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January 08, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 56) • Page Image 6

… consulting firm has several intern positions available for the winter and spring/summer terms. This is a great opportunity to gain a total consulting office experience! Computer skills are required. Data entry…

…. We offer shift premium for midnights, membership & bus pass included. Call Chad @ 734/663-0536 ext. 250 or fill out appl. @ 350 S. Fifth Ave. EOE. FULL/PART TIME INTERVIEWERS Starting pay $7…

… Gratzi, Palio, Real Seafood Co., and The Chop House. Now hiring P/T reservations agent for weekdays, evenings, and weekends. Candidates must be articulate and detail- oriented. Basic computer knowledge a…

January 08, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 69) • Page Image 7

… respon- sible for the change in the libraries' printing process that requires patrons to log onto the computers before use. Courant added that he and the heads of many departments within the University…

… that people might say that the United States shouldn't assume that one bad apple spoils the whole bunch, but we're just tak- they're still human beings, and all human beings deserve to be treated with…

January 08, 2007 (vol. 117, iss. 71) • Page Image 7

… dealing with it for at least a year," he said. "That's one of the things the Computer Showcase is for." Fortunately for Apple owners, the technological malfunction doesn't affect Macintosh com- puters…

…. Tishhouse said Intel had already corrected the problem by the time Apple started using Intel processors in its computers last summer. Musbach's dilemma was never completely resolved. After visiting the…

…- ported the cause. "I tend to agree with the ladies in lavender," she said. -Dan Feldman contributed to this report WIRELESS From page LA afflicted computers to the show- case to be fixed. "We've been…

… showcase twice and installing two different drivers, her laptop still won't work. Computer Show- case employees said her computer might not be compatible with the University's wireless network, Musbach said…

…. Musbach said she thought the University should bear some responsibility for the compatibility problem. "Can't this be cut two ways?" she asked. Some computer owners have Monday, January 8, 2007 - 7A had…

… Under- graduate Library and the Graduate Library, so she decided to take her Dell laptop to the Computer Show- case. After installing the new drivers, she was able to use the wireless net- work. "It was…

January 08, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 69) • Page Image 11

… fas-paced Ameri- can lifestyle often leads us tolose touch with proper eating tech- nique, causing us to focus on the television or computer instead of our meal. Learning to cook for yourself also helps…

… in ciate dean of the School of Music, eens of most Apple laptops, Theatre and Dance and supervisor ly-empty dorm room and for Block M Records, "The term 'new music' in 'New Music on the Block' does…

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