said, when Arabic script is rendered in
English. There also can be a major difference in the
sound of the spoken word from region to region,
Thaprgtonnsaid- nntinci that same Arahie sondsnrkcannot

consecutive year. Burns says the Second Annual
Magathon, sponsored by the World Organization of
Racing Maggots (WORM), is scheduled March 8-9 at
his Barney's Bar & Cafe in Seeley Lake. Last year's
inaugural event attracted international media atten-
tion. Burns says he expects even more interest this
year since the 1984 event was such a success. Including

AIDS: Opinion urges calm approach in the
wake of AIDS panic. See Page 4.
BLOSSOMING: Arts previews University
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